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  • Okay, never mind. There has a slight change of plan. I won't be available until Monday too.
    I'll be available until Thursday night and I won't come back until after the deadline. So anytime from now is fine with me.
    You've got to remember that not only am I new to Smogon, I'm new to cometitive battling too. Remember Claydol? I just found out about Smogon a couple months ago, despite it being the no. 3 or 4 result if you type in any PKMN's name into Google besides Pikachu. To be honest, I found out about PO two weeks ago.
    BW meaning only G.5 Pokemon or BW like all generations?

    Hey, have you been having Smogon problems today? Like whenever you click on the forums link or a Google link, it says "Internal Server Error 503". Are they updating stuff, or could it be something else?
    Thanks for wishing me luck on the next tournament, thought I won't be able to go because of some orientation thing for a certain summer school class. :(
    Only a couple decades before the Kingdom of Hawaii was overthrown, the Japanese underwent a tremendous revolution-- closing the book on the era of the Samurai and caste system, removing the shogun, and changing to a democratic country fulling looking to modernize/westernize. Looking back on what Japan was, and as it is, things have changed radically. Even now, there is a constant need to question what traditions ought to be preserved, and majority of dialects are all but dead. Progression continues ruthlessly-- in the wider view of things, Hawaii's current position in the world ain't so bad. Revolutions are almost always born of a need.
    I didn't mean you were bashing-- I mean that I would be bashing my own head if I pursued arguing the issues. I'm only curious about what you would envision in a sovereign Hawaiian nation. What kind of government would it have? How would its military be handled? Probably the biggest question-- who would have citizenship, how would citizenship be handled (like dual'd with US for most?)? How would non-Hawaiians be treated in the outcome (considering labor force is dependent on immigration)? Saying what "should have happened" is one thing, but it's a whole different mess to envision what should be done. If it's just about preserving culture and language I'd whole-heartedly agree-- though I think it's a fair point to say that generally speaking globalization and technological advancement is causing dramatic cultural change, or pressure for change world wide. Hawaii's not the only place that, in the long run, will be forced to seriously consider the value of some of its traditions.
    Rather than bash my head against a wall trying to argue your points, it's more effective to just point out: What do you want done?
    There's a lot to be grateful for in being a USA state though-- you have to admit that the standard of living in the Kingdom of Hawaii was not on par. I'm pretty sure the greater majority of Hawaii residents would rather be part of the USA than an individual country. Besides, aside from tourism, our economy wouldn't stay afloat without the military.
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