Recent content by Tsubotsubo

  1. You are one of the most helpful dudes i've seen on this site. I really appreciate the teamrate...

    You are one of the most helpful dudes i've seen on this site. I really appreciate the teamrate and I've improved alot just from reading your comments on other people's teams
  2. It's Gettin' Hot In Here..

    Hello all! Today I have for you my first 5th gen RMT. This is my second team in general, and my last was a 4th gen UU stall team, so my experience with EV spreads is minimal to say the least. I have fun with this team, running some original (at least I think) sets. The central idea of this team...
  3. The First UU Team Ever Created

    i'm with you charmander, from the games ive tried it the scarf its suprisingly useful
  4. The First UU Team Ever Created

    Hello friends! This is the first team I have ever made. Here you are: Feel free to suggest new pokemon; I do not mind if you infringe upon my underlying color scheme. Team At a Glance... _______________________________________ Pink Dog on Two Legs with Ears (Ambipom) (F) @ Silk...