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  1. A BW1 SUN TEAM :3

    this is a sun team from BW1. I made this team myself(surprisingly), and i like to think of it as quite solid, plus it looks cool in team preview IMO which is actually a big consideration for me when teambuilding lol. It doesnt work so well in BW2 as the new stuff gives it a hard time, in...
  2. Hurricane Razza

    At the end of round 4 there was a lot of clamour for the banning of drizzle and other weather abilities. Seeing as rain is one of my favourite playstyles I decided to make a new rain team for round 5, as drizzles time in ou could be drawing to a close. The team is probably the best team I have...
  3. A Sandy Tomb

    Introduction: After playing with my rain team for a while i decided i needed a change of scenery and after realising that sandstorm teams dominate the top of the leaderboard I decided to have a crack. I started off with tyranitar and excadrill, then i slapped on rotom w who i knew could wreck...
  4. Il Pleut

    Hey there Having just got into competitive battling after the drizzle and swift swim ban I decided to make a rain team to see what all the fuss had been about. It has been a fairly successful team and peaked 81st on the pokemon online server ladder with a rating of 1414, However after starting...