Search results

  1. Soldiers Of The Wasteland

    Yes, epic Dragonforce song as title, anyways..... Hello everyone, Find__Tab here, you may know me for lurking smogon and talking about random shit nobody even cares about. (Despite me not using that account for a while now :P) This was originally a random team for me, but it somehow became...
  2. Trouble connecting onto shoddy.

    Hello. I am having troubles getting onto the servers on shoddy on my other computer meaning I have lost all my shoddy data and am stuck on my worse computer while having lost all my teams and such. It allows me to get on the welcome pages of Shoddy Servers, but will not allow me to get in...
  3. First UU RMT

    Team Phaze1 While never really being a big fan of standard, I quickly took a liking to the UU and NU tiers. When looking through rmt’s I found imperfectlucks. ?wtfruit? rmt amd I decided to make a UU stall team. I decided to post this team as it is my first ever effective stall team. The...