Recent content by DatOddish

  1. It's okay lol. A shiny is a shiny in the end, even if it's a fat green blob!

    It's okay lol. A shiny is a shiny in the end, even if it's a fat green blob!
  2. You are welcome! Thanks for the Swalot too!

    You are welcome! Thanks for the Swalot too!
  3. Eduardo.

  4. I'm on right now.

    I'm on right now.
  5. Sure! Adding right now.

    Sure! Adding right now.
  6. Sure, sorry for taking this long to reply, just added you. Whenever you see me online we can trade.

    Sure, sorry for taking this long to reply, just added you. Whenever you see me online we can trade.
  7. There you go! At least you got a Malamar nickname out of that. Also, keep up the videos, man!

    There you go! At least you got a Malamar nickname out of that. Also, keep up the videos, man!
  8. Oh, that's nice. Fine, hatching it now!

    Oh, that's nice. Fine, hatching it now!
  9. Yeah, that's me. So, it's a Malamar?

    Yeah, that's me. So, it's a Malamar?
  10. It's fine. Want a nickname?

    It's fine. Want a nickname?
  11. Mine is 1521-3803-4036

    Mine is 1521-3803-4036
  12. Yup! Sure, gonna get online and add you in around half an hour if it's good for you. btw, wasn't...

    Yup! Sure, gonna get online and add you in around half an hour if it's good for you. btw, wasn't really expecting to see a message from someone I usually see in my subbox lol
  13. You're welcome, got pretty good ivs as well! Sorry for taking so long btw.

    You're welcome, got pretty good ivs as well! Sorry for taking so long btw.
  14. Sorry about that. btw, would it be fine if I checked some eggs of my own before trading the...

    Sorry about that. btw, would it be fine if I checked some eggs of my own before trading the shiny back?
  15. Yup.
