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  • hey, i made some sets for next best thing in advance, but i am kinda worried that the europeans will have the same ideas and post sets very similar to mine, can i pm you them in advance?
    Um I suppose?
    Cancel cult
    Cancel cult
    oh crap, it just occured to me that saying europeans could come off wrong. what i meant was that while i am asleep, the europeans, who would be awake, would post sets similar to mine. i am not trying to imply that europeans steal peoples ideas, and i am sorry if that was how you interpreted it.
    Its fine. I just took it as you're in North/South America and a few time zones ahead but fwiw the new mon will generally freed for submissions sometime in the afternoon or evening gmt
    It's time! When do you want to play? I'm gmt+2 and prefer playing toward the end of the week
    Hey, do you mean Thursday or Sunday? I'm generally pretty flexible and available most days except Tuesday and Sunday
    The hosts for nd ubers ssnl haven't posted round 11 yet but we already know that we're paired, so when are you available ? I'm +2 btw
    I should be able to do that though if you're available earlier in the day that would be great
    I could be available earlier, I'll just tell you here when I'm available Saturday
    sounds good. I'm available now if you are
    Can I report you? lol was wondering what your name meant and translate says well um
    I mean you can if you want? Don't really know what google translate spat out for. I'd be surprised if bumboclaat is profane enough to rise above whatever bar smogon has for usernames.
    accept my friend req on cord, arvin_plays
    I appreciate you reviewing my post on Setup Sweeper Rayquaza. I apologize for reserving a set I had little real knowledge on and I'm sorry you had to read that, and correct my analysis, which, as you could see, was not very meta and in short, wasted your time. Apologies.
    It is alright. Thanks for aknowledging that, I really appreciate it. I do hope you enjoy NDUbers and play a bit more to have enough general knowledge meta to get some analyses done soon. There isn't anything inherently wrong with some offbeat suggestions an analysis so long as they're within reason. QCs job is to let you know whether or not you've gone too far.
    Do you want to help me co-host a NatDex Ubers Trio tournament. It’s approved by R8 and R8 told me I needed a co-host.
    I'm fine helping with what I can as long as you're alright with some potential missteps given my lack of experience hosting tournaments. As long as you're comfortable telling me what to do I'm happy to help. Would this also restrict me from playing as well?
    I’m sure you’ll do fine. It’s just for fun. This tournament doesn’t need to be perfect, as long as it’s a fun experience for everyone involved. This also won’t restrict you from playing, as long as you don’t purposefully rig it. The host of the Monotype Spring Seasonals, Ceilau, played in that tournament.
    Alright well just let me know what you need me to do. feel free to add me on discord (grand cayman) since that is a better way to reach me.
    One of the top Natdex Ubers poster. Congrats man :tyke:
    Oh um thanks! Nothing can too your supply of wooloo gifs though
    Yow, are we obliged to follow the spread for Caly-I? The 252 252 4 Spe or can we use a different spread? Thanks!
    Whatever spread you'd like as long as it has a choice band
    Thanks man
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