Search results

  1. SpeedStorm(OU RMT)(V:2.0)

    I've been out of the running after being totally anihilated on Shoddy time after time. I have been reading and learning all along the way, and now i shall make my reapearance from the shadows. This is the team I came up with and it has suprising succes, but I still need some help from you guys...
  2. SpeedStorm(OU RMT)

    I've been out of the running after being totally anihilated on Shoddy time after time. I have been reading and learning all along the way, and now i shall make my reapearance from the shadows. This is the team I came up with and it has suprising succes, but I still need some help from you guys...
  3. crobat set

    got an idea for a stall, dunno wether it will work out: Crobat@leftovers jolly ev dunno - meanlook - toxic - roost - fly might be good with taunt or something, but it can't learn more than 4 moves... can anyone give me hints, tips, ideas, and criticism, and i know, swords dance...