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  1. Aknolan


  2. Aknolan

    me: hits up with follow back

    me: hits up with follow back
  3. Aknolan


  4. Aknolan

    Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

    Since the new thing where you get a sort of highlight when something is said in a room while you don't actually get highlighted I've had a glitch when I'm on mobile, I use the chrome browser and when I get a PM I can't see it on my phone, I've tested it with both my phone and computer on and on...
  5. Aknolan

    hey UCN! o3o

    hey UCN! o3o
  6. Aknolan

    hi! .o/

    hi! .o/
  7. Aknolan

    amazing reaction time there :P

    amazing reaction time there :P
  8. Aknolan


    while that is a good idea, I do have a problem with that, I have seen people who have usernames like leeeeeeeeeroy or something similar and while I get it, it's stretching, they'd have to add special highlights for that and it's just strange if there's a leroy and a leeeeeeeeeroy for example.
  9. Aknolan


    I think that with /resist he means something else, like you want to know what resists the type you put in, for example /resist fighting would give you poison, flying, bug, psychic and ghost (though in a way that shows ghosts are immune)
  10. Aknolan


    Xlstevo, /whois doesnt work anymore for most people, it just shows if a user is online on that specific account. Instead you can try to just pm to the name to see though.
  11. Aknolan


    I think I remember the organizing of the rooms being suggested here
  12. Aknolan


  13. Aknolan


    every now and then I think about what move I'm going to use or what pokémon and 90 seconds just isn't enough for me whenever that happens, and there's also people who calc things so 90 seconds doesn't work out for some people who aren't actually timer stallers.
  14. Aknolan


    that would be a solution but sometimes they actually have a reason and then it still screws it up
  15. Aknolan


    I agree, I am used to the order in which I have the rooms so when I want to go to the lobby for example I know what button I should click and go there automatically, if that's different I get confused though
  16. Aknolan


    while that might be useful and I get why you want this there is a problem with this, you could keep clearing your ladder very easily and you would keep going back up very easily and win very easily etc. which wouldn't be fun for new players because you don't want good players showing up every...
  17. Aknolan


    well there's one thing about this, what do you want to have translated? if you want things like the teambuilder etc. then that'll probably work pretty well, if you mean the whole chat, well...that's complicated although I have seen it done before.
  18. Aknolan


    I agree with arikado and unfixable, it would be great if something would show you what you have on when you log in though, otherwise you might forget after a while and then you'll think "why don't people ever ask me things anymore?" or "why don't people challenge me anymore?" and that would get...
  19. Aknolan

    at least you say gratz :D

    at least you say gratz :D