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  1. Coldcolor

     Dungeons & Druddigons

    Name of Pokémon: Siren (Noibat) Ability: Frisk Moves: Dragon Cheer Hurricane Tailwind Super Fang Age: 18 Gender (Pronouns): Male, he/him Likes: Singing The gold ring on his ankle ANY compliment He will take insults disguised as compliments and never realize that they are insults. Dislikes...
  2. Coldcolor

    The Senseless Studio: IMakeNoSense's Art Thread + Fakemon

    he removed Ghost type and I had to fight with him to add it back
  3. Coldcolor

    The Senseless Studio: IMakeNoSense's Art Thread + Fakemon

    I named Protomb! (these guys are cool)
  4. Coldcolor

    The Senseless Studio: IMakeNoSense's Art Thread + Fakemon

    second (see, this is an inside joke, and I am not doing it to be annoying to everyone, just IMNS specifically because we are friends)