Doubles Achievements Tournament (June) - Won by Pinoy Pwnage

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Doubles Achievements Tournament

For those of you already brainstorming potential teams to battle your way to victory, this is not your standard type of tournament. This tournament is instead based on an often-overlooked side of the tier, contributions. Each month, people will be able to compete for prizes with other users, with the 3 users with the highest point totals being eligible for a prize of their choice. The users will then be eligible to pick prizes in the order of their rank (1st place chooses first, 2nd place chooses 2nd, etc.). In order to earn points for this tournament, you have to complete achievements from those listed in the OP (see the rules for details). Keep in mind that repeated good performance in this tournament may also lead to badge consideration in the future.
  • First Taste - If you've been thinking about playing a few Doubles games but never bothered to try it, this is the achievement for you! Earn this by playing 20 games on the XY Doubles ladder. If you provide me with a screenshot of this then you can earn 1 point In addition, if you were recommended to the tier by someone else, they can also earn a point as well. Note, this achievement can only be earned by those new to the tier (whether you are new or not is decided at my discretion).
  • Graduating - Just as education is key to the lifeblood of a country, so is having people continually learning about tier key to the tier's continued development. For those who take the first step in learning more about the tier by completing a Battling 101 tutoring round in Doubles, they can expect to earn 1 point (their tutor needs to vouch for them completing the round though). Note, this achievement can only be earned once.
  • Endurance Run - This is not an achievement for the faint of heart, as the PS ladder can prove to be soul crushing for even the most steadfast of battlers. However, for those who can weather this trial, the reward is immense. This achievement is given for playing 100 battles on the XY Doubles ladder on a given alt while having at least a 1:1 W/L ratio. If you provide me with a screenshot of this then you can earn 2 points.
  • Top Dog - Think you're the best of the best? Time to prove it! This achievement is earned by hitting first place on the leaderboard. Can be earned by playing on Smogon Doubles ladder (this includes suspect ladders). If you provide me with a screenshot of this then you can earn 3 points.
  • King For a Day - While PS Doubles Room tournaments are designed to be more casual than their forum-based equivalent, that doesn't mean that the competition isn't fierce. With many eager battlers playing to claim victory, winning a tournament takes a good amount of skill, which is something we'd like to recognize. Winning a PS Room tournament will give you 1 point for each time you do it. Just link to a screencap of the win in your point sheet to receive points.
  • Killer - If a PS Room tournament is like a game of checkers, then a minitour is freakin chess. To win against the tier's best (who are all putting in time to ensure they win the minitour) requires a combination of great battle skills, rock-solid teambuilding skills, and nerves of steel. Thus, those who do it deserve recognition for such a victory. For winning a minitour, one stands to earn 2 points.
  • Champion - And if a minitour is chess, then a tournament is like three-dimensional chess on Star Trek. Not only are you competing against the best of this tier, you're also up against the best of other tiers as well, all looking to prove themselves. When you're up against some of the biggest names on the site, then going on to the end and winning is even more remarkable. For winning, one can earn 3 points.
  • Icebreaker - Doubles has a close and friendly community on IRC (we don't bite, I swear). Unfortunately, not many people take advantage of this to get to know us more and have great discussions on the Doubles metagame. This achievement aims to encourage new users to join us :) All you have to do to earn it is swing by #doubles or the PS Doubles Room and chat. If it's your first time chatting there (or you're just new to the community, which will be decided at my discretion), you will earn 1 point.
  • Patent Pending - Ever had a good idea for a project but weren't sure how to implement it? If so, this is the achievement for you! To earn this, simply message me with your idea and the details of it. If it is greenlighted and used, you'll receive 1 point. These ideas must be unique however, so don't just PM me saying we need a Doubles version of an existing forum project and expect to get points (although input is always welcome).
  • 3x Your Mass - One of the things that keeps a forum running is the projects within it. It often takes plenty of work to host a tournament or forum project, so we've decided such work should be recognized. To earn this achievement, you must host a successful Doubles tournament or forum project (for forum projects get approval from a Doubles leader first). For doing so, you can earn 3 points. Consistently doing a good job with hosting projects could lead to consideration for a Ladybug or Community Contributor badge.
  • Refining Fire - With the new XY metagame come many teams from players looking to improve. However, they often don't get any rates at all, and when they do the raters are usually not experienced in the metagame. However, if you perform a quality rate then you are eligible for points. If it was, link to it in your point sheet and you can look to earn 1 point. Continuously earning this achievement might even lead to consideration for the Team Rater badge!
  • Sharing the Wealth - Many new people find the process of making their own team for the first time to be very intimidating, and often are unable to build effective teams. The Sample Teams thread aims to solve this by having a compendium of easily accessible teams for people to use, but such a thread is not possible without people willing to create and share great teams for others to use. For having a team you made added to the Sample Teams thread, you can earn 1 point. NOTE: Having a team added to the Sample Teams section of either the Doubles Ubers or Doubles UU thread also counts for the point.
  • Master Craftsman - While people think that an RMT is only good if it has made it into the RMT Archive or is showcasing a team that has won a tournament, there's much to be said for an RMT for the purpose of actually seeking improvement on a team. Outside of allowing raters to rate and people to have teams to steal, RMTs are one of the best ways to spread ideas on sets and team styles throughout the community. and a good RMT can be an invaluable resource to someone looking to see how the tier works. In honor of this, we'd like to grant 2 points to those who create a well-presented and well articulated Doubles RMT.
  • Making History - In the flood of Doubles RMTs there are few good ones that stand out. Among those, there are even fewer worthy of being in the RMT archive. The RMT archive is a place where the evolution of the tier can be documented. Creating a team that gets put there often takes a good amount of skill and dedication, and those who do should be rewarded. Thus, if you create a Doubles team that gets put in the XY RMT Archive, you can earn 3 points.
  • Mover and Shaker - One of the main parts of a tier is suspect voting. It is here where capable players get a chance to influence the direction of a tier through deciding what is added/removed to the Doubles tier. Voting in a suspect test requires a good amount of effort and skill. As such, 2 points will be given to anyone who votes in a Doubles suspect test (suspect voting will also count towards a Tiering Contributor badge).
  • Spreading the Knowledge - Many new players look to material published in Smogon's competitive Pokemon analyses as a source of knowledge on how to most effectively use a Pokemon. These analyses are not only important, but few are written and they require plenty of effort on the part of the writer as well as knowledge in the field at hand. Thus, if you write an analysis and get it to completion, expect something in the way of 3 points for your labors.
  • Flyswatter - Right now XY is up and running on PS pretty well. However, PS isn't perfect. There may be some Doubles moves and mechanics which aren't implemented properly and need to be fixed. Oftentimes Singles players aren't particularly interested in these mechanics and don't notice these flaws. That's where you come in. Simply report an unreported Doubles bug fix with a link to the post in your point sheet and you can be rewarded 1 point. If the bug ends up getting fixed, note it in your point sheet and you can receive a bonus point.
  • Raconteur - With the advent of the replay, the art of making a good warstory is all but lost here on Smogon. While replays are more convenient to view however, warstories cannot be beaten for their insight into the mind of the player, view into a tier, and their entertainment value. We'd like to encourage the making of good warstories by offering 2 points for them (exceptionally well made warstories are eligible for a bonus point). Simply PM/VM me with a link to your warstory and if it's good I'll give you points. If you haven't written one before or are unsure of how to make a quality one, simply consult this Smog article for tips. Good luck :)
  • Ace Reporter - One of the most important things to the life of a tier is having new players try it out. This is especially true for Doubles given the fact that it's a newer tier. However, the only way for people to try a tier out is if they know about it, making Smogon articles in The Smog and The Competitor very important. For writing a Doubles articles in The Smog or The Competitor, you can earn 3 points. Just put a link to it in your point sheet for verification purposes.
  • Ponzi Scheme - The best way to grow Doubles is to actively recruit people. Like any other tier, the users are the lifeblood of Doubles. Getting a user from a casual spectator to an active contributor to the tier can be hard work though, so those that help people make this transition deserve recognition. If someone got you to join Doubles and you end up with at least 3 points on the overall leaderboard, have them put your name in their point sheet. They get 1 point. You get the satisfaction of helping a friend. NOTE: You can only get points for recruiting a person once, so you can't resubmit the same name every month when they hit 3 points.
  • Master of Ceremonies - Smogcasts are a great way for people to gain more knowledge on what's going on in a tier. However, it's not as easy as the participants make it look. Doing well in a live cast requires plenty of dedication, metagame knowledge, and charisma. Thus, appearing in a Doubles-related Smogcast will earn you 2 points. Earning this achievement multiple times could also lead to consideration for the Smogon Media badge.
  • Picasso in Training - Art makes everything prettier, including our forum. While anyone could pick up a pencil, not any user can make a visual masterpiece for the site. For making an art piece for a Doubles project or article, you get 2 points. Simply link to the place where the image was used. Note that continued art submissions can go towards an Artist badge.
  • Helpful Critic - At the PS Room, there's always cool stuff being planned to try and help you, the player. But we don't always know what you'd like (despite how much we might try to). Thus, the only way for us to know is if you tell us. For giving helpful feedback about the PS Doubles Room in this thread, you can earn 1 point for yourself and help make the experience of everyone that goes there a little bit better.
  • A bonus point will be given to 3 people at the end of the month in one of each of these categories:
    • Most positive presence on the forum
    • Most positive presence on IRC
    • Most positive presence in the PS room

  • First Taste - If you're new and play 20 games on the ladder, take a screenshot to earn 1 point.
  • Graduating - Once you complete a tutoring round in Doubles, you earn 1 point.
  • Endurance Run - Play 100 games on the ladder (with at least a 1:1 win ratio) and take a screenshot of it to earn 2 points.
  • Top Dog - Get 1st place on the ladder and screenshot it for 3 points.
  • King For a Day - Win a PS Room tournament and give proof to earn 1 point.
  • Killer - Win a minitour and earn 2 points for it.
  • Champion - Win a tournament and earn 3 points for it.
  • Icebreaker - If you chat in #doubles or the PS Doubles Room and it's your first time, you can earn 1 point.
  • Patent Pending - If you send in a cool project idea and it's used by us, we'll give you 1 point.
  • 3x Your Mass - For hosting a successful forum tournament/project you get 3 points.
  • Refining Fire - For giving a quality team rate you earn 1 point for each rate.
  • Sharing The Wealth - If you have a team accepted into the Sample Team thread, you get 1 point.
  • Master Craftsman - Making a great RMT earns you 2 points.
  • Making History - If your RMT is accepted into the RMT Archive, you get 3 points.
  • Mover and Shaker - For voting in a Doubles suspect test, you get 2 points.
  • Spreading the Knowledge - For writing a Doubles analysis, you get 3 points.
  • Flyswatter - For reporting Doubles related bugs on PS, you get 1 point for each one you report.
  • Raconteur - For making a cool warstory, you can earn 2 points. Use this to get started.
  • Ace Reporter - Make a Doubles related Smog article or Competitor article and you can earn 3 points for each one.
  • Ponzi Scheme - If someone got you to join this tournament and you earn at least 3 points in a month, mention their name in the point sheet so they get 1 point.
  • Master of Ceremonies - Being in a Doubles related Smogcast will get you 2 points.
  • Picasso in Training - For making an art piece for a Doubles related project or article, you get 2 points.
  • Helpful Critic - Give good feedback in the PS Doubles Room thread to earn 1 point.

The rules:
  • Each round lasts until the end of the month.
  • In order to earn points, people must complete achievements out of those listed.
  • To sign up, one must make a post stating that they wish to sign up for that month.
  • Their signup post is also where they'll keep track of their points.
  • Anything you're trying to claim points for must have been done in the month you're competing in (for example you can't claim points in June for a Smog article that was published in May)
  • Be sure to try and link to some form of verification when reporting your achievements.
  • Put your points sheet in hide tags please.
  • The top 3 users on the leaderboard at the end of the month will be able to each choose a prize in order of their rank (person who's #1 picks first, etc.). Once a person has chosen a prize for the month, the remaining users who get to choose cannot also choose that prize for the month.
  • If you need any help figuring out how you could go about accomplishing any of these achievements, feel free to pm/vm me or another mod for help.
  • I reserve the right to deny a claim on points at my discretion.

i'm signing up (june)
total points - 7
first taste - 1
Ace Reporter x2 - 6
link for ace reporter
other link for ace reporter
Prizes (choose one of the following):
  • A $5 e-gift card to one of the following stores: Amazon, Applebee's, Starbucks, Burger King, GameStop, IHOP, Toys R Us
  • Temporary hops on IRC & drivers on the PS Doubles Room*
  • A flawless Pokemon of choice
  • The ability to have a custom PS avatar**
* Temporary status lasts for a duration of 3 weeks from the time it is received. This prize is not eligible to those with a problematic history on either IRC or the Doubles Room (problematic history determined at my discretion)
** This prize is only available bimonthly from the time it is chosen, meaning that if it is selected one month, it will not be listed as an option the next month)

Leaderboard (June):
  1. Pinoy Pwnage - 34 points
  2. Audiosurfer - 24 points
  3. LightningLuxray- 22 points
  4. BLOOD TOTEM - 20 points
  5. AuraRayquaza - 18 points
  6. KyleCole - 10 points
  7. Lolk - 9 points
  8. Electrolyte - 8 points
  9. srk1214 - 7 points
  10. Blizzard, fangame10, finally, Level 51 - 5 points
  11. AegisCave, Krauersaut, Memoric, Steeljackal<3, Sunni. - 3 points
  12. Bazmur, Benja299, Vyrel - 2 points
  13. Dashspin, kiraryuk, WPE Sasiwa - 1 point
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I'm excited for this Achievement Tour, definitely in. :]

Total Points - 34

Refining Fire (11 times):
11 points
Trapping to victory:a smogon doubles rmt
Plain and Sporing - Doubles standard team
The Terror of Charizard Y: A 600th Post RMT
Skies and Sands: Thundurus + Sand Offense
Mega-Shrimp and good stuff
Not An Ubers Team
Level 52: Next Level Teambuilding
X and Y Double Battle Team Help?
Blazing Moon
Sun Offense - Featuring Gardevoir!
My First Doubles Team >~<

Top Dog (3 times): 9 points
peaked #1 again.PNG peaked #1 yet again.PNG peaked #1 third time.PNG (peaked #1 on 2nd Suspect Ladder and original Smogon Doubles Ladder as "WPE Pinoy Pwnage"; peaked #1 on original Smogon Doubles Ladder as "WPE Pinoy Pwnage 2" alt)

Endurance Run (3 times): 6 points
100 battles.PNG 100 battles again.PNG 100 battles yet again.PNG (reached 100 battles on 2nd Suspect Ladder and original Smogon Doubles Ladder as "WPE Pinoy Pwnage"; reached 100 battles on original Smogon Doubles Ladder as "WPE Pinoy Pwnage 2" alt)

Mover and Shaker (1 time): 2 points
Doubles Stage 3 Suspect Voting

King For a Day (6 times): 6 points

image.jpg (won Smogon Doubles Wildcard Single Elimination Room Tournament)

i won.PNG (won Smogon Doubles Standard Single Elimination Room Tournament; wasn't scheduled, but was started at Electrolyte's discretion due to the fact there were 35-40 users in the room)

i won again.PNG (won Smogon Doubles Standard Single Elimination Room Tournament; wasn't scheduled, but was started at Audiosurfer's discretion as there were 35-40 users in the room)

i won yet again.PNG (won Smogon Doubles Standard Single Elimination Room Tournament; wasn't scheduled, but was started at finally's discretion as there were 30 users in the room)

i won yet again bro.PNG (won Smogon Doubles Standard Single Elimination Room Tournament; wasn't scheduled, but was started at finally's discretion as there were 35 users in the room)

i won again lol.PNG (won Smogon Doubles Standard Single Elimination Room Tournament)
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I'd rather be sleeping
is a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
since my prizes are mad decent ill be in too
refining fire x7 - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th
3x your mass x1 - this project lol
spreadin the knowledge: ludicolo, bisharp, suicune
sharing the wealth x2 - doubles ubers, doubles uu
Ponzi scheme - steeljackal<3, krauersaut, lolk
total: 24 pts
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omg I'm so joining this next month, I cant now in June because I just started working and I've been really busy imo.

Is this the thread where we sing up?


I'd rather be sleeping
is a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
omg I'm so joining this next month, I cant now in June because I just started working and I've been really busy imo.

Is this the thread where we sing up?
yes, it is. also there's no point in not signing up, you're not /obligated/ to do anything the way you are with a normal tour, so it's only to your benefit to have a place to claim credit for your work


My heart has now been set on love
um for endurance run does it all have to be on 1 ladder or could it be over multiple ?_?

Pocket EDIT: The 100 ladder games should be from one alt

Points sheet - June (18 points)
Mover and shaker (2)
Refining fire (6) here, here, here, here, i spent ages on this one, here
Endurance Run (2) Screenshot at bottom
Spreading the Knowledge (6) Keldeo, Conkeldurr
Sharing the wealth (1) my ubers doubles team
King for a day (1) June 19th. Dubs UU

Also, i know 68 battles were done on the suspect ladder, but i promise they were all done this month. No bs, i swear.


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in it to win it

If I get BlankZero to come back does he count as a new user :]
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I'd rather be sleeping
is a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Yes This is WPE Sasiwa that won the tournament. Just to say that WPE Pinoy Pwnage recuited me. Sorry for the long wait on the achivement. Have to create an account to this.
Yes This is WPE Sasiwa that won the tournament. Just to say that WPE Pinoy Pwnage recuited me. Sorry for the long wait on the achivement. Have to create an account to this.
Yeah, Sasiwa is new, but he got the achievement "King For a Day" for one point. :] Congrats on winning the Doubles room tour, man!


I'd rather be sleeping
is a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Yes This is WPE Sasiwa that won the tournament. Just to say that WPE Pinoy Pwnage recuited me. Sorry for the long wait on the achivement. Have to create an account to this.
Ok Sasiwa, nice to have you :) just make a point sheet as shown in the OP and list it there
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