Favorite board game


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When you've got a bunch of friends over and don't feel like playing videogames, what board game do you enjoy the most. For me, it's blokus. Unlike other board games, that rely on lucky dice roles, this game actually takes math and strategy to succeed.
Well haven't played that many of board games, but out of those I did play. Monopoly wins my vote.
I hate monopoly. I always end up in jail lol.

My favorites are word games like Scrabble. I always spam complicated scientific terms that contain weird letters and win that way :)

Also, Apples to Apples is awesome, even though it's not technically a board game.
my favorite board game is "a forum", the board where nothing but posts about what you like and or/hate comprise everything posted; I hate or like everything so it works out pretty well for me
Recently someone told me about online Apples to Apples which is pretty fun.


I've been playing to pass the time, when I get the chance to find a lobby that doesn't have some dude AFK.

Other than that, I've always liked most of anything that doesn't have obnoxiously long play times or set up times.
Settlers of Catan is a classic and great boardgame, although relies heavily on luck at times. Citadels is a card/board game that has great social interaction and lots of backstabbing as you try to build your city. I really want to try Arkham Horror, the H.P. Lovecraft inspired adventure game where you combat the forces of the ancient ones as they tear through our dimension.

Yeah I love board games.
Risk is awesome, Monopoly is pretty good, and there are some other great classics that I'm forgetting right now as well. I actually don't get to play board games too often but when I do I generally enjoy them.
Mario party.

I'm not sure about actual board games, I really never liked them that much. I guess risk was kind of fun, but it takes way too long.
I played Sirlin Games' Puzzle Strike online a little bit, it's way fun and it's been nagging at me to come back to it. Apparently it's heavily influenced by Dominion, which is a very popular board game, and Puzzle Fighter. Weird, but anyway, it's super fun and I wish I had the money to buy the real thing.

I did buy his game Flash Duel though, which is very good fun.
Online apples to apples? This exists? You have to be shitting me. Anyway, scrabble is imo the most fun board game, but I'm more of a card game guy. Egyptian Rat Screw is so much fun to play.

EDIT: i actually forgot about risk, that game is always fun too.
Does anyone here actually play D+D? I think it's quite rare to find thesedays but apparently it is supposed to be really fun as the stages and monster encounters are all designed by a player.

Anyways, does Pictionary count as a board game? I love that shiz
I play D&D, when I get the chance. I don't really think of it as a board game, though. It's really not hard to find, and 4th Edition has been made a lot more user-friendly. Still helps to have someone experienced to DM it, though, even working off pre-written adventures.

The board games I like include:
- Arkham Horror, although it takes a bit of time to set up.
- Smallworld; an excellent game, highly recommended.
- Pandemic; a fun team-based game, but holy crap is it easy to lose.
- Settlers of Catan.
- Shadows Over Camelot is fun.
- Agricola is okay, but I think it's overrated.

Another few games I really like that are card games rather than board games are Dominion, Citadels, and Ascension.

I loathe Risk. Absolutely loathe it.

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Risk, Monopoly, A to A, among others. Risk is my favorite, but then again, I don't play board games often.
I like monopoly :) Espicially the new version with the credit card!!
Also I heard that an angry bird game was going to release looking foward to that(Not the game on the iPOD/iPAD).But I'm not sure it fits under the catogary "Board game"
Any board game I have to create for school projects.

On a serious note...Heroscape is definitely my favorite board game. It's kind of like a less intense D+D where you build the levels and all that jazz. I've never actually played D+D though.

The only games my family ever plays are Yahtzee which is a lot of fun and Pokemon Monopoly. It's usually the former though.
Usually Settlers of Catan, except recently everyone gangs up on me, every single game, even though my brother always wins. Apples to Apples is our standard game for more then 5 players (There's an online version O_o); my family's favorite games always involve a lot of luck because I win all the strategy games like Blokus :)

I've never played D&D, but I would love to try it; is anyone on Smogon interested in running a game over IRC?
I also would be interested in trying D&D over IRC, at least to see what it's like. If someone is willing to host (or DM, or whatever it's called), you might be on to something auramaster.
How has nobody mentioned Quoridor yet? It is a really great game that takes a lot of in-depth thinking. Also my uncle sends me these crazy complicated strategy games every year for christmas because he knows that I love board games. The only one that looked simple enough to open was Smallworld, which is also a fun game but only with 4 or 5 players.

Oh and apples to apples is the best.

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