Expert Evan
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  • I'm sorry, but I really don't want to use IRC. My dittos and the Smeargle went to you for pretty much nothing but getting them back on my gen 5 game. So I'd really rather wait until you're available to send them to me via your game. It's like your telling me you got what you want but now I can just go elsewhere to go get what I want. I hope you can see my perspective.
    I'm not sure what you mean about the others on IRC. I can wait until after you're done work to get the two new dittos and the UT smeargle. I don't use IRC.
    okay, But I might want to have a moderator like you to check it out after I make it just to be sure. Thank you.
    On my way to wifi now. I'll be able to migrate pokes myself in the next two weeks. I ordered a Japanese Diamond game a few days ago.

    Edit: Thanks, E.E.
    Hi. I can get those two dittos and the UT smeargle over to you now if you're available.
    I have two more Japanese dittos--sleepless night :-( I figured I might as well catch them. Calm all 31 IVs in a moon ball and modest all 31 in a level ball.

    When we do the trade, can I send over as well the UT smeargle so I can get a UT version onto my game?
    Ok, great. If I feel better tonight, I may do it today. My concentration is totally off just now.
    The more flawless the better. I'll use it as a breeder. I can get a calm ditto, but is it rush? I'm not feeling that well today. I'll catch it within the next two days if that's ok.

    Edit: I plan to catch a modest one as well. Would it be ok to send that over at the same time? Edit again: Unless Syb's ditto is actually japanese and he nicknamed it Ditto?
    Hey Jeff, Just one more question. If anyone on this website flames or spams on my thread (when I make one) especially the ones who are on my blacklist (when I make a rule that says "the people who are on my blacklist may not post on my thread. If you do, I'll report you"), is it okay if I send you a message to let you know just in case?
    I can always send you over another level 1 Smeargle, if it's no trouble.

    I haven't tested to see if a ROM Japanese game will let me trade up to Pokemon Black, but I'm not anywhere near doing that in game play anyhow. I heard only a retail game works. I'm planning to buy one eventually, as soon as I get more money into my Paypal account.
    Btw, if you have the level 1 versions of the Smeargle and Shroomish available on B/W, I'd like to get them some day. CMT my thread if you'd like something in exchange for your trouble.
    Hi, EE. I've modified post 2 of my thread to show the dittos, breloom and Smeargle for B/W trades. I've given you semi-redis on the Smeargle. The others are all fully redis.

    I've accomplished cloning via old save files.
    My thread partner is inactive and I need to find proof of all the rights I have on the redis pokemon by October 7. I think I will just start fresh and open a new one with all the redis pokemon hidden in text boxes. Thanks for the clarification though!
    Hello Expert Evan, my current thread is by no means "active" in the sense that there are no posts in it other than the owners and trading isn't really going on either. I want to make a new thread because I'm planning on having only my OT pokemon in the new one and only redis pokemon in the old one. May I create a new thread without closing the old one?
    Hey a friend of mine what to join smogon but it kicks him out when he clicks sign up so so do you know whats going on?
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