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  • Sure, I'd like to start out with Github; is there a nice online tutorial that exists?

    I also have no experience with Java. I can program in C++ though; so as long as I look at the code long enough I should be able to figure it out
    Hello! Could I help out with developing pokemon showdown?

    Also, I have a suggestion for random battles on ShowDown:
    You are shown ten pokemon, and you have 40 seconds to draft the six you want. You can see their moves and everything. Then, the standard team preview shows up and you can pick which pokemon to start with.

    This could help reduce the frustration with completely incompatible teams or terrible starters and add a layer of strategy to random gameplay :)
    Cool, you have Lilly as your avatar! I don't have anything else to type, but thank you for your hard work!
    Hey man It's morty here! For some reason I can't log into Showdown. I was disconnected mid-battle and now I can't log in D:
    Yo. A while back you made a post wondering if LC battles worked on the recorder.

    Anyways, they do for the most part. However, watch this battle:

    At around turns 8, 9, and 10, there seems to be something wrong with the way Murkrow is taking residual damage. I don't know if this is a glitch with the replayer or lc, but just thought I'd let you know.
    Is there anyway to donate money to PS to support server costs and stuff?
    the replay doesn't show Status like Poison or Sleep anymore, why? Pls fix that
    Hey, someone put a replay up on your replay view (Stellar vs Nachos) but neither of our SPL teams wants the log made public. If possible, could you remove the replay?
    That avatar further enforces the confusion over what sex you are irl. Shit now I'm confusing myself >_<
    That's the thing - I have goals, but I have no idea *how* to achieve them... i don't know enough to begin to turn dreams into reality.

    Example: I'm looking into writing a cloud based TCG simulator. Looking into your simulator (which is what I'm aiming for), it *appears* to be written in javascript, but nothing I've learned seems to approach what I _need_ to know.

    But you pointed me in the right direction. Thanks!
    Fair enough. I've always wanted to get into web development similar to what you're doing, but I've never known *where* to start. I know HTML, CSS, and I taught myself enough javascript to make this a calculator for ASB (

    But how do I... "level-up" per se - to get where you are now? I'm not sure what comes next in the learning sequence.
    Are you available on any sort of instant messenger? I've questions about web programming (not support, lol), and I believe you can point me in the right direction.
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