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  1. B&W Research Thread

    So, it doesn't hurt to check if Light Metal has SOME use on Metagross. Even if those moves don't have to do with weight, maybe Light Metal does more than halve the Pokemon's weight, and its just not in its description.
  2. B&W Research Thread

    Can someone check the effect Light Metal has on Gravity and/or Magnet Rise?
  3. What's your favorite programming language?

    Right now, I barely know QBasic (lol). But I'm going to start learning C++ for Computer Programming II, but I want to learn Java for the AP Computer Science exam, so that doesn't help. @_@ My Comp Prog class is slow, so that shouldn't be trouble, but how do I learn Java for the AP exam?
  4. CAP 11 CAP 11 - Part 14 - Sprite Poll 3

    Yeah, these two are the best of all the sprites. I still like aragornbird's the best because, to me, DougJustDoug's pose seems kinda awkward. Also, the colors look better on aragornbird's (especially its Shiny colors). Also, DougJustDoug's back sprite seems like a 3rd Gen Sprite, while...
  5. Pokemon Black and White (SPECULATIONS ALLOWED HERE)

    Ugh, they BETTER be related. Also, the anime can help us find out which type gym leaders Dento and Aloe are, like how Dento is suspected as a Rock-type leader due to the rocks in his gym (although I REALLY hope not, although he at least won't have a Geodude, an Onix, and something else like the...
  6. CAP 11 CAP 11 - Part 14 - Sprite Poll 1

    aragornbird DougJustDoug sleet Wizwum
  7. Pokemon Black and White (SPECULATIONS ALLOWED HERE)

    I hope all the starters get alternate abilities, and it would be stupid if the abilities didn't stay through evolution. I doubt that they will be breedable though. Blastoise will probably get the stupid Shell Armor ability; I think Venusaur will/should get Solar Power; I don't know about...
  8. Pokemon Black and White (SPECULATIONS ALLOWED HERE)

    I really HOPE that GameFreak isn't mindless enough to make two unrelated pink heartshaped fishes that nobody likes flavor-wise anyways. I mean, why would anyone (who plays Pokemon) like a dumb looking fish that was shaped like a heart anyways (actually, I'm talking about Luvdisc and not the new...
  9. Pokemon Black and White (SPECULATIONS ALLOWED HERE)

    Or get better ones. It's not like Swarm and Chlorophyll are bad, but there can be better, especially if it changes what species of animal it's based on. Actually, I don't really know if it's this gen's Caterpie/Weedle/Wurmple; it seems like it might be more like a Spinarak/Ladyba/Kricketot.
  10. Pokemon Black and White (SPECULATIONS ALLOWED HERE)

    >:-( Special Defense would have been better, although other moves can do that, so I guess it doesn't matter. I hope Bug Resistance is good and has some use outside Double/Triple-Battles.
  11. WSC Megathread & Hall of Fame

    Alch: 1) I sent you a PM, so plz respond. 2) Who made your avatar; it's awesome!!! EDIT: For reference, I was talking about one of the old ones, but that's good too. Also, nevermind, I found where they were (actually, someone told me).
  12. Pokemon Black and White (SPECULATIONS ALLOWED HERE)

    Sorry to spam, but I just had to say that PAGE 100!!! For people using 40 posts per page instead of 25, that is (like me; I use 40ppp). BTW, does anyone else use a different number of posts per page than the default? IMO, ANYTHING IN THE WORLD IS POSSIBLE. Pach==>Emonga is POSSIBLE, but IMO...
  13. Pokemon Black and White (SPECULATIONS ALLOWED HERE)

    Okay then. About the deer and Herbivore, I actually thought that it would be more like Steadfast when I first read it, as in the attack wouldn't necessarily be negated, so I wouldn't get your hopes up too high. Also, does this mean the deer will probably be more physical-based, because it...
  14. Pokemon Black and White (SPECULATIONS ALLOWED HERE)

    I'm the only one that thought that, so I'm the only one that's "insane". I just thought since they are both red and blue (well Gigaiasu is kinda blue, it's blue in its sprite). Meh, I thought they looked similarish. But it doesn't really matter. I wonder what kind of stats its going to have and...
  15. Pokemon Black and White (SPECULATIONS ALLOWED HERE)

    I wish seasons were a week long instead of a full month long. :-( I think that Giga-whatever (the Rock-type) looks like it's related to Nosepass, but I don't think it actually is, (although it should be with how much they look alike, lol). I'm liking the new Pokemon and abilities and moves and...
  16. Pokemon Black and White (SPECULATIONS ALLOWED HERE)

    Wait. What are all the stats (not base stats, but actual stats) that have been revealed so far (I have dial-up which = not too many videos without spending hours waiting for it to fully load X( )? I made a QBasic program that does backwards calculation based on Smogon's Damage Formula to find...
  17. Smogon: Why you came here and why you stayed

    Why I came: I didn't know that the people here would be FREAKING OBSESSED with the STATISTICS and ANALYSIS of Pokemon. WTF? Why I stayed: No idea. I guess the Weekly Spriting Contest and the HGSS and BW Speculation Threads.
  18. Why should we care about dead people?

    I didn't really read the thread, but I think that it's more of a symbolic reason. Burying the body after they die shows that people care about them and that people loved them in their life and that the person meant something. If they just dumped the body, that would show, in most people's eyes...
  19. CAP 11 CAP 11 - Part 9 - Art Poll 1

    meekhead Wyverii Kukem Swaggersaurus darkmattr Yilx Buffalo_Wings JojoX3 Zantimonius SEO Cricketpar bugmaniacbob Mektar Tortferngatr hark daquiri Caladbolg~ Gun6 MrSuitMan DougJustDoug InHell 13 OldManDugan chomzloh paintseagull redcyclops2 aragornbird
  20. time travelling fun

    Like this post. *sigh*