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  • alright, finally got things working out. if you still have time, we may continue. we can also do it tomorrow tho
    im sorry about all the DCing right now. Do you mind if we can do the tutoring session again in the next 30 mins. my Lag is literally 12.8k ms
    alright. I'm ready for our tutoring session early. Im on IRC right now as "TheUnluckyOne"
    i have nothing against you personally. Its the fact your just bove average in adv and who knows if you even play other tiers. furthermore, you are only known because of your rude/obnoxious/cocky behavior. But you are obviously offended by me speaking my mind and are more then welcome to prove me wrong come rounds 1/2/3. Like i said, nothing personal lol. my opinion was theres more qualified but im not the host.

    as for bo3, if i win that doesnt make me better then you and vice versa. in fact itll come to team match up in bw where youll edge me in adv and i have a high chace of edging you in dpp. furthermore, consistency will be tested in this tournament so gl and what not. and finally...stop getting offended by my posts. just because i disagree with your participation doesnt mean i dislike you.

    gl, etc. every adv team/dpp team i had got deleted a few months ago (most dmalfoy helped me w/ in adv) so i have a lot of building to do regardless. glhf
    i coudn't do it yesterday anyway xD. Weekend i guess would be preferred. Hope i see you on #pokemon
    kk, I will be on IRC as "TheUnluckyOne" when i am ready. Looking forward to learning ADV again!
    hey Sir, i am your tutee for Apprentice Program round 70. From your available times i believe we can meet up on #pokemon on Mondays 7:30pm - 8:00pm your time. I would prefer weekends though when i would be available your time 9pm-10pm. idk its hard to sched. you can see my tutee application to see my available times.
    hey we gotta battle for the fuk ferro tour. I'm gmt +1, and i'm usually available from 5:30 to 10:30 pm weekdays, while during the weekends I can be more flexible. When do you want to play?
    freeeeeeen so i gots date in a few but when u available, i think u said u were busy today as well, so sat?
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