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  1. United Kingdom Qualifier - Birmingham, May 29th, 2010 - WON BY REES/MRS. BLACKBIRD

    You just called my mate a dickheard and I wasn't overly impressed, that is all.
  2. United Kingdom Qualifier - Birmingham, May 29th, 2010 - WON BY REES/MRS. BLACKBIRD

    This is Mrs Blackbird, using my friend's account to post for now until I make my own. But, I would like to point out that that 'some dickhead' is actually my best mate, and in reality you are far more of a dickhead than him, as you managed to lose in R2. On a slightly better note though, I had...
  3. Official TPCI Pokemon Tournament 2009 | Congrats to all who participated!!

    Did i get to play anyone here? i was in the BFMV shirt and played a garchomp cresselia lead. gratz go out to alakapimp and the juniors winner also
  4. Kinny's London VGC Report

    cool report bro. i was here too. unlucky hax though... oh well :\