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  • Not wasting my #500th post on explaining why I decided to put -_- on 1 of my posts. I just felt like it
    I dislike when people insult others based on a difference in opinion. Then I used your language to demonstrate that you were wrong. Finally I stated my own opinion on SMBC, stating that I consider it a mediocre hit-or-miss comic, which everyone seems to have read as a scathing rant against it. In response to that, I proceeded to link a series of comics which I thought were made less funny by the fact that the author had to explain all the punchlines as part of the actual comic, which, again, everyone seems to have read as a scathing rant against SMBC as a whole.

    I didn't take personal offense to anything you or anyone else said, I just wanted to tell you not to be such an asshole.
    I've gotten worried recently that I've been posting too much without really "contributing" to smogon but then I remember that you have like 2500 posts or something

    so thanks for reassuring me, even if it was inadvertently
    Oh hi! Currently it's unpublished, which I'd like to put down to not trying to get it published and I'd rather not give out the raw file. If it ever does come to fruition, I'll be sure to let Smogon know, though ^_^
    its pretty trippy!

    also I'm pretty sure you can just chose to deny webcam access and you can still see the site hah
    Lol. That's my daughter Lilly. My wife is pregnant and will be having a boy around the end of January. :3
    Holy shit, I'm older than you o_O
    Randomly clicked your profile when reading a thread and saw you were in the '93 group so I checked your birthdate (not stalking!). I'd always assumed you were in your twenties :p
    My apologies then, in the wake of the noise thread it appeared that you were attempting to further that threads confrontation.
    For the question there was a thread a month or two ago in a forum where we had a bit of a spat.
    Nope, got a year of high school left, did I sound older than I was or something?
    At any rate, no harm, no foul, I overreacted and I apologize.
    That's gotta be the funniest thing I've ever heard in my years of listening to NPR.
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