Multi Gen Featured Ubers player of the Week #5: PROBLEMS, SEE POST #26

Featured Player: PROBLEMS

Most Known For: IDM Chav. Being one of best players when it comes to predictions and risk vs reward situations. Getting #1 many times. Ez snackwrap for el poeta.

Signature Pokemon: Rayquaza
Of all tiers, why did you choose to establish yourself in Ubers?
I choose Ubers due to the idealism in being able to use any type of pokemon possible, when I first started playing I was predominatly a UU player but then one day I wanted to just test the waters in Ubers due to wanting to use things I've always often wanted to try like Arceus, Mewtwo, Kyorge and Groudon. I used to be that one guy who just lead with Arceus Normal and SD turn 1 but eventually I decided to take things more seriously and start playing seriously and I begun to enjoy myself.

What major contributions to the progression of the Ubers Tier have you made?
I wouldn't say I've made any major contributions to Smogon Ubers I managed to get Geomancy Xerneas suspect tested on PO but a few weeks later it got unbanned. On the flipside I see myself as more of a tournament player whos actual tour record is somewhat a good reading of the knowledge which is required to be 'one of the top players'. I've provided vast amounts of teams to people to use in tournament matches and well, lets just say they've done pretty well.

What are some of your favorite things about the Ubers metagame?
The fact when teambuilding you have to try and conver so many more deadly things compared to other tiers and by this it really sets people appart from the average players as 'being able to play' isn't really enough. Any play style works really theres not really a dominat play style but what I would say HO can lead to lazieness in teambuilding as it restricts progression as a player due to only being knowedgable of certain cores. Personally I think I've not really applied myself aswell as I should have outside of tournaments within XY due to me not enjoying it as much as past tiers like BW1 and BW2.

What is one thing about the current rules (banlist, metagame structure) that you would want to change?
I've never been someone shy in voicing my opinion of whats going on and I've expressed this in the past due to my frustration of XY being unstable for so long with Gengar and GeoXerneas not being banned. This is due to (note this really isn't a personal stab at) tier leaders not actively playing the tier and being stuborn on 'making the first move' in banning something from what other people consider a banlist. But obviously now we are under new control and we shall see how now everything is delt with.

What are some Uber players you think are good examples for newer users to look up to?
Donkey: The guy who got me into playing Ubers seriously and what I consider the best Ubers player I've come across. His ability in playing tournaments has somewhat been flawed but the best teambuilder by far and his knowledge of the game (when he played) was in my opinion unmatched.

Blimlax: Problems tournament kryptonite yeye, his tournament record speaks for itself really being a solid player for so long isn't something I need to justify to you guys his thought process when building and playing is very smart definatly a great roll model.

Edgar: This guy's contributions to the tier is outstanding and his attitude is what all of you players should look up to and follow. Alongside this hes showed his creativity when team building has worked really well for him which has really set him appart from other users.

Aim: What I love about Joey is I see myself in him hes a very aggresive player who isn't afraid to risk games from the early turns its just that level of knowledge which I really appriciate in players as I wouldn't say theres very many players left like this. Still needs to work on teambuilding as I'm pretty sure hes not made a team in about a year!

Hack: I never really used to like this guy I always seen him as an average player being I really got to know him but what really impressed me about this guy is his willingess to learn and listen to other people. I wouldn't say hes reached his full potential yet but he will eventually if he keeps at it establish himself as one of the top players.

Can you give some advice to new Ubers players?
What I would say to the new players looking to make their mark within the ubers tier is go through high level tournament play watch through the matches and read the games turn by turn and ask yourself 'why did he make this move' and come to the realisation why it was made. Now, this is one of the most important things I can express to players and its when playing don't consider the next turn always think about the turns in advance about how the move you're about to do will effect and how you can put yourself in a good position. I gave this one piece of advice to Hack a few months ago now and the progression I've seen from him as a players has been great. Last piece of advice I can give is if you're looking to break into the SPL ubers scene get to know the right people within smogons tournament scene. Back in the day in SPL 4 I got drafted for Classiest in my first tournament of Smogon at the time I didn't try out or anything but it was the view of a player (Lavos Spawn) which I've known for ages now so he recommended me as he considered me solid and well lets just say I'm looking at my 3rd year at Classiest now after that one chance I was given.

What strategies do you think are the most consistent in the Ubers metagame?
Being prodominatly known as one of the more sucessful HO users in Ubers for a while now I wouldn't consider it a safe road to take as I like keeping momentum and being on the front foot when battling as if you missplay one turn its more then likely game over vs a good player. From my own personal opinion bulky balance is the most successful play style you can come across which Blimlax displayed within SPL by using these types of teams its also got the element of safeness about it as generally match ups arent poor when using balance (obviously when its a well built team etc)

Can you provide a sample team with a brief explanation on how to use for new players?

What I consider to be one of the most effective and well built Sticky Web builds of XY and what I feel fits my play style perfectly. It's tournament record speaks for itself really pretty sure to the people I gave it to in slam it went like 6-1, its the most autopilot teams of XY as it pretty much covers everything it needs to you can keep offensive momentum by playing aggresivly around defogers on balance, stall generally just gets overpowered and HO just normally loses to Sticky Web anyway. Only real weaknesses are strong Dark types but even then theres always ways to overcome them depending on how you play it out.

Thanks to Oli Problems for doing this. Next one before ORAS will be Melee Mewtwo so stay tuned for that :]
A thread reboot for this one would be cool :}
interview me lol

Seriously though, being a somewhat new player (competitive Pokemon at the end of Gen 5, Ubers in XY), reading through this thread is enjoyable - it's nice to get to hear from the top players of the tier and see some of their advice for teambuilding/battling. Continuing the thread for ORAS would be swell.
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Thugly Duckling

I play TCG now
you could start it up again o.o p sure edgar's busy and it's probably not going to go anywhere if you hint that someone else should
As hypocritical I'm going to make myself look right now, I have to say that I can't take the thread over :[ I'm occupied with real life, I wouldn't have enough time to run a thread like this. Sorry to dissapoint anyone. steelphoenix you should go for it imo

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