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  • Tauros, we 'mericans love our beef and a bull is the mascot for Dodge. And holy crap you live a few hours away from me.
    No way! That's crazy. Small world!
    I guess technically 1.5 if traffic is good. I've been finding people near me on my other board I frequent too, its kinda weird.
    Comment here with American giveaway ideas!
    Pick manly Pokemon such as Sawk, Throh, Machop, or Timburr. They all have some Teddy Roosevelt in their hearts.
    Lickilciky because lol phat, Tepig because bacon, Pidove for city pigeons (though they're everywhere). Cottonee for cotton harvests, Maractus for our crap deserts and Deerling/Stantler because we know we hit too many of those.
    Maybe Braviary or Bouffalant ? Represent an eagle (USA national bird) and a bison (USA national animal)
    Tatertot I see your name in a lot of the trade threads and you seem to have a trustworthy record can you help me with my Evo trade
    Sure, no problem. I'll add you and head online!
    The winners of this week's giveaway are: (1) flargananddingle (2) tjohnny44 (3) Magicaleaf!
    Next week's giveaway will be TWICE as big as usual since I'll be out of town the weekend after that.
    My favorite dragon is Dragonite. He would be scared to see such a powerful dragon slayer like Klefki, but he would man up to fight. He would DD up, and then use an unpredictable Firepunch and melt Klefki
    Comment with your Dragon vs. Klefki stories here for the giveaway!
    You don't have to vote for your own if you don't want to.
    I know, but I suggested it because it's something I personally would love to have. Let me know if it wins, I'll happily catch you one in the Friend Safari if you need it.
    It has 5 Votes (Not including yours) and Pinsir is second at 3 votes. May as well vote for something else you might like. :P I'm pretty sure Cubchoo is going to be first place.
    Hey,I was just breeding kareablast for you,will have it tomorrow,want me to pick something else or have it replace Pansage?
    No idea, you just cut out all of a sudden. Anyways, thanks for the trade!
    I didn't,I thought you did,Iw as searching for the copy karra thanks again and yea,I will be making you do scythers as an upgrade project,even tho I have them
    Any chance you need dream ball ones too?
    The winners of my Sunday giveaway are (1) dr00 (2) shiny finder (3) Gabe!
    Thank you all for playing, and be sure to check back on my thread next Sunday for another giveaway!
    I would choose rotom, it can hack into any electronic device and be really helpful overall. for example if your car broke down rotom can simply enter it and make it work. If theres a blackout he can power your 3ds TV Computer for you, or the A/C if its summer xD. It can also help with chores like lawnmowing cooking etc and also save electricity. I`d really like a rotom in my life xD
    *Sigh* somebody else also said rotom well he said specifically rotom fan. I said rotom and all its possible formes :)
    Geodude man...this weird, floating, buff little face with arms. Also, I would imagine you could stand on his head, hold his arms and use him as a levitating segway. But dr00's is totally better ↓
    manaphy cos wynaut? we'd go out clubbing with our red scarves on looking fucking fantastic, & he'd be the most epic wingman ever: heart swap, dazzl(ing gleam), and charm the pants of the ladies and then u-turn out. and bonus, he can tail glow to make an epic strobe light. he's an epic dancer even though he can't fiery, dragon, swords, teeter, or quiver, cos he can motherfucking rain dance better than anyone.
    Jirachi not a complete favorite but the ability of wish granting can help and hey many people have wishes that they want fulfilled....
    Wynaut, because why not? :3
    It's a cute little blue blop, that always keeps up a positiv spirit and would light up my day.
    I'd say Pidgeot, since I'd be able to fly, go to distance places, and summon Weather changes where needed.
    If I had a Pokemon in real life it would have to be Jolteon, as one of the dog (possibly cat) like Pokemon I feel like it would be as loyal a companion as I could get. We could play fetch everyday and travel the world together, earning our keep from the prize money we win in Frisbee competitions. He would sleep at the foot of my bed every night, I would feed him Prime Rib every night and life would be swell.
    thats pretty easy realy I would want an arceus. because arceus would mean I get 4 pokemon because il let itcreate arceus giratina and the others as well. also I would use judgement on everyone who misthreats animals. also I would let arceus reate an army of ginatina palkia and dialga. to protect whoever needs it:) while punish the ones who deserve it.

    I would make the world a good place once again
    Summer is right around the corner and, as usual, the weather is getting pretty hot here in Spain!

    That's why I would choose to have a Fan Rotom, to keep me cool throughout the day! Alternatively a Vanilluxe could come in handy as a frosty treat.
    Ash's Butterfree. Even as Caterpie it was loyal and very friendly. Not to mention it took down Team Rocket with only string shot! It sacrificed itself for Ash as a Metapod, protecting him from a Beedrill despite Ash abandoning him. Plus, if he was by my side forever, he wouldn't have had to leave as a Butterfree ("Bye-Bye Butterfree" was probably the saddest episode ever). Of course I would adopt the Pink one too :)
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