Search results

  1. attn: Wikey

    NN1WFi9cMYE the wait is over
  2. Uncharted 3 trailer, game of the year confirmed I have literally never been as excited about a game as I am for this one. 99% chance that it's the greatest game of all time, you heard it here first.
  3. Men: Are you a rapist?

    Yes, yes you are...
  4. I did a drum cover

    because I am that cool First take, many mistakes, laffo ending w/e SNARE DRUM SOUNDS LIKE SHIT (much like the rest of the video lmao) I KNOW
  5. Racism still alive and well in America

    I'm sure none of us here believed that racism is dead, but the extent to which it is still prevalent in the South baffles me. How things like these stories can still happen in 2010 makes my head hurt. Bolding mine Also this little gem...