Recent content by clawyf

  1. It completely slipped from my mind while we were playing but tournament games are technically...

    It completely slipped from my mind while we were playing but tournament games are technically supposed to be played on the smogtours server instead of the main showdown site. I think it will be fine but for your future games use this link: And be sure to save your...
  2. The LC Open XI - Round 1-C

    Yes, exactly.
  3. You can include replay links if you want, too. I have them saved and I'll link them here too but...

    You can include replay links if you want, too. I have them saved and I'll link them here too but since I won't fight you on the result it doesn't matter 1: 2: 3...
  4. Post in this thread saying you won your match against me.

    Post in this thread saying you won your match against me.
  5. The LC Open XI - Round 1-C

    You don't need to do anything, as long as your attempt to contact your opponent was public. If your opponent doesn't reply they forfeit the tournament
  6. Alright cool. My showdown name is also clawyf if you want to send a challenge

    Alright cool. My showdown name is also clawyf if you want to send a challenge
  7. I'm ready whenever you are. I'll be on at the scheduled time too if your plan is still to wait...

    I'm ready whenever you are. I'll be on at the scheduled time too if your plan is still to wait until then
  8. That would work

    That would work
  9. Yeah, no problem. Pick a time and I should be able to make it.

    Yeah, no problem. Pick a time and I should be able to make it.
  10. If you want to get this done tonight I can play anywhere from an hour from now till the end of...

    If you want to get this done tonight I can play anywhere from an hour from now till the end of the night.
  11. The LC Open XI - Round 1-C

    Read the tourney scheduling guidelines. It says to tag the host and your oppt's @ (in this thread) and request that user make their page public.
  12. Hey, it looks like I'm your opponent on the LC Open. I'm in US MDT (GMT-6). I can play any...

    Hey, it looks like I'm your opponent on the LC Open. I'm in US MDT (GMT-6). I can play any evening this week and I should be fairly flexible