Project Player Interview V2 #4: Vivalospride


beauty in the struggle
is an official Team Rateris a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a defending SCL Champion
PUPL Champion

Approved by UU Moderation / Amazing Art by Moutemoute

Hello and welcome to.. "Player Interview"! This project will allow you to discover or re-discover some well known players of the UU community. This time around we will be focusing mainly on important contributors to the forums such as Tier Leaders, Forum Moderators, Community Contributors, and Council Members. Let me first say that I am honored to be following in the footsteps of an esteemed and accomplished list of interviewers: Moutemoute, Feliburn, Kink, and Cynde. Thank you are very much for your work!

Hello Viv! How are you?

I am doing alright, I got to see old high school teachers of mine today and I drew some shit for a while which is always nice. How has your day been?

That sounds fun. I've been laddering a lot recently so considerably worse than usual. Other than that pretty good.

Alright well, tell me and the community a bit about yourself via a brief introduction. Name, age, favorite color, your least favorite kind of cheese, whatever you would like to say!

I'm Zenin and I am 20 yrs old living in Los Angeles, my favorite color is red, I don't eat cheese much bc it makes my tummy hurt so idk, I have been wasting my life away on pocket monsters showdown for a solid handful of years now and I am still here because I obsess over competition and need an outlet of some sort for it or else I will go insane and mons is the most accessible by a large margin and I don't see that changing anytime soon, unfortunately.

You sir might be lactose intolerant.

Back in 2016/2017 you helped me learn about UU and jump started my career, so thank you! When did you join and what brought you to Smogon and Showdown?

Yeah I think I have IBS honestly, I have tummy issues. I haven't done anything to be thanked for, I technically joined Smogon in 2012 when I was playing DPP and BW wifi battles competitively as a wee lad, I think Smogon is inevitable to discover at some point if you're genuinely exploring competitive mons, so that's basically how I came upon it. I didn't really really get into the scene until 2016/17 though, I had known about PS specifically for a few years by then via youtube but instead of just shitting my pants in the low ladder I eventually started talking in tier rooms and playing in room tours (which I took very seriously at the time), gradually improving as I met new people far more experienced than I, eventually I honestly at extended periods of time obsessed over my growth on this site/game to an unhealthy extent and now here we are.

Brutally honest. Very commendable.

You are now a Global Driver, you work with the RMT Staff as well as the B101 staff, contribute to UU Forums, join plenty of tournaments, and still find the time for YouTube. You are very a busy man. Talk a little about your contributions, what you enjoy, what you don't enjoy, anything at all.

Ngl I haven't dedicated myself to contributing like i used to in quite a long time, I'm still global driver for global coverage in UU primarily but other than that I don't do much globally, I did for a little but most of my hours of legitimate policy work on this site came before I was global or immediately after I became global. I haven't done B101 stuff in a while, fuck Shiba. RMT is the subforum I care most deeply for on this site which is probably confusing since I've spent a rlly dumb amount of hours in UU, RMT was where I really feel like I carved a niche for myself as a member of the community. Way before I was ever respected as a player I was respected as a rater and people came to me for opinions really frequently whether they were brand new or asking for help in some official tour, there were periods of time where I felt like I had at least some level of impact on the final product of like most official tour starters' teams on a weekly basis. I enjoyed rating a lot and I got mod pretty quickly so I felt a lot more solidified and accepted as a user in that subforum than I ever did in UU, TPP was a huge part of that honestly he welcomed me with open arms and an absurd amount of passion. I have fallen off the YT grind as quickly as I got on it unfortunately but i plan to upload soon, I have tried to contribute to this site and userbase positively by just being myself and being as accessible as possible for people to come to if they need help for mons or non mons related things but it started to wear me down quite a bit after a while. In recent memory I'm a lot more distanced and just kinda vibing. I don't enjoy contributing much at all anymore I am mostly here to compete or get to a point where I can compete at the highest level consistently.

As for tournaments specifically, you are clearly a competitive person. Talk about your tournament experience so far. What tournament would you like to win most?

UUPL is the tournament I'd like to win most, I have built upon the foundation that pif set with the friends and the results I've come to consistently have been frustrating due to feeling like we've improved every year and personally putting a ridiculous amount of time and effort into it. Other than that idfc, all of them? I'd like to get a trophy, I'd like to win majors the most out of any UU circuit individual bc it was the first solid and undeniable individual tour run I rly ever had like 2 yrs ago. I don't have an obscene amount of tour success but I have done consistently fine the past few years in everything bar UU Snake where I did horrendously due to trying too hard to make teams w/o sciz or lati every week and then just not being in a good headspace competitively in-game. I play every tour I'm in to win but at the same time mons burns me the fuck out and I tend to half ass some individuals recently bc I am tired as shit of being that uber mega tryhard guy, I don't have that kind of energy anymore for non team tours. I have supported probably every UUer that's even half relevant at some point in time probably consistently in the past 4 yrs or so and that's something I'm generally proud of, I often gas myself up as a builder to ungodly and unrealistic levels

You're also in WCOP now! I think you've been a wonderful role model and user on this site and your accomplishments extend farther than your perception.

What is your biggest accomplishment on this site. You can generalize since you have done a lot.

I have no idea what my biggest accomplishment on this site is, I don't have a trophy so it's hard to say much of anything I've done holds a ton of weight. Getting into snake was a big milestone, getting into wcop as well falls under that umbrella. I guess just being an at least somewhat respected player/builder across the website means a lot to me even if it's not to some super impressive extent, the fact that I'm picked up semi regularly for non UU tours means I've at least started to break through the cracks of mainer land and if I keep moving forward I can do a lot of good things competitively as long as my thirst for blood remains unquenched and I keep applying myself. a handful of top 8s and top 16s in individuals, 6-2 LTPL 2 in a good pool, supporting a whole lot of people to positive records across multiple tiers but obviously primarily UU, etc.

Good segue into: outside of UU what is your favorite tier that you have played a good amount of?

Idk I don't have a specific one but I like most SM tiers bc im a simp, I was STABmons council for a decent portion of the gen and went positive in STAB last ompl where I carried fellow uuer PinkDragonTamer (useless in a tiebreaker) to a ring. I enjoy LC bc it's fucking stupid and clicky but I rarely play it. I look forward to heavily investing into OU for wc, my fav OU gens are SM, ORAS, and DPP mainly bc those're the ones I have the most experience with. I have a love/hate relationship with SM ubers tiers bc I have a fair amt of experience in them but they depress me beyond belief, otherwise idk I've primarily stuck with UU but I think I pick up tiers pretty quick and I consistently feel like I build at least usable teams in whatever tier I want.

You should try NFE. It's like LC on roids with Golbat.

I know you listen to a lot of music. This is a weird question but, what about music is so interesting to you? I'll allow you to write 2+ paragraphs about your music interests as well.

I've tried NFE before, Marjane is my celebrity crush. I love music I'd be dead without it. I have struggled having a reliable handle on my emotions for many years and the thing that's probably helped me the most over time is music. Music makes you feel things and if this doesn't apply to you I am sorry bc you are broken . I love music in general but it tends to stop at EDM and country because they just don't make me feel much of anything at all, moreso EDM but it's much more fun to hate on country. I am attracted to anything soulful, especially if it has hip hop influence. From Lauryn Hill to Hiatus Kaiyote to Anderson .Paak and Thundercat... all the way to like raw shit like MF DOOM to Wayne. Recently I have been on a huge Rex Orange County kick as well so that's where I'm at. All in all I take listening to music somewhat seriously bc it's a big part of my life and makes every day better than it otherwise would be for sure. Down to my very core I'm probably a hiphop head though with most of my all time favorites being rappers and I have a lot of hip hop history stored up in my brain.

Country gets too much hate. Darius Rucker and Zack Brown Band go hard. I personally will jam out to Owl City on long car rides like it's no ones business.

We both grew up in California. What is your favorite thing about The Golden State? What is one thing you want to do there that you haven't done yet?

Idk that's a tough one, probably just explore parts of cali that aren't LA. I've only been to Sacramento once, I go to San Diego semi frequently but I wanna explore more of it, same with San Fransisco I would like to do more exploring and just walking around. Really just anywhere that isn't LA ig? Recently there hasn't felt like there's a ton to do, I've been going on long drives to Malibu and down the PCH way too frequently out of boredom or stress, I got $2 pancakes from denny's in Oxnard at 4am a few weeks ago that was p cool.

I grew up in the Bay Area so I definitely recommend San Francisco. The food is great and I know a few ramen joints that are absolutely bomb.

What is your ideal vacation destination?

I'd like to go to New Orleans because there’s so much culture I’d like to experience there, primarily relating to music. I also want food. Or rlly anywhere out of the country but Italy stands out the most, i’ve never been out of the country and I am italian so that’s the entire thought process there.

I am fairly well traveled and I can confirm Italy is amazing! Food wise Japan is almost unbeatable.

Could you perhaps share a team of your own design that you are especially proud of?

I built these with the intention of giving them to Sacri' to use against Adaam in w7 of UUPL, the idea was that Adaam is not a super avid Amoonguss user and I think CB Azumarill in Sacri's hands was capable of getting a lot of turns to click for a high reward over other options like Specs Prim. I think Primarina is definitely the better mon in this tier but Azu volt-turn was definitely more enticing for this matchup specifically and I do think CB Azu is slept on a bit atm. I haven't touched SS UU since w7 of UUPL honestly due to severe burn out but I enjoy both of these a fair amount.

Very cool teams! Would you like to shout out anyone or give some final remarks?

barclays and assmane misa and mspl despite it's lack of a pulse B)

Short and sweet. Thanks for a delightful interview!

anytime chieftain

Feel free to ask to vivalospride any questions you want!


Banned deucer.
very cool vivalospenis, u are very cool free the yt vids tho wtf dont do this to us.

how early does a handsome individual like you wake up?
what do you think is the coolest mon overall?
thoughts on ss uu? should we nuke it?
will you win the next uupl in tiebreakers or a 10-0?
should sm uu be tiered correctly? seems like stall isnt the only problem that tier has
will you play ladder tour?
what is your drive as a competitor when you are no longer motivated?
what do you think holds middling players back compared to the best players?
can i ever get drafted into uupl?
thoughts on nuking every tier that isnt ou and being elitist?
what is your opinion on pickles?
do you liek mudkipz?


can’t rest in peace cause they diggin me
is a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributoris a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Staff Alumnus
UUPL Champion
ilysm, best contributor + player
you are my father


Any advice you’d give to people who wan be great builders in the future?

What’s your building process like?

Why are you so cool?

Not exactly a question but give us a look at the drawing you did the people wanna see it
1. Just do it a lot and don't be a pussy about it, if someone tells you something is bad don't listen to them until you have your own opinion on it. There's a time and place for everything, it's okay to not use the same six everyone else is using, worse mons or sets make builds better sometimes but also don't accept that as your identity and just use a bunch of cringe shit bc that'll limit your consistency to a huge degree. Honestly it's not that deep and I see people really fishing for their builds to come off a certain way or for them to be considered creative but all in all just have your own take on the meta based on your experience with it, try to balance your hot takes with reality as well like if someone just rolls up into SM UU w/ their sole Scizor answer being Amoonguss and their reasoning is "I usually do fine vs Scizor with just Amoonguss, not much of a threat" they probably are inexperienced or have a rlly shitty grasp of the tier, if that makes sense. Just do you but do it well.

2. I have hella ADD and can't form thoughts quickly so I tend to just find somewhere to start and let my brain sort itself out no matter how long it takes. This usually leads to hours of experimenting w drafts trying to find out which are trash and which are usable and which is the best and sometimes things just click easily and sometimes it's a painstaking hellhole trying to figure out how the fuck you can make whatever you've got work. I really just throw shit at a wall repeatedly and examine everything that sticks a lot of the time but the actual creative process or like literal process of adding mons together is hella unorganized for me and comes in flashes/sequences of ideas OR trying literally every option possible that I think is worth my time and using process of elimination, which is pretty inefficient but my brain is slow.

3. Cool is a strong word, but I appreciate your sentiment :)

4. I can show you my drawings although idk which one you're talking about, dm me on discord if you want :O

Would you rather ride a camel or ride an ostrich?

Who’s your favorite Johto gym leader?

If Smogon had a mayor, would you run for that position? And if not, who would you endorse?
1. Camel bc it got humps

2. Falkner bc he reminds me of @a sparrow

3. I would not run for that position I don't have that kind of energy, I would endorse Pearl, pokemonisfun, and nui

You still owe me a dollar.

Delphox or Scarf Crobat?
I am sorry

Delphox surely

When are we getting the next iteration of VIV WEBS
when SS UU is playable

very cool vivalospenis, u are very cool free the yt vids tho wtf dont do this to us.

how early does a handsome individual like you wake up?
what do you think is the coolest mon overall?
thoughts on ss uu? should we nuke it?
will you win the next uupl in tiebreakers or a 10-0?
should sm uu be tiered correctly? seems like stall isnt the only problem that tier has
will you play ladder tour?
what is your drive as a competitor when you are no longer motivated?
what do you think holds middling players back compared to the best players?
can i ever get drafted into uupl?
thoughts on nuking every tier that isnt ou and being elitist?
what is your opinion on pickles?
do you liek mudkipz?
1. I don't wake up bc I was never asleep to begin with, sleep is the cousin of death
2. Shedinja for sure
3. nuke pls I hate it
4. idc as long as we win
5. SM UU shoulda been tiered correctly from the getgo, obviously stall is not even close to the only issue but it's too late to do much abt anything else w/o basically hitting the reset button which isn't plausible. The tier isn't the worst if stall is nerfed and the rest is the same so I'd be satisfied personally with that.
6. Probably not, I've played like 4 mons games this week in total I have been busy and ladder tours are draining, I nominate FUMA HI-FI
7. Motivation comes and goes but losing might be my most hated thing in human history in a competitive setting so there's always a drive to win, I have a hard time applying that though and just get upset abt losing sometimes despite half assing the game bc I didn't wanna put the energy into it and still end up losing bc that's when losing rlly sucks the most but then I just get mad at myself for not putting more energy into it.........
8. This question rly depends on perspective but either way consistency might be the answer. I think in the context of like... official tours and the top of the food chain in general, consistency is definitely the answer. I think anyone can beat anyone and anyone is capable of playing a good game of mons but what makes the best players actually GOOD at mons is the fact that they do it consistently and they always know how to win > just trying to make a good play each turn. I always try to ask myself "how do I win?" when I am behind in a game and just go from there and maybe I have to make some complete headass low percentage plays for a shot or smth but the best players always are able to find their outs and pursue them whether it's an easy as fuck mu and your chances of winning are hella high or it's doomed as fuck. I think it's just all consistency, if you suck at mons you suck at mons tho there could be plenty of reasons for that.
9. Yes you can definitely be drafted into UUPL, I'd draft you next year if you promise to be active. Being drafted into UUPL is a lot abt what at least one manager thinks of you as a player/person and sometimes they go hand in hand. I mean a lot of people just draft the good players who don't say shit and at the end pick up some active goons to just talk bc that is actually extremely valuable, it's why Accel goes for like 75489375489383k in every UU tour bc he is both. So if you are capable of falling under one of those categories your chances of getting into UUPL is not 0.
10. down as fuck, I feel like an idiot playing lower tiers these days honestly
11. I actually love pickles a lot, there're these little snack bags of pickles I get at the store sometimes but they're very good
12. I love watfor

If you had to make one choice would you be either hit by wicked blow or surging strikes
whichever one kills me

If you could go anywhere in the world other then New Orleans or Italy where would it be and why?
As a follow-up question, why isn’t it France?
Italy bc me and all my loved ones will surely die eventually in New Orleans via hurricane and Italy is fucking beautiful

France is pretty sick but I am Italian and that's pretty much the whole reason for Italy > any other beautiful place that isn't in the US

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