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    Does it mean you're powerful enough to drag a car with your head through the window, or does it mean if you put a head in a dude's car you'll "take it too far" as in relationship wise.

    Or something completely off base of the above ?_?
    I suppose that's more healthy than beating off in the mirror while lifting weights and saying "FUCK YOU ARE GOOD".
    as long as you aren't one of them then I think it's all cool
    You're not a narcissist are you? :D
    I dunno I'm fairly sure that there are at least 5 smogoners than want to fuck you pretty badly or are kind of in love with you to some extent.
    Yeah I definitely don't want's pretty easy to troll like 10 people at once with you as a vessel. Call you a slut or something and you get the white knight effect, hit on you and you get the jealous effect.
    heavily doubt that things with the term "heavily" will ever be attractive to me.

    Maybe I should change my username to fishy bukkake? that'd be pretty trollish though and I am not a troll
    where is your rape, whistle.

    Man one comma can fuck things up bad. What if it's like 2 guys and they are being gentle about pinning?
    I think the line there is "If the guy is beating the shit out of you and is completely filthy, perhaps mexican even". If it's someone you're attracted to, I duuuunno if you'd fully dislike it. Part of it is resistance being futile, many women like being dominated in that way.
    wait girls don't like that? fuuuck no wonder!

    I'm sure it's a sliding scale, the enorphins and tension of a rape one could be nice in its own way, speaking purely from my extensive experience with a woman brain
    something like 75% of women actually have a rape fantasy involving a long haired muscley latin man coming up to them on a beach while they are tanning their labia or something. It's like the gentlest rape scenario ever and if they fantasize about it, it's not truly rape. I bet yours are violent and involve fat asian men or something.
    I notice you use the word dream and not nightmare there. Was it really that awful?
    at least it wasn't some deranged sex nightmare, you know? Like when Hank Hill had sex with Nancy Gribble after seeing her sexified in a bikini.
    I had a nightmare that you, Evan and someone else on the forum (who I knew in the dream but not upon waking) visited me. I'd ask that in the future if you are going to rape my dreams, you bring food. I woke up fucking HUNGRY
    well that certainly helps my self esteem whilst also making me like you a little less :(
    the only time I was in a car crash was whilst I was ramming fishy for saying the word whilst
    STOP SAYING WHILST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    New Beginnings, eh? I really like it! I think that should be the fake album's official title from now on.
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