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  • Seems like a good idea, if youd like to write one for the thread, you can also just have some sort of quality control with me and zy (easiest over IRC). Important is optimising the ev spreads, as this is rather different from standard. You need different amounts of evs to add statpoints (4 ev's never does it, and oftentimes 252 can also be 248, etc). This si the main reason i havent added many standard sets either. Anyways, once you have a good set and spread and can clarify it to me or zy, you can write an analysis :)
    nevermind I can't do Tuesday, sorry. Would you be able to do something later in the week, like Thursday, same time?
    Hey Plopper. We're opponents in the OU Tournament.

    When will be a good time for you and I to battle? I'm GMT-5, by the way.
    GMT -6. I'm still on summer break til the 19th, so any time of day is good for me, really. I'll do the best I can to match any suggestions, despite the 9 hour time difference lol
    As I said, it's if you take the passages out of context, but given that that's how most people view religions that they don't personally follow...
    As a comment, there are portions of the Quaran, that if taken out of context, could mean that you should kill non-muslims, however, the same passages are present in the bible, and like the majority of muslims, the majority of christians ignore them.
    Because each stat is normalized so that their average is 100 and their standard deviation is 50. If 100/100/100/100/100/100 is slightly biased towards physical, it means that there are less Pokemon with that much Atk and Def or more than there are Pokemon with that much SpA and SpD or more.
    Hey, don't bump me and Rename Card's thread just for that comment (deleting your post would be cool). Tell Rename Card he has that error with a Visitor Message or a Personal Message. He might not really care though as he's retired from trading though...

    Curtains is out of the chess tournament; you can have his place. you are playing white against Floppy.
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