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  1. badabing

    Gen 3 Physical Offense (Swampert) (1701 Elo Rank #32)

    you need to seriously do something about that swampert nick
  2. badabing

    OU DPP OU Teambuilding Competition

  3. badabing

    Gen 4 Sash Ttar Boom Offense [DPP OU, 1700 Elo, #3 on PS]

    i like this idea. but when you lay it out.. these teams end up weak to pokes that can try to be more than 1-2 pokes worth of value like random sweepers and scarfers. even walls i suppose. it's a thought provoking concept tho.. i ran something similar years ago with blissey machamp dnite over tar...
  4. badabing

    (Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

    good to hear from you pumpkinz its been too long
  5. badabing

    OU DPP OU Teambuilding Competition

  6. badabing

    SV OU Peaked Rank #2 (2050 ELO) - Probopass HO

    cool team homie
  7. badabing

    Gen 4 Lead Raikou priority spam

    put them on celebi
  8. badabing

    Tournaments France vs The World - Pairings & Tiebreak (Won by The World)

    why icy wind on skarmory?
  9. badabing

    SV OU Exotic Webs - 2000+ ELO

    bigass shoutout to my family dog. we maaaade it
  10. badabing

    OU DPP OU Teambuilding Competition

  11. badabing

    Gen 4 Bug Attack

    hippowdon + skarmory + clefable seems tough brotha. i think youre probably better off slotting in two wallbreakers over zapdos and starmie
  12. badabing

    OU Fakes vs The World (Won by Fakes)

    thank you to the esteemed representatives of the world you fought valiantly
  13. badabing

    Tournaments SS SPL Discussion Thread

    totally agree this gen is amazing, great games all around
  14. badabing

    OU DPP OU Teambuilding Competition

  15. badabing

    OU DPP OU Metagame Discussion Thread

    great idea totally worth 10,000 words
  16. badabing

    OU SPL XV BW Discussion (and now some tiering discussion)

    6-0 by terrakion lmfao
  17. badabing

    SV OU Peaked #1 (2041 ELO) – Not Hydrapple Stall

    awesome job with the color coding. great team i couldnt beat it
  18. badabing

    Gen 5 Kyu-B I Love You - BW OU Weatherless Offense

    joe mothefucking johnson great team would not make any of those changes. maybe balloon on starmie but the timer could be annoying in sand. ye probably just balloon starmie mebbe uturn over epower on mew