Recent content by mikeeeey

  1. Hi Birkal, I've been inactive on the forums for quite a few years and it's changed a lot so I...

    Hi Birkal, I've been inactive on the forums for quite a few years and it's changed a lot so I have no idea what I'm doing. Basically I came on to find my old trade thread which had all my bred and traded Pokemon IV's and EV's from the DPPt days. I can't seem to find this or any of my other...
  2. Tasse du Wyoming autour de 2!

    Not sure if it translated properly.. but what is meant by Hook of the winner and Hook of the loser? Not sure how I made the loser list if my last opponent hasn't been active for 8 days whereas I have??
  3. The Wyoming Tournament Round 1! (So I lied)

    Me and boyangfriday had been attempting to get our match done for a while before last week but it seems that he hasn't been on the last 5 days which explains why he didn't reply to my most recent message.
  4. [Wi-Fi Tournament] Exploring new UU! (Round 1)

    Yeeah.. I forgot about it xD GG
  5. Back to the Basics[RBY Tournament] Round 1

    stone_cold22 told me that he forfeits due to lack of time.
  6. Back to the Basics - Sign-Ups [RBY Tournament]

    Ok then.. I downloaded it and played around a bit. Sign Me up :D
  7. Pinch me I'm dreaming! Is it... The Wyoming Tournament?! WHY YES IT IS!

    How much participants will there be :|
  8. Back to the Basics - Sign-Ups [RBY Tournament]

    Don't most people use shoddy? Can we use that too?? If we can then I want in.. if we can't, let me know so I look into NetBattle.
  9. Pinch me I'm dreaming! Is it... The Wyoming Tournament?! WHY YES IT IS!

    I love Random.. I often play it on shoddy so I want in. If I can't be in, can I at least be a sub?
  10. The Tournament of Thieves - Round 2

    Thanks for letting me know before I used it xD
  11. The Tournament of Thieves - Round 2

    It should also be noted that SoT's glory team failed me. LOL But I'm sure it was better back in the day against chomps since it had 3 chomp counters xD
  12. Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    I did re-post it there. I didn't realise I posted in this thread.. I looked in the DMP thread to find it wasn't there so I searched my posts and found it for some reason here. LOL
  13. Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    I've spent 2 hours on this and need help deciding. I had a Japanese Shedinja with a ditto. Shedinja x/x/x/x/x/x Ditto x/31/x/x/x/31 I thought I might as well do an easy Shiny Hasty Shedinja. A 1/17 chance of nincada having x/31/x/x/x/31 I've been hatching in Old Chateau for a while...