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  1. The crab that brutalizes things and stuff

    Hey everyone, I am here to bring up a rain team I have used to reasonable results. Trust me it is not boring to say the least. The teams goal is to get crawdaunt going for a late game sweep. It has a few bugs that need to be addressed and I hope I can get that here. Without any more wasting...
  2. The ballad of beat up Weavile

    Hello to everyone who sees this. This is my first bw2 team that I had a lot of fun using. I will admit that this team was not made carefully and just used some basic fundamentals, it didn't crash and burn and won a lot of fights, though sun teams have kicked it's ass every time and I don't know...
  3. So much sand and a puppy :D v2.0

    Hello everyone who reads this and welcome to another of my RMTs. This time I bring you an more stronger version of my most successful and creative team I use in ou "so much sand and a puppy :D." Before we begin, there is three things you should know if you’re giving a rate. 1. The team is...
  4. To be titled an awesome name (offensive OU team)

    Hey everyone, welcome to my fourth RMT. Well its time for another crack at the art of weather less warfare. The last one was balance this time it is an offensive team. This team got me out of the 800's back to the 1000's. (if you look now when it's not, It is because I have experimented with a...
  5. So much sand and a puppy :D

    Hey everyone and welcome to my third RMT. This time I decided to get into the sand. Yep a sand team. It has one me a decent amount of wins with the only losses were from me not being smart but it was fun and efficient on the win. Team at a glance In depth Hippowdown@leftovers...
  6. The noble light assault squad

    Hey there. This is my second rmt for the corps, The noble light force. This is the assault squad. The main team for this corps. The following pokemon are used and most are open for removal from this squad if you guys suggest something better. So without further ado let's get goin on this. Thanks...
  7. Noble light B-pass Devision

    Hey everyone. This is a baton pass team I made and tested and I wonder what everyone else thinks of it. Note this team does consist of lowerer tier pokemon. I like to see there use in the OU in my command and these all work pretty well. Also three pokemon have been competing for the sixth slot...