Tatsunoko vs Capcom

Did anyone else pick this up?

So far it feels like a combination of marvel vs capcom (fullscreen supers, insane super jumps) and blazblue (crazy weapons, barrier bursts, etc). The main difference seems to be that they really dumbed down controls so anyone can just pick up and play. One thing I noticed is that you can string together some ridiculous moves with relative ease, for example: Ryus HK, Cr. MK, Fireball can usually become a seven or eight hit combo if you just mash on the buttons during your string.

That aside, I really like the overall feel of the game, and the art style is hella dope. It'll probably be my main game after IV.

So uh, discuss strategy/tiers/post for matches I guess.

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I'm the Mary!
is a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnus
ugh, i picked this up and im like a complete noob. i tried to do a rank battle online just now to see how it is, and lucky me the first match was with a person with the title champ, who had over 1000 battle points (whatever those are for). he was using ryu/megaman and i was casshern/yatterman. now i had tried going through training mode to try and see how these guys play but once the battle started mind blanked on all their special moves and i just started spamming anything within my thumbs reach. i got off cassherns boulder chop as a first strike ya then got hit with the super hadoken and that pretty much how the match went throught the whole thing. BUT when i yatterman came in i noticed i had some specials i could use (i was player 2 but was looking at player 1's meter) so i ended spamming try to luck one out and ended up doing his lvl 3 super and did like 50% damage to ryu knocking him out :) megaman had about 50% left too vs my, maybe 5% and i was able to use block a bit and take a few hits on him.
Yeah that was my problem when I first started playing fighting games, and it's actually the main reason I don't transfer well from SF to games like BlazBlue and KOF (and probably why most people just play Ryu in every SF iteration). If you play enough, the special moves end up becoming like second nature, though, I swear.

In this game particularily I'm not entirely sure "knowing" when to use your special moves is enough to give you a solid foundation. Everything seems to come out really slow and your super meter builds really damn fast, so it's probably just beter to work on your super set ups. Plus things like fireball zoning don't even exist when you've got character's that can jump ten times the height of the screen.

I'd say just practise getting close to your opponent and finding out what combos into what... that should't be too hard in a game like this. For example, with ryu you can usually do a jump in attack, a string of low moves, then QCF+2Atck to make your super fireball come out. I'd help you with your characters but tbqh I don't even remember what the fuck they look like based on their names.
Unfortunately I don't have a Wii, but I'd love to see this game be successful. First of all, it looks fun, and it looks fun to watch. Secondly, I've heard that Capcom will possibly release another Versus game should TvC sell well enough. Thirdly, I've been following the Smash community for a long time, and I would love nothing more than to see TvC help sort of "bridge the gap" a little bit. Maybe SRK is right and "the smash kids" will be all over this... I kind of hope so.

edit: not gonna lie, though. If this game had an Ace Attorney character in it, I would be buying a Wii within a week, just for this game.


I'm the Mary!
is a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnus
i played a few online matches today and recorded them

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PWGafpxF7g this is my second online win :D

the next three were versus the same (really good) guy, all were set up via random match :/ i do pretty good in the first match, the next to i get raped pretty badly by zero


another win :D this one was REALLY close


So who did buy all the stroopwafels?
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
picked this one up today, and its hellova different then SF4 :P

im still trying to find a good combinations of characters.
Ive only unlocked Tekkaman Blade so far, but I'm liking Karas/Batsu combination from my side as of now, although theres some other characters I like as well.
I just got it. Very nice game :D.

I really have to say, Ryu seems both amazing and newbie friendly. He's been covering my lack of skill in Tekkaman Blade for me :x
I watched some people play this game at a smash tournament yesterday. It was actually pretty funny to watch, with the crazy characters and super moves.

I'll probably pick it up because it looks fun and silly.


So who did buy all the stroopwafels?
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
dare I say it ryu is rather cheap, multiple ways to chain into his Shinku Hadoken without your opponent being able to do anything but perhaps Mega Crash out of it.

Ive been trying Ippatsuman out, and I must say he has a good lvl 1 Super which basically covers the whole screen plus some good moves to back that up ;)
Oh god. The online is so dynamic. One match can play fairly well, but the next match can have a whole half second of input lag.
Iplayed it with my girlfriend, her sister has a Wii and that game, she kicked my ass... really bad xD
I was using Ryu this one guy in red that walks really funny, like a chinese kung fu master.
For someone who isn't very familiar with traditional fighters (though I do play competitive Smash), this game is a hell of a lot of fun. I just picked it up today, and it's just a nonstop barrage of insanity and crazy fun.

I've mainly been using Chun-Li and Casshan so far. Haven't unlocked anyone else yet.
I picked this up, and I don't really enjoy it that much. First off, the selection screen is crap, in my opinion. They should have kept a full screen layout, not a wheel. I also find doing combos a bit harder then in the previous games and in other fighting games. I guess another reason why I don't like this game that much is because I'm not too familiar with a lot of Tatsunoko characters.
I picked this up, and I don't really enjoy it that much. First off, the selection screen is crap, in my opinion. They should have kept a full screen layout, not a wheel. I also find doing combos a bit harder then in the previous games and in other fighting games. I guess another reason why I don't like this game that much is because I'm not too familiar with a lot of Tatsunoko characters.

What "other fighting games" have you been playing? I find doing combos (non-online) to be a cinch.


So who did buy all the stroopwafels?
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
making combo's offline surely shouldnt be an issue, even for beginners such as myself, at least ive had no trouble with them.

ive been using ryu/ippatsuman but I want to change it up a bit so ive started practicing with tekkaman blade and frank west instead of ryu.
I agree on the lag part online though, one match can go very smooth and the next can be total crap with put lag of half a second to a second
I started playing this game too. It's pretty good, for a 2D fighter. Still no Mahvel though.

I love the new BlazBlue style they kept with the controls (weak, medium, heavy). It's much better than all the unnecessary punches / kicks. It keeps things simple to you can focus on the game more.
Well, I have one copy of Tatsunoko vs Capcom... and well even it remembering me one of the fighting games I most like to play(Marvel vs CApcom 2), at least for me, I still miss something, I really dont know why they dont make a Marvel vs Capcom 3 to Wii,Ps3 and 360 it were going to be a very good moneymaker

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