Recent content by Jfaun

  1. I'm ready whenever now, challenge me on smogtours when you're good to go

    I'm ready whenever now, challenge me on smogtours when you're good to go
  2. I'll be ready in 10 minutes then, I'm Jfaun on Smogtours

    I'll be ready in 10 minutes then, I'm Jfaun on Smogtours
  3. If you can't do today I'm also free this weekend in the afternoons

    If you can't do today I'm also free this weekend in the afternoons
  4. Good with me, my tag is Jfaun on Smogtours, see you then.

    Good with me, my tag is Jfaun on Smogtours, see you then.
  5. No problem, and thanks!

    No problem, and thanks!
  6. Hey, we're paired for the ADV ssnl, I'm GMT-5. I'm free most evenings my time, let me know when...

    Hey, we're paired for the ADV ssnl, I'm GMT-5. I'm free most evenings my time, let me know when you can play.
  7. Hey, I'm also GMT-5, would you be free Thursday at 7PM?

    Hey, I'm also GMT-5, would you be free Thursday at 7PM?
  8. DPP DPP OU Winter Seasonal #6 - Round 2

    Calling act, posted on opponents wall Tuesday, no response since then, can't play on Sunday.
  9. ADV ADV OU Winter Seasonal #6 - Round 2

    Act, Posted on opponents wall Tuesday, still no response, won't be able to play tomorrow.
  10. DPP DPP OU Winter Seasonal #6 - Round 2

    Contacted my opponent yesterday, no response yet.
  11. ADV ADV OU Winter Seasonal #6 - Round 2

    Contacted opponent yesterday, no response yet.
  12. Hey, we're matched for Dpp seasonal, I'm GMT-5, let me know what day you can play.

    Hey, we're matched for Dpp seasonal, I'm GMT-5, let me know what day you can play.
  13. Hey, we're matched for the ADV seasonal. I'm in GMT-5 time zone, let me know what day you can play.

    Hey, we're matched for the ADV seasonal. I'm in GMT-5 time zone, let me know what day you can play.
  14. Hey, something came up and I don't think I can reschedule, you can take the win.

    Hey, something came up and I don't think I can reschedule, you can take the win.
  15. Hey, I'm free to play Thursday at 5PM your time if that works for you?

    Hey, I'm free to play Thursday at 5PM your time if that works for you?