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  • Lol, have you seen my Pidgey? :P And I think icemanu is in need of a pair of glasses >_< I'm not taking any CMT's untill I've finished my EV training (16 left) and when I've learned Zeg RNG xD
    Well normally you'd think encounters in the wild are random but they're really not. Encounter slots tells you what you'll encounter on that specific frame. Just highlight your desired spread on RNG Reporter and right click >>> Encounter Slots. It should be self-explanatory from there. You have a number and a link to follow :P
    Those are good ones to start out with until you get comfortable with the process. Wild captures aren't all that much different other than having to use sweet scent/fishing rods and making sure you get the correct pokemon with the spread you want. Roamers can be a bit more time consuming, as you have to track them down and (unless they are shiny) capture them to confirm you hit the correct frame.
    Usually 10-15 minutes depending what it is. Most of the time it takes longer looking up a spread and encounter slots and stuff than it does to actually catch it lol.
    Oh, yeah in that case you should do that. ^^ If I get capturing legends and breeding perfect IV pokémon, then I'm going to RNG every competitive Pokémon ^_^ Not all the sets xD just one set per Pokémon :P
    I think you should keep your Pokémon you'd bred before, but put them in a Non-Rng post or something like that, just all in one post, and keep the rest for all your RNG stuff ^^
    ok, this is the your better shiny spreads.

    (JOLLY, ability 0) 31/31/29/7/30/30 (Seed: d00c0293

    (QUIET, ability 1) 30/30/29/27/30/30 (Seed: 9c0b0279

    so, at the moment in your thread i don't nterested nothing, i keep the credit for another time.

    GL ;D
    Dude, that's epic! Ur going faster then I am. :( Think I'll put my part of our thread on standby, only finishing pending trades, I still need to EV 17 Pokémon XD and learning RNG, then I'll be back in business :P
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