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  • Hey, thanks for the offer! I didn't even realize Nuzleaf was in FS, if that's the case, I can catch myself ^^
    FINALLY got that Elegant Vivillon! Best master ball I've ever used. :D
    Old post is old...which 3 do you still need? If its any of sun, polar, jungle, archipelago, savannah, or ocean let me know..I have flawless eggs of all :)
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    Hey! Thanks flarg. :) At this point it's Sun and Modern (haven't bred my own pattern XD). If you want to trade Vivillons, I have high plains, icy snow, ocean, marine, sandstorm, and continental.
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    haha sorry. So yeah, actually, I'd be interested in trading for a Sun pattern :)
    Hi, I saw you have a Piloswine friend safari, could you add me please? My code is 3222-5676-5775 . Thanks!
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    Great, thanks!

    Your safari is electric with Electrode, Stunfisk, and Manectric. Nice!

    Your Piloswine should be unlocked too. Enjoy :)
    Yes, it has :D, thanks a lot for the help ^.^
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    You're welcome! And welcome to smogon! ^_^
    Hiya! If you can get me a female Dusk Ball 31/x/30/30/30/30 Scatterbug [and give me two copies, it doesn't matter if it's your pattern] I'll be able to give you a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Timid Great Ball Elegant scatterbug :]
    It's fine, I'll do it myself :) got nothing else to do right now lol
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    Well, ok, but it really is np though. I'm not really even looking for something in return. But thanks for thinking of me :)
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    oh, and you probably already noticed, but it looks like that same guy is trying to set up a trade with Snoopy himself for the same Vivillon
    Hello there, I just wanted to thank you again for the advice given about Thundurus - I finally got my shiny one! Took a lot of seed searching and what seemed to be infinite trial and error, but that's all done. Thanks!
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    Hey! That's great, congrats!! :D Thanks for the update. I'm so glad you were able to get it!
    You're quite welcome! Glad I could help :)
    Let me add you and then I'll send you a trade with all three. :)
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    Thanks so much! I think we've already added each other. I'm online now :)
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    Thanks again! No shiny, but I love them all the same! :D
    Thanks a bunch for the trade dude, hopefully I can return the favour some time!
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    You're quite welcome :D

    Let me know if you ever need anything else! Thanks for the Mawile too :)
    Hey, got a TSV match; Gothita (F) - Sassy - Shadow Tag - [0820] Hoping you'll help me hatch this Gal.
    Hey thanks a ton for the help! I'm making a full siny team for the upcoming online competition!
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    You're welcome! :D Always glad to help. Thanks again for the egg, and good luck! At the very least, you'll have the best looking team lol
    It's a doubles perish trapper team, so it's going to be fun and nice to look at!
    Hi! I'm interested in your Safari. Could you add me, please? My FC is 1736-1420-5168. I'm online in the nights, preferably after 22:00 h (UTC-6, from Mexico City). Thanks in advance.
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    enjoy the safari! :)
    So grateful with you :D.

    I'll be online today at 22:00 h (UTC-5 or -6), if by chance you'll be there too.
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    You're quite welcome :). Let me know if you ever need anything else!

    Hard to say, but I'm sure we'll meet up again at some point :)
    Hi, it would be awesome if you could add me to your Piloswine Safari. My FC is 3308-4548-1261. Thank you in advance :)
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    Sure thing, my FC is 0688-5425-7664. What time works for you to get on so that we can unlock the 3rd slot?
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    nvm. I see that you're already on. Enjoy the Piloswine! :)
    Thank you very much^^
    Hi there. :) Jon here.
    Let’s hatch Pokemon egg SV 820, since it matches your trainer shiny value.
    My FC is 4957-2901-5642/ TSV: 1677/ IGN: Anthony
    You may also message me on facebook:
    Thank you. :)
    did you have a TSV of 820?
    If so could I recruit you to hatch an egg for me?
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    haha yeah, weird. Thanks for the Marill!
    I appreciate it a lot.
    Sorry if you wanted to keep your Caterpie, I thought you'd appreciate a Belly Jet Marill
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    You're welcome. Always happy to help.
    haha no it's ok. and yeah, I really do appreciate it :D
    Thanks again.
    I am available right now if you do not I am available 18 00 to 00 00 pm
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    I can trade now, My in-game name is Joshua and my FC is 0817-3836-6374. I'll log on and send you a trade request. Could I get your info please?
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