Recent content by noobcubed

  1. noobcubed

    We still doing this?

    We still doing this?
  2. noobcubed

    sure, I will probably lose but w/e

    sure, I will probably lose but w/e
  3. noobcubed

    Just a reminder we haven't battled yet, I am available any evening, daylight savings time ended...

    Just a reminder we haven't battled yet, I am available any evening, daylight savings time ended this weekend so I'm actually GMT now.
  4. noobcubed

    Any time this weekend, I am GMT+1

    Any time this weekend, I am GMT+1
  5. noobcubed

    btw Fire Punch Deoxys is definitely a thing...

    btw Fire Punch Deoxys is definitely a thing...
  6. noobcubed

    Just message me when you're ready

    Just message me when you're ready
  7. noobcubed

    Sure whenever works, can leave it until the weekend if you need the time

    Sure whenever works, can leave it until the weekend if you need the time
  8. noobcubed

    Okay looks like you are east coast, are you available late afternoon at all? I'm GMT so you'd...

    Okay looks like you are east coast, are you available late afternoon at all? I'm GMT so you'd have an advantage playing me when I'm about to go to sleep!
  9. noobcubed

    Gen 5 RoA Spotlight Tournament: BW Ubers [Won by The Dovahneer]

    in if I haven't missed the deadline
  10. noobcubed

    Hiya, still lurking occasionally, came back to see what people were saying about SwSh

    Hiya, still lurking occasionally, came back to see what people were saying about SwSh
  11. noobcubed

    Little things you like about Pokémon

    Porygon's laggy "walking" animation in Let's Go is genuinely hilarious. I first saw it on a Youtube video and genuinely though my internet was struggling for a couple of seconds, before I got the joke...
  12. noobcubed

    Typing: The Mod

    I like it :)
  13. noobcubed

    Typing: The Mod

    Also, I think it's dumb to have different moves called Food Frenzy and Feeding Frenzy (tbh Feeding Frenzy was the phrase I was looking for too, but I temporarily forgot English). I'm suggesting Overcook as an alternative name for Food Frenzy (as the move is an analogue of Overheat).
  14. noobcubed

    Unpopular opinions

    Also I'm in firm agreement with Martin about the amount of luck being just right from a PvP perspective. In the long run it evens itself out; in individual games it keeps interest alive towards the end, when a lucky break could turn around what looks like a foregone conclusion.