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  • I've just read that link in ur sig and it honestly boggles my mind that anyone was trying to defend Mewtwo
    Thanks for linking the Caveman Smogon topic in your sig. It just shows no matter how much changes, somethings remain constant.
    I apologize for bothering you but on your Uber giveaway thread, is it possible for me to donate some of my Pokemon? Not sure if I should post on the thread or PM you but I have some Pokemon that I would like to share with the people.
    I'm interested in your Timid Latios for the Sinnoh Classic.
    IGN: Bruce
    Deposited: lvl 30 Pigeotto
    Message: Theorymon rocks!
    one small block of ice + one small block of ice = one big block of ice
    Regice literally freezes anything solid that comes near it according to dexter. I just can't imagine that it would be bothered by being surrounded by ice.
    It is so cold that it can not be molten by fire or magma, but it can be neutralized/immobilized by more ice? ROFL
    Nelson Tangela
    Nelson Tangela
    Also the game calling it "Fainting" makes sense.
    "Pinsir used Guillotine. The opposing Pikachu was decapitated!" probably would keep the franchise from getting this low of an age limit...
    Nelson Tangela
    As far as I know, the move is called "absolue zero" in the original implying a change of temperature, something that is practically impossible to achieve with fire or magma. At this point, Regice will take on a new state of matter called "Bose-Einstein condensate", and will thus cease to be ice.
    Your dreams came true
    Im imagining James with Fallout Armor now too. That's two RPGs I like where bottle caps are important!
    Let's just hope Sun and Moon are better than Fallout 4 though lol
    Idk if you're still taking donations for your thread anymore, but I just remembered that I SR'd a 31/27/30/31/31/30 Calm Cresselia in early 2014, and you don't have a Calm one yet.
    Thanks again for the gifts! I have 1 mon that I would like to donate, if you want him. Its a Shiny Xerneas, Timid, 18/18?/31/31/31/31 that I got via Mystery Gift back in May 2016. If you want him, I'll happily to give him to you to distribute. I just want a clone, since he is my only one and I can't clone. I realize that 18 HP isn't ideal, but that's the only thing this guy is lacking. Thanks mon!
    neir looks so good *-*
    what happened with scalebound, i havent been following it :o
    It just looked really jankey and unpolished for a Kamyia game, and the combat wasn't as inspiring as you'd expect from them.
    rip dragons....oh well, at least nier looks promising. its 3d top down shooter gimmick reminds me of this other game that was announced but I can't remember what it was called...anyways nier is like a better version of it. Hopefully its not too short
    The voice in the BotW trailer said "Link". I'm worried that we won't be able to actually name "our" Link anymore... but then again, who cares. This game looks fucking breathtaking.
    Yeah I am ever so slightly annoyed at the lack of a female playable character and not naming Link, but the game looks fucking incredible. There's also some speculation that this might be a previous Link (Such as the OOT Link in the fallen Hero timeline), so that'd explain those two factors I guess.
    Nelson Tangela
    Nelson Tangela
    Don't really care about Linkle, since I never play as the female character anyway.

    Oh wow. Ganon won. Link dead. Sheikha resurrect Link. Link goes to kick Ganon's ass.

    What actually annoys me is that we already know that Ganon is the "big bad". Kinda ruins the surprise...
    Nelson Tangela
    Nelson Tangela
    Also, Open World Zelda is like the most hype thing ever.
    Hey would it be possible to add a rule to your giveaway telling people not to contact donators for nickname changes?
    Yeah that might not be a bad idea. I already feel bad with putting the brunt of the trades on you guys lately!
    Well I don't distribute but sometimes I get random PMs of people asking for nickname changes. I even got one asking a nickname for your gengar. I forgot I hatched that for you xD
    I can look into that tomorrow after Nintendo's E3 stream!
    Noticed we never got around to donating. Still interested?
    Hello. Thanks for doing that giveaway of yours. Also, if it interests you, I'd like to donate a 20th Aniversary Mew soft reseted a few days ago.


    IVs: 29/8/31/31/30/31
    Nature: Calm
    EVs: Untrained
    OT: GF
    **Offensive Water-types**: Azumarill, Rotom-H, Greninja, and Gyarados all hit Rotom-H hard, but all of them hate Electric moves. <-
    Nelson Tangela
    Nelson Tangela
    Mention in C&C, that Ground-types keep any choiced set from spamming Volt Switch blindly and mention Manectric for the same reason imo. Electric-type immunities make any choiced Rotom a lot easier to handle.
    Nelson Tangela
    Nelson Tangela
    Just my 37 cents.
    Nelson Tangela
    Nelson Tangela
    For what it's worth... this thing also has a very awkward mirror match. Especially if you slash Toxic on the SubSet.
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