League of Legends (LoL)

I joined the group. Summoner Name: Priamos, although whenever we're in a match, people call me "Pri".

My favorite champion is probably Morgana because her Dark Binding+Tormented Soil+Soul Shackle combo is really great. She plays kinda like Amumu, but IMO Morgana is easier to play offensively than Amumu.
I have an extra HoN beta key if someone wants it.


2nd edit: DL'd it and played it at a friend's request. Ryze is too easy, went 20-5, 18-3, 20-0 in my first 3 games. 2 losses due to leavers, though. LoL has a MUCH bigger problem with leavers than HoN because it isn't penalized as badly.

As far as noob friendly, not seeing it. The only thing I've got so far is half the heroes seem gimmicky or useless (from reading their moves and watching others play them, not personal experience). There's not the large focus on disables as there is in DotA and HoN and a huge emphasis on stacking skills and items (that stack per minute, per kill, or on attack) which is nowhere near as cool as it seems. You're still gonna get cussed out if you feed, and the players aren't friendly or helpful (I'm used to that), but there is a tutorial and bot practice session, so if anything, people have less leeway to suck once they reach online.

3rd edit: name is deth2munkies.
There also seems to be noticeable skill gaps, even when dealing with 'pubs'. When I was starting out, I used to feed, even with Kayle. Eventually, I started getting decent, and making scores such as 9-1-13 when on a good team. Then, what happened was that after a few more wins, I began feeding dramatically again, like 0-8, 3-6, whatever, despite that I didn't think that I was doing worse than usual. I figured out the reason: that I was now playing mid-ELO opponents rather than low-ELO opponents.

And yes, I do get cussed out even when I'm 0-2, even in a practice game, which doesn't really say much about the sportsmanship of the community. I figure it's just as bad on DotA, though, since the LoL community is derived from DotA almost entirely.

@d2m: I've heard that when you play Ryze, you can make out with your keyboard and still get kills, but when I played him I just got repeatedly ganked, probably because I kinda suck at map awareness. He's a great top-tier hero, but a bit fragile, I guess.
I haven't actually played him, but he does look pretty nifty.

Tbh, though, I'm a bit sick of the matchmaking system. I routinely get matched up against people either way above or way below my skill level, and it's frustrating to either play against feeders or go 1-8 against the opposing team repeatedly.
I've been trying other heroes and playing with friends, and like I said, it seems a lot of the "support" heroes are completely useless.

Take Heimerdinger for example: he places turrets that upgrade themselves every few attacks and can quickly do a lot of damage. Problem being, they're completely stationary, extraordinarily fragile by mid-game, even with upgrades under their belt, and nigh useless anywhere past the first couple of pushes. Unlike the Engineer in HoN, they don't benefit from Heimer's stats or on-hit effects, and replacing a turret removes all upgrades on it, so they can't be placed well-enough late game to matter...at all. Given that his other skills are 2 weak nukes and an ultimate that revolves completely around the turrets...he's a goddamn waste.

Anyway, after playing for quite a while, I have found it's a lot more "fun" than DotA/HoN which both seem a lot more balanced and fine-tuned, but much slower and methodically paced. I'm not seeing a huge need for anything beyond basic strategy here and the vastly improved mana/health regen in HoN means there's a lot more margin for error early game so it doesn't quite matter as much.

I enjoy it, but really only playing with friends that I know won't leave or intentionally feed by running into turrets like some pubs do, at least HoN has a leaver percentage and banlist respectively to prevent crap like that from happening.
d2m: what?
Are you sure you're playing Heimer correctly? Well sure, he isn't... a good character, but damn he's definitely not a horrible one. People seem to equate him to Gob Techies in DotA... which is not that all wrong. What they get wrong is that they think that the heroes can only defend.

Heimer should try and get 40% cd reduction (the cap), so that he can plant and upgrade turrets ASAP, like maybe having 3 in a push. Otherwise, the rest should go to AP. Putting two-three turrets just outside the enemies tower range does several things, including
1: helps to push faster
2: acts as a line where the heroes can retreat to for safety
3: prevents backstab
4: just hurts anyone trying to start the fight.

Also, you're allowed 6 turrets. If you're replacing them, the least upgraded one will go first. It isn't that hard to have good turrets anywhere you go.
From what I've heard and seen, Heimerdinger is next-to-useless in late-game teamfights, but in the early game he can be useful. The Concussion Grenades are great not just for hitting enemies, but they also hit turrets, which is huge. You can stand outside turret range and shell them with Conc grenades.

As for your turrets, late-game they can serve as a tool to protect your towers in an emergency, as they will at least hinder the enemy, and really cause trouble for squishy heroes trying to backdoor you. Not to mention easy gold.
From what I've heard and seen, Heimerdinger is next-to-useless in late-game teamfights, but in the early game he can be useful. The Concussion Grenades are great not just for hitting enemies, but they also hit turrets, which is huge. You can stand outside turret range and shell them with Conc grenades.

As for your turrets, late-game they can serve as a tool to protect your towers in an emergency, as they will at least hinder the enemy, and really cause trouble for squishy heroes trying to backdoor you. Not to mention easy gold.
That's pretty much it. I was more disappointed because HoN has a new hero (from regular DotA) that uses turrets as well, but they level up not only with each shot, but with his stats and orb effects (slow attack, lifesteal, on-hit effects like Maelstrom/Thunderclaw), whereas by level 11, all of heimer's are useless as they won't scratch tanks even fully upgraded and any AoE nuke will do at least 3/4 of their health per hit.

Also, is it just me or is Dr. Mundo the most OP bitch in the entire game. Who decided to give a guy with an insane base HP and even more insane regen a nuke that does 25% of your current health (280 true damage minimum) with virtually no cost ON A 4 SECOND COOLDOWN.

Not only that, but by cutting a small fraction of his health, he becomes faster than every other hero, gains a very powerful AoE nuke centered around him (think Leshrac/Torturer ult) and insane regen to get that health back.

He's impossible to kill 1v1 and in team fights, even focus fire can't bring him down fast enough for the rest of his team to pick off at least 1-2 of your guys. Thanks to itemization in LoL being off the wall, he can stack ridiculous amounts of HP with very few items (Warmongs + Levi/FoN + Sunfire = you're doomed), not to mention masteries in damage mitigation and health/armor.

Oh, and he is comparable in some ways to Huskar from DotA, yet in DotA, there is a much larger focus on disables than in LoL, where almost every disable is a snare or slow rather than straight stun, you have to build a team to kill Mundo, one that can keep him stunlocked because his ult and skills make him impossible to catch with just slows and snares and damn near impossible to kill even when he sticks around.
Mundo's definitely not overpowered. His nuke is very strong (though its still reduced by magic reduction) and has a low cooldown, but it also has fairly short range and is a skillshot to boot. He's tough to kill, yes, but there's really not much of a reason to target him if he goes pure tank items since his DPS will be fairly low and he has no disables.
Urgh... i think Riot games is making a mistake in this. They're making a new server for South East Asia players... with the drawback that the SEA players cannot play in the current American servers (is it american?). As much as this would benefit SEA players everywhere, i think that not allowing them to play in other servers would be a mistake.

(Also, they're going to reset all the accounts of players in the SEA region... which means starting from 0 IP and 0 champions, level 1, and so on. After i already bought 5 champions, i feel quite... cheated. Imagine people who bought like 10-15 champions... or even all the champions already).

P.S: Fiddle rocks. Replaced my main Tristina...

Edit: F, now i'm blocked from the server. Wonderful. I hope they release the SEA version quick... otherwise it's an out for me.
I have played DotA for awhile and am wondering whether LoL or HoN will be worth a try. From what I gather from different people, LoL is a bit easier to play while HoN is more competitive. And of course both have really sucky communities that do nothing but insult your mother. :(

What do you think guys?
I have played DotA for awhile and am wondering whether LoL or HoN will be worth a try. From what I gather from different people, LoL is a bit easier to play while HoN is more competitive. And of course both have really sucky communities that do nothing but insult your mother. :(

What do you think guys?
Exactly what you said. I find LoL more fun because there's a bit less pressure (no denying, I hate that about DotA/HoN) and the abilities are more innovative. HoN is straight DotA with a facelift and some neat addons UI-wise. Almost every hero is a direct port from DotA (i.e. WD is now Voodoo Jester, PotM is Valkyre, Slardar is Pestilence, etc). If I'm in a competitive mood or playing with DotA friends, HoN is what I'll play. Otherwise, it's LoL.

Soon it will be just LoL because HoN is only free in beta whereas LoL is F2P forever.
Great! Thanks for the quick response. As long as HoN isn't too expensive I may wind up purchasing it if DotA usage starts to go down.
This current week of free heroes is awesome. I'm going to miss Twitch and Blitzcrank a lot.

Shen seems solid enough (and the ability to teleport to any ally is pretty excellent), though I have yet to play him. I'm more interested in Ezreal but I don't have 6300 IP to pick him up with, and it'll be another full week before he gets his free rotation.

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