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  • heading on now sorry must have lost my connection, thanks for all your help sorry it took so long :/
    :D ya, i have that awesome matt j's mew i just like collecting events and i hoped this one was actualy legit. But, i supose its not. Iam free to trade back for the trouble maker when ever you want though. I have to go out soon for girls night...xD
    I dont know why people chose to hack pokemans. It just fail.
    D: I was all psyched thinking a got a half decent mew, i am not to big into the crazy-art-of-smogon flawless IV's at the moment but, it does bother me when i find a poke is hacked.
    i guess your using a crazy program that means? well dont go through to much trouble to help, i dont want this to take up your whole night
    oh no, well i guess i deserve that for going in the GTS :P
    Ill be in wfc waiting for this 'bad mew' back,then ill probaly use it as a hm bot then :P

    thanks for your help i would have never known :)
    i checked it out myself ( by that i mean wiki'd it, so i wouldnt call it true research) it looks good i just wondered if the Iv's would give it away as a hack :o
    (CALM, ability 1) 26/14/25/30/28/31
    (CALM, ability 1) 26/6/29/30/30/25
    (CALM, ability 0) 27/22/26/31/26/28
    (CALM, ability 0) 27/13/31/28/31/28
    (CALM, ability 1) 28/12/31/28/25/27
    (CALM, ability 0) 31/24/25/31/26/28
    (CALM, ability 1) 26/9/27/31/31/25
    (CALM, ability 0) 31/10/25/28/28/29
    (CALM, ability 0) 26/17/27/30/25/31

    These are the calm shiny spreads I have. I'm leaning towards the bolded one but its up to you- unless, of course, you'd rather have a non-shiny.
    Actually, I have an idea... If there's any sort of Articuno or Moltres you'd like, I haven't abused mine yet in Plat. ^_^ I only just picked out a spread for my Zapdos today. If not, I've got a massive to-do list and I'm constantly updating.
    Oh, no no, follow the link in my sig. You can get a fully redis Jolly Flawless Ray there!!
    Yeah, you can have anything you want from my thread, barring Pluff and Hitmontop. ^_^ (I do believe I owe you credits already if there were other things you wanted. =3 )
    ok, adamant then.
    meet you there, but migrating, so might be a sec.
    bring 2 fodder
    Sry girantina i can't do rayquaza as i already caught mine don't have ar and starting over for one capture project would be ehh for me
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