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  • Alright, tonight's probably good. I'll be off-and-on, so just send me a message when/if you log on.

    If not tonight, I should be able to play sometime on tuesday, but probably not tomorrow. I dunno what time zone you're in, but I'm in EST (5:37 here atm).
    You know what bro, go ahead and get the win. I'm just too busy. Enjoy the rest of the tourney! :)
    Hey Sixfortyfive! It looks like I'll be your next opponent in the 2009 tournament. When would you like to battle?
    hey, sorry I've been busy the past couple of days. We should be able to finish our match tomorrow.
    Ditto - #132 (Calm): 31 / 27 - 31 / 27 - 31 / 27 - 31 / 27 - 31 / 27 - 31
    king of hax, shower me with your haxy touch next year :). thanks for rooting me on 616
    Thank you. Our goal was to get Ryan into Worlds as he was the only one of the kids that had not made it into a worlds competition. Getting me and the Mrs. in was a giant bonus. The trip was better than we could possibly have hoped for and we could not be happier.

    Clearly we have the single elimination thing down. Now to work on two out of three teams.
    Sixfortyfive how's life treating you man. still havent forgotten about my rematch hahaha
    No, not this one. Only because it really wasn't a match. You froze me twice. Can we have another match now???
    Hey man! I'm going to VGC Worlds, and I was wondering if we could have a VGC 2010 style match for some practice. :)
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