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  • Nah. And you just have to be careful of the forepaws - those have outstanding power. Although, -Red- is a bear after all, so that's to be expected.
    but you a little boy r u not! plz i gots sourcandys and duct..err bubblegum tape
    Hey little boy, come to my minivan. i gots candys...

    lol mattj
    Then you tell them the story of how you received your easily-obtained pre-contributor badge.
    If someone touches you in a place or in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, that's no good!
    Awsome I won't be able to get on today in that my homeslice friends have kidnaped me but maybe MAYBE tonight like 11ish here so 10ish there I can be on the forum thingy cause I work all week.
    Sorry wasnt online...mainlined Portal2 last night. Send me a time and Ill be on. My list be AND sorry if names are evolved not babys.
    Solosis(quite), Tynamo(adament), litwick(modest), Deino(timid), Thundurous, Tornadus, Landourus, Joltik(timid), Tympole(modest) Virizion, Axew(jolly) Larvesta.

    If to many let me know again im flying blind with either run a trick room team or tailwind...
    I bet. Well ive got a list cause again idk what i should do. Ill be free tonight and ill send it to ya :p thanks for all this if yall need/want a place to stay for cheapness near the tourn let me know. But see im thinking first 2 is 1 trick roomer 2nd is a fast mofo to smack/flinch yer tailwind then set up the room and go "hahahahahaha"
    I'm having a REALLY hard time picking a team. I'm thinking of a trick room team/counter trick room team. What does the mighty Matt say? And maybe if yer warmon comes the ladies can ladie it up :p
    I'll take a number 4 heck it's my birthday make it a supersize! I'll get back to ya in a tic. Ok if I no has points?
    Day 2 of breeding...24 Solosis breed and released...36 Tepigs.... I have begun eating the stuff that comes out of my bellybutton because it's hr only thing that is logical now. Oh and maybe a Zoroark timid with hidden pwr ice would be nice.
    Every calc I've checked gives those same results. Incidentally, though, the damages you mention fit perfectly with Terrakion at -1 Defense. Are you sure that Terrakion hadn't CCed before you hit it with Acrobatics?
    I was gona ask a favor but alas i see you being swarmed! I think ill just say...HUZZA THE DAYS OF YORE ARE NIEGH!
    Hey mattj, how's it going? I have another favor to ask of you. I'm really sorry. I was wondering if you had enough rare candies to level my virizion to the level it learns leaf blade? You see, Seattle regional is coming up and I really don't have the time to level him up manually nor do I have an ar. I will let you keep a copy of virizion if you wish
    Thanks, but I think I've actually picked a good one with Darkwing Duck. So I think I'll stick with that. Sorry!
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