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  • Hey, Wanna play to Ghosting tour we can play friday between 9pm and 12 ?
    sorry forgot to reply back, 9pm today works
    S poi re
    S poi re
    We play at week-end any times
    S poi re
    S poi re
    Schedule With tjdaas for week-end
    hey we paired up for regional tour. when would you like to play im gmt+9
    Yh sure 10 am Ur time sounds fine. See u then I'll be on my main mihawk349 in the tours room.
    hey im ready.hop on to ps so that we can play
    im leaving now just reschedule asap so that we can play before the deadline or else ill have to call act
    hey when do you wanna play for nu? it would be cool if we could play today
    im gmt +1 btw sohuld be free most of the time untill thurs, then on sunday
    Are you from the past? Why live in the past when you can live in the future? Ummmmmm..... I know it's a bad pick up line :P
    wait, what? o.o
    That was just a very bad reference to the fact that you're a RoA player! :/
    we’re playin for the God tour. I’m UTC-7, and can play after 5 tomorrow, before noon or after 7 wednesday, after noon thursday, after 5 friday, and all day on the 23rd
    hey when are you down for nuzlocke tour
    hey im gmt +1, want to play tuesday 9pm my time?
    cant do that, im gmt-5, i think that the weekend is best
    Hi man, I'm ready to play for the "oras ubers tournament". I can play at 10h until 16h Monday-Friday. I do not know my timezone but it's 13h46 now for me.
    when do you want to play for usum release tour? im gmt+0 and pretty flexible, best days are tomorrow and wednesday though
    hi there, im gmt +1 and cant actually play during the weekdays as i am really busy with exams, im free after thursday and im normally on 3 to 8 pm my time on those days
    ok, wanna aim for friday? i should be able to play between 3-4pm my time
    that works, see you then
    Yo, Button Clicker Tour. I'm GMT +11, and I'll be able to play whenever my time on the weekend, as long as it isn't before 11am. In terms of weekdays I can only do around 6-10pm my time due to school and other activities.
    gmt +1, 9am my time tomorrow?
    sounds fine
    We're paired for the SM OU Tournament to celebrate ULTRA SUMO. How's it feeling around Saturday or Sunday to give time for Thanksgiving and the like?
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