2010 music

Biggie!! Lol I like old school and underground rap and indie rock any one heard of or been to coachella fest I live 15 minute it's expensive as he'll to get in (all though it's not that hard to sneek in or make fake bracelets) but it is the experience of a life time if you like indie music look up coachella music and arts festival
My favorite albums have to be...

Metallica - Kill 'em all
Metallica - Ride the Lightning
Metallica - Metallica
Gojira - From Mars To Sirius
Eluveitie - Everything remains as it never was (not always)
Anyone who likes Daughters is cool with me ~_~

I havent had much time to find new music because Ive been working full time
here, i typed this up for someone on another messageboard. you might find it useful. :toast:

albums i absolutely love

Cloudkicker: ]]][[[
incredible progressive poly-metric metal in the vein of Meshuggah (and Animals as Leaders...Periphery...et cetera). just a 3 song EP (available for free download from his official blog, if you don't want to use the tiny bit of ratio on it), and it contains some of his best stuff to date. i'm a bit obsessed with this guy, and can't wait for a new album.

Rinoa: An Age Among Them*
sludgey post-hardcore, sort of like a cross between mewithoutYou and Converge, but not really. still digesting this one.

The American Dollar: Atlas
dreamy and atmospheric post-rock similar to Gregor Samsa. really relaxing and beautiful stuff, with enough subtle glitchy electronics to set it apart in the genre.

Year of No Light: Ausserwelt
their debut was a solid release, but this is much better. they've almost completely dropped the post-hardcore edge they started with and opted for a much more atmospheric and soaring sound, the same sort of post-metal bands like Mouth of the Architect (and to some extent Rosetta) have been doing for awhile now...and i'm a huge fan.

Barren Earth: Curse of the Red River
a super-group that actually lives up to it's potential. nothing completely mindblowing about what they're doing, but this is some melodic death metal with character right here. very memorable, and only gets better upon multiple listens.

Daughters: Daughters
this is the album that broke up the band. after finishing recording, the part completely dissolved over very heated artistic differences, with the guitarist joining up with Fang Island and deciding to just rock his little indie heart out. after a few months the vocalist and bass player (i think?) decided to go ahead and release the record, without touring for it and with no plans for future records. the vocalist said in an interview "I think if people like it, it's because it was written for them to like it, if that makes sense." which is kind of a douchey thing to say...but what do you know, this is the most accesible thing they've ever released, and what do you know...Pitchfork loved it.

Kyte: Dead Waves*
still getting to know this album more, but it's very fun and awesome. sounds a bit like M83, but that's really only a reference point, not a comparison.

Mains de Givre: Esther Marie*
this is seriosuly one of my favorites right now, been listening to it A LOT before going to bed, whilst reading Stephen King. very textural and atmospheric, this is an ambient drone project done right, driven mostly by a violin. it's very warming...but not really a sun-on-your-face warming. more of a blood-dripping-through-your-fingers warming.

Fang Island: Fang Island
as perviously mentioned, this band has a lot of heart and a lot of fun. rock the fuck out motherfuckers! for a reference point, imagine Fleet Foxes playing songs by Battles.

Yellow Swans: Going Places
another ambient drone album that sucks you in with oceans of warmth that you don't mind drowning in.

Periphery: Periphery (instrumental)
this album is a long time coming. something like 5 years. but i for one think it was well worth the wait. the album was released both as instrumental, and with vocals. while the version with vocals isn't bad, i personally don't think the vocalist used fits the band AT ALL, and really distracts more than anything else. after hearing the instrumental version, this was confirmed for me, as it was like listening to the album for the first time...so many nuances and subtleties are just completely overshadowed by the vocals. there's a lot to digest in 72 minutes, but give it a couple listens and i think you'll fall in love.

The River Empires: The River Empires (Epilogue)
another obsession of mine. i've listened to all 88 minutes about 6 times now, and i am still fascinated by how it completely sucks me in and takes me away. i pick up new things every time, and there's really no "dry" spots to be found. but the things that truly blows my mind is the proposed scope and breadth of this undertaking. this double disc set is meant to serve as a summery and overview of the 3 double disc sets that are in the works, that will serve as the soundtracks of the 3 movies that are being written of the sprawling story they're trying to tell. if they can pull this off, they will earn a spot in my favorite bands of all time. the vision here is just mind-blowing. i truly hope they can pull it off. reference point: The Dear Hunter listening to Anathallo at a Sufjan Stevens concert...

Mouth of the Architect: The Violence Beneath
while i LOVE the first two albums from these guys, their last effort fell quite short of my expectations. so i didn't know what to go in to listening to this EP thinking...but to my complete and utter satisfaction, the boys are back. this is some of their best work to date, with memorable riffs you'll be humming for days, and crushing atmospheres...and also a Peter Gabriel cover!

albums i like a lot and are still growing on me

Veil of Maya: [id]
djenty deathcore that makes big strides past their previous output.

The Flashbulb: Aboreal*
nice organic-sounding electronic soundscapes.

Structures: All of the Above
solid EP from an up-and-coming progressive poly-metric metal band.

Natural Snow Buildings: The Centauri Agent
as dense and vast as ever, i'm still unpacking this thing. sprawling psychedelic drones held together by folksy intuitions.

The Crinn: Dreaming Saturn
more technical deathcore with djenty leanings.

The Sun Came Up on the Left: And the Dreams So Rich in Color*
great atmospheric black metal.

Ufomammut: Eve
by far my favorite release by them, as it's less stoner and more sludge.

Red Sparowes: The Fear is Excruciating, But Therein Lies the Answer
solid atmospheric post-rock that seldom strays from the formula, but executes the formula very well.

Ghost Tape Experiment: For a Winter Day*
not really sure how to describe this one...but it's criminally under-snatched, so take a chance on something i'm pretty sure you'll dig.
as to not advertise my own uploads...GRAB THE FLAC NOT THE TRANSCODES.

CocoRosie: Grey Oceans
i've actually been listening to this one quite a bit lately. i think it's safe to call this the most focused, cohesive and mature release of their growing discography. i think they've finally nailed what they've been trying to do (with hit or miss results) on their past three albums. next time i edit this list, it'll probably have moved to the top category.

Naked on the Vague: Heaps of Nothing*
noisy electro-punk...or something.

The Ocean: Heliocentric*
i listened to this once when it first appeared here, and was quite disappointed. i listened to it again a couple months later and liked it A LOT more the second time around. takes a little adjustment of your expectations for the band, but there's some really solid material here once you do. it's more of a sludgy progressive rock album than than the atmospheric sludge metal they've done in the past.

These New Puritans: Hidden
i almost didn't give this album a chance since i hated their first album so much. but ipof convinced me to give it a whirl...and i was shocked and amazed. it's roughly 586302-358 times better than their debut. having said that, i really don't know what to classify it as. it's fuckin' weird. sort of a mixture of dark electronics, hip-hop, Chumbawamba and...highschool band music??? fuck if i know. but it's worth a listen just to see what i mean if for nothing else.

Nadja/OvO: The Life and Death of a Wasp
for the most part i've been pretty disappointed with the Nadja output of late. all these splits and collaborations just seem to end up being the same boring drone tone for two 30:00 tracks. well, hats off to you Aidan and Leah (and OvO), for creating something completely unlike anything else you've ever done. this is a very weird release, and also a very good one. not very doomy or droney, it's got almost an avant-garde prog rock feel to it at times, and it's the sort of concept album i could see a band like that doing. worth a listen for sure, like it or hate it.

Fleshgod Apocalypse: Mafia*
i'm not too big on technical death metal these days, but this is some good stuff. they've got at least a modicum of actual song-writing ability to go with their technical prowess. not quite as good as their full length from last year, but still very solid.

Tobacco: Maniac Meat
not as good as Fucked Up Friends, but it definitely has it's awesome moments. i'm hoping i'll notice some more awesome moments upon further listening.

In Mourning: Monolith
very solid progressive death metal. i need to listen to it a few more times, but i definitely see it having the capacity to move up to the top category.

Souvenir's Young America: The Name of the Snake*
these guys are sort of "local", so it's neat to see them get bigger and more well-known. this is their best release to date, featuring post-rock with darker atmospheres and heavier content than their previous releases. see them live if you can.

Emancipator: Safe in the Steep Cliffs
only listened to this once so far, but it left a strong impression. excellent trip-hop, glitch-hop, or whatever the fuck kids are calling this these days.

Les Discrets: Septembre et ses Dernières Pensées
i like this WAAAY more than anything Alcest has ever released.

Sky Eats Airplane: The Sound of Symmetry
a HUGE step forward for this band. with the joining of ex-Periphery drummer Travis "The Orb" Orbinator, i was hoping for nothing less.

Secret & Whisper: Teenage Fantasy
if you like Circa Survive and that sort of thing, snatch this immediately. catchy as fuck.

Dark Tranquillity: We Are the Void
not new ground is broken here. just the same catchy melodic death metal they've been doing for the past 10 years. it's still good though.

There sure are ;D

I really wish I had a job so I could actually buy this stuff, but like flashbulb once said, once the record labels are done with your money, there's practically none left for the artists. (Speaking of flashbulb, anywhere I can find an Arboreal torrent? RAR's scare me despite being a veeery easy way to get things)

on what. >.>

but what's wrong with a rar?
Deschain: The Eluveitie album is called "Everything remains as it never was" (not always)
duly noted.
My favorite albums have to be...

Metallica - Kill 'em all
Metallica - Ride the Lightning
Metallica - Metallica
Gojira - From Mars To Sirius
yeah! 2010 for the win! :naughty:
Currently listening to:
The Family Jewels - Marina & the Diamonds (Very interesting voice, so I decided to check it out. Currently only heard the singles, about to give the entire album a spin though)
The ArchAndroid - Janelle Monae (Pretty cool, solid stuff. Need to give the last half of the album a few more plays. Not my favorite, but it's lovely)
Sir Lucious Left Foot - Big Boi (Wow, it's killer. Still haven't listened to all the tracks but so far I'd say it's beating out Speakerboxxx!)

Future line-up (aka things I'm going to listen to / TB release):
Body Talk, Pt. 1 - Robyn
Good Ass Job - Kanye West

2010 Diamond:
Crystal Castles (II) - Crystal Castles
Treats - Sleigh Bells
/\/\ /\ Y /\ - M.I.A.

2010 Gold:
UNIVERSE - Koda Kumi
Omni - Minus the Bear
Contra - Vampire Weekend

2010 Silver:
Rock 'n' Roll Circus - Ayumi Hamasaki

2010 Bronze:
Causers of This - Toro y Moi

2010 Crap:
Congratulations - MGMT
Forgiveness Rock Record - Broken Social Scene

(This list is subject to change :0)
im no hip hop guy but sir lucious left foot is indeed fan fucking tastic. the kind of album that really makes me want to get into hip hop.
Natural Snow Buildings: The Centauri Agent
as dense and vast as ever, i'm still unpacking this thing. sprawling psychedelic drones held together by folksy intuitions.
good lord these guys are crazy for a band that writes albums over three hours long they sure are consistent in releasing music at a often rate, im still working my way through the dance of the moon and sun

by the way all all sun kil moon's new album is really nice, i like all the different influences that he can pull off with just his guitar

also i think the new books album leaked and its pretty cool, it has a lot of electronic influence now and there are a couple fantastic songs on first listens through
given maya a couple of spins, and i have to agree with most of the reviews. seems like in a lot of ways shes trying to distance herself from all the fame but urgh, this is the wrong way to do it.

imo theres pretty much a lack of anything memorable outside of the handful of tracks she put out before the album released, and in the context of a lot of average songs and a bunch of really shitty ones stuff like steppin up and xxxo is brought down.

also the lyrics are just the worst. the message is stupid and pretty much ruins any kind of credibility there might have been talking aboutedgy controversial topics, and stuff like lovalot and space are..urgh. then again, she does sample fonejacker in internet connection and i cant decide if thats terrible or awesome.

i guess its not awful, but im dissapointed.
@ Wishy

I'm really kind of disappointed with M.I.A.'s /\/\/\Y/\, it kind of just sounds like a whole album of filler. It has the M.I.A. sound, but it lacks the personality of Arular and Kala. It's not nothing on older songs like Amazon, XR2, World Town, Bamboo Banga, $20...

Big Boi's new album is absolutely fantastic. As somebody who usually doesn't listen to much rap, I still have to admit that OutKast is ridiculously good, and Sir Lucious Left Foot proves that Andre 3000 was not the popularly perceived backbone of OutKast.

Marina & The Diamonds is good. Marina to Florence + The Machine is kind of what Santogold is to M.I.A., a similar, overshadowed version of the latter who has her own unique quirks.

Crystal Castles is, as usual, amazing. Suffocation + Baptism + Empathy ftw.

I probably would have put MGMT's Congratulations in 'crap' though, far inferior to Oracular Spectacular. There is plenty of 2010 crap imo, Miley Cyrus' new offering for example? Justin Bieber?
@ Wishy

I'm really kind of disappointed with M.I.A.'s /\/\/\Y/\, it kind of just sounds like a whole album of filler. It has the M.I.A. sound, but it lacks the personality of Arular and Kala. It's not nothing on older songs like Amazon, XR2, World Town, Bamboo Banga, $20...

~ I love the cluttered mess that is /\/\/\Y/\ , the "digital ruckus" thing was what she was going for and I enjoyed it. Majority of the songs forgo the "world sound" sampling and such of Arular and Kala for Photobooth sounds, drills and saws, etc. I can definitely see why people are disappointed. She deviated a lot from what her old sound was... It's really love or hate, and I can see it becoming her ~underrated~ album a few years down the road when people decide to play it again. She focused her politics on the age of technology and had the sound of the album reflect that.

Big Boi's new album is absolutely fantastic. As somebody who usually doesn't listen to much rap, I still have to admit that OutKast is ridiculously good, and Sir Lucious Left Foot proves that Andre 3000 was not the popularly perceived backbone of OutKast.

~ Completely agree. I'm definitely not a hip hop buff and I don't listen to many hip hop artists, but Big Boi's new album is killer... Pretty great stuff. The only OutKast album I've heard is Speakerboxxx/The Love Below so I might be a bit biased, but yeah I much enjoy Big Boi's efforts compared to Andre's. Andre just seems to get all the love for some reason.

Marina & The Diamonds is good. Marina to Florence + The Machine is kind of what Santogold is to M.I.A., a similar, overshadowed version of the latter who has her own unique quirks.

~ It's pretty cool, her vocals are interesting... Kinda reminiscent of Gwen Stefani's voice. Have yet to hear every song but Oh No! and Numb are standouts so far.

Crystal Castles is, as usual, amazing. Suffocation + Baptism + Empathy ftw.

~ Aw yeah, those plus Pap Smear, I Am Made of Chalk, and Doe Deer are some of my favorites on the album. The only song I dislike is Not in Love. It just sounds... Eh. It's crazy how much CC have evolved transitioning to their new album. It makes their first look very amateur, so sometimes when I go from listening to CCII to CCI, it takes a bit of getting used to. They really did outdo themselves.

I probably would have put MGMT's Congratulations in 'crap' though, far inferior to Oracular Spectacular. There is plenty of 2010 crap imo, Miley Cyrus' new offering for example? Justin Bieber?

~ Maybe. Tbh, I gave it one play deemed it "Meh"... It really wasn't worth the time to try and get to know if you know what I mean. A lot of the tracks were just boring and didn't deliver. I may have been biased when I put it into Bronze because of the cool album cover, though. :p

~ Oh yes... There are definitely massive stinkers out there (Justin Beaver and his lesbian cover album) I just choose to not listen to garbage like that. From the handful of albums I listened to in 2010 I'd say there is not much crap. Then again, I've still got a lot of albums to mull through. :P
Congratulations just... ugh. I have no idea why they practically threw away the electro-pop influence that made their first 2 albums so good. Oracular Spectacular seems like the perfect transition between Climbing to New Lows and Congratulations, perfecting both sounds, and Congratulations is just up it's own ass trying to be "psychedelic" and "trippy" or whatever the fuck, whereas the pop sound of Oracular Spectacular made the psychedelic parts seem much more... natural.

Anyway, anyone who likes hardcore/"screamo" (hate that term but whatever), should check out the new United Nations EP - Nevermind the Bombs, Here's your Six Figures. Nothing groundbreaking but it's good at what it does.


Personally I'm not as big on CCII as I was on CCI but I think I probably just haven't listened to it enough. I guess maybe I like CC for different reasons than other people because everyone else seems to love the shit out of it.

Kyte - Dead Waves is absolutely gorgeous, I love the music, I love the album cover, I love it love it love it. It's so dream like, it's the kind of album I'd slap on every night and just be lulled to sleep by it's excellence.

Anyone who's into post-hardcore or pop punk should check out ex-chiodos vocalist Craig Owen's side project Isles and Glaciers EP, the hearts of lonely people. It's a very solid production between Craig and a few other Post-Hardcore superstars and their experience shines throughout the entire record. It was released back in March and if you actually want to buy it you'd have to buy it on iTunes or risk getting some awful unknown disease by walking into a Hot Topic, so I'd just recommend... not buying it. <___<

@Wishy: OMNI really needs to grow on me, I loved the fuck out of Planet of Ice because it's so... it's so fucking powerful. Only half the tracks on OMNI really captured my attention in the same way, it's definitely not awful but I could do without songs like Secret Country, The Thief and Excuses. Animal Backwards and Broken China are fucking GOLD though.
@Wishy: OMNI really needs to grow on me, I loved the fuck out of Planet of Ice because it's so... it's so fucking powerful. Only half the tracks on OMNI really captured my attention in the same way, it's definitely not awful but I could do without songs like Secret Country, The Thief and Excuses. Animal Backwards and Broken China are fucking GOLD though.
Yeah, Omni took me a few listens to love... At first, it felt like a chore to listen to the album but I finally got into it. Secret Country, Animal Backwards, Into the Mirror, and Fooled by the Night are my favorite tracks. I agree, The Thief is kinda ehh.

Omni wasn't instant-love like with Planet of Ice, which is my favorite MTB album :D. Lotus FTW, their best song ever imo. In the end, I've grown to enjoy Omni.
Mmmm, I can definitely see /\/\/\Y/\ becoming more relevant in retrospect, some albums are definitely better appreciated in context of their present work, so let's just hope that M.I.A.'s evolution sees improvement...

I have to say that I'm not one of the legions of people that say CCII is a far superior album to CCI. I do love CCII, but there's something about the nintendo quality of songs like Crimewave and 1991, the 8-bit personality of songs like Xxzxcuzx that makes me hope CCIII will return to that style. CCII seems like an album that is loved and always will be loved, but won't be so great if Crystal Castles tries to recreate it's sound multiple times in the future. Maybe with their next album we'll see a second reinvention of their music? Watching them progress is certainly an exciting prospect for a music fan such as myself.

I gave Janelle Monae a listen, and I have to say that I'm not totally convinced with the Arcade Fire-level critical acclaim she's recieved, but I can certainly see where it's coming from. The album has great feature appearances (lol Big Boi) and is far more diverse than anything Beyonce is going to churn out. Speaking of Beyonce, I think we've finally got a soul/pop singer that can give her a [vocal] run for her money. Janelle's got some srs pipes.

I initially listened to Congratulations with the same mindset as CCII; "Oh, this seems rather average now but as soon as I get to know it I bet I'll love it".

It happened with CCII, never happened with Congratulations. :\

An album that I've recently sunk my teeth into is The Five Ghosts, by Stars. I, like many people have been rather disappointed with Stars lately, but this album seems to be redeeming them. It's kind of like Metric meets Beach House.

An "album" I've been rather surprised with is the Eclipse Soundtrack, lol don't shoot me, but with entries from Florence + the Machine, The Dead Weather, Vampire Weekend, Metric, and the Black Keys it's actually pretty decent, despite it's purpose.

I live in New Zealand, and a release here that has been successful recently is a song called Young Blood by The Naked and Famous. I've been a huge fan of TNaF for a good while, but their recent success has thrown them into the public eye down here. I really recommend you look them up.
heligoland was pretty solid.
The only song off of it I really couldn't get into was Flat of the Blade. The rest was great, particularly Pray for Rain and Paradise Circus.
I've been listening to Maya.....and......I don't know. .-.
Basically I'm half and half.

One half is saying.....Oh MIA, I thought you could do no wrong, this isn't near as good as your previous albums.

I think the Lostprophets newish album, The Betrayed was brilliant, my favourite song from it being Streets of Nowhere. I'm also looking forward to Sonic Syndicate's We Rule The Night. It was going to be released on the 28th June this year, but for some reason they set it back to July 28th -.-

Edit: Eluveitie's album that was released was also brilliant.

Gosh, this EP isn't long enough. Actually, this should be a full LP. aka she needs to do way more acoustic music... Actually made River and February Air enjoyable songs!
so with the recent onslaught of album announcements/release date announcements, septembers looking to be 2010s second coming, after the june/july madness which ended up kind of dissapointing me in the end (im look at you mia, the national, new pornographers, and bss).

so far i've got:

thermals - personal life (sep. 7)
interpol - interpol (sep. 7)
of montreal - false priest (sep 14)
kanye west - good ass job (sep 14) (i have big bois album to thank for being excited about this, i went back looking for some great hip hop records and holy shit kanyes amazing)
deerhunter - halcyon digest (sep 28)

also pandas bears tomboy which was previously slated for september iirc and according to wikipedia is now just "the end of the year". we can hope though amirite

there might be more big releases im missing but these are like the 5/6 releases im looking forward to most this year and it just suddenly dawned on me most of them are released within two weeks of each other ;D
out of that list im mostly excited for kanye. i got into his stuff like two months ago and late registration is incredible and i'm really excited for him.otherwise deerhunter? they opened for why? live and uh jeez were just nuts and shit, seriously i still got to get into their studio stuff but hm it will interesting to say the least EDIT: WHOOPS THAT WAS DEERHOOF THAT OPENED

also what did people think of the new books album? i love a cold freezin night, and then the double whammy of chain of missing links and all you need is a wall.

otherwise the rest of my listening material from this year (catching up on stuff right now like fucking drums not dead also discovered david sylvian is a genious) which I all recommend is the new: sun kil moon album, the baths album and the flying lotus one
Oh God, Kanye certainly was amazing.

However, he better not fuck his next album up like 808's and Heartbreak.....
so far ive given 808s a wide berth (is that the right word?), yeah. seriously though, stuff like touch the sky and we major? holy shit. the dudes rapping is crazy too, actually made me laugh a couple times on graduation !

still feels to me like hes never really gone anywhere since im only now finding his albums, and now hes back and power is reeeally fucking good. so yeah anyway :x

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