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I do hope you'll forgive me for taking bits and pieces of your inspirational speech; it is not out of spite, but purely out of respect of your eloquent ways.
Hi castaways and thanks for dropping by; I have read through the elegant piece of art that you have constructed. It makes me glad that my input and a subtle avatar could bring about such a colossal change in someone's life. You say I have inspired you, but the truth of the matter is, and this is in fact quite ironic, but reading comments like yours is what inspires me in the first place to perform more.
How flattering of you to say! In that case, it may interest you that all of my future hopes and aspirations were built on the foundation of your very method of conveying language. Indeed, it has truly been a life-changing experience, and although it may appear that what you have accomplished thus far has had no tangible effect or outwardly praise, I would encourage you to continue in your future endeavors in this pursuit of happiness
Thank you for your input. I am by no means an expert, but rather a novice aspiring towards opulence. It is also quite apparent that I am not in solitude, as my expedition is accompanied by juvenile writers like yourself. If it isn't a problem, I'd be delighted to unravel what young aspiring minds like yours ruminate, as to me, it is a big revelation to assimilate that someone takes deep interest in my work.
Your unflattering opinion of yourself offends my very nature; beauty is held within the eye of the beholder, as colloquial phrases and people like often express. It is for this very reason that your self-image should be boosted. Although I am not fond of making comparisons between two seemingly unrelated objects, it is apparent that, as the most convenient mean possible, it will effectively interpret your utmost highest standard of writing.
It is very discourteous of you to denigrate my hard work. You say I am pompous, but the very veracity of the matter is that you are overconfident in your abilities, which might only prove to be detrimental to your fate. It also baffles me that you would commit the misdemeanor of juxtaposing two minds, completely dissimilar in behavior. My advice to you? Reconsider your priorities, right now the best for you is to assimilate and grow mature, before critiquing those who are literally on the peak of prosperity.
Excuse my often unconventional method of speech, if you may. I had no intention of degrading both yourself and myself to the level that you have just described. For that, I apologize, I had no malicious intention. Futhermore, I willingly submit that both your quality and thought processes are superior to that of mine. Of course, I will do as you say, as it appears the best course of action for both parties involved in this matter .
I see, an oversight from both of us created a tremendous blunder, my apologies, well this has been a rather awkward set of events, hopefully we can still manage the pleasant bond that was shared during the start of this tête-à-tête.
More of my work can be found here - please follow my blog aswell.