Recent content by B. [R]

  1. One of the best to ever do it. - B. Rizzo

    One of the best to ever do it. - B. Rizzo
  2. You were one of the best ever. - B. Rizzo

    You were one of the best ever. - B. Rizzo
  3. You take a sabbatical, you find out things about your life, you find happiness, and then you...

    You take a sabbatical, you find out things about your life, you find happiness, and then you play pokemon. It all comes full circle.
  4. Limitless, retired from competitive Pokemon.

    Limitless, retired from competitive Pokemon.
  5. Wooper used ice butt!

    Oh yeah bro, it's called Lucario. Boy ain't he something?
  6. Smogon Tournament #9 - Round 1

    Idk if you're still accepting sub, but count me in.
  7. I miss you miguel.

    I miss you miguel.
  8. East dude, but why didn't you tell me that Smogon 6 was going on. You knew that I was waiting...

    East dude, but why didn't you tell me that Smogon 6 was going on. You knew that I was waiting for it.
  9. Kid, you are of legendary status.

    Kid, you are of legendary status.
  10. Songs you're sick of hearing

    Anything found on the majority of the Rap/Hip-Hop radio stations broadcasting. As for other genres, it doesn't really matter, because all I usually listen to are CDs
  11. PS3

    If your a fighting game fan... Tekken 6 Viruta Fighter 5 Super Street Fighter 4 (which will be out soon) Blazblue (as mentioned before) Dragonball Z Raging Blast (if your into that kind've thing) Racing Gran Turismo 5 (The only one worth playing) Need for Speed Shift I recommend the other...
  12. Best games of 2009

    Tekken 6, that is all.
  13. Left 4 Dead 2

    I played it for the first time 2 days ago, it was on point. The two things I hate most are the boomers and the friggen witches, augh...
  14. Smogon: Why you came here and why you stayed

    My story is way to long, but to make it short. I've realized that Netbattle is a complete shithole, and I want to absolutely rid myself of it. This place seems to have nice people, so why not?
  15. What's your favorite book? Why?

    The Dragons of Eden