Serious 2020 Democratic Primary Thread

Who are your favorite candidates?

  • Kamala Harris

    Votes: 43 8.0%
  • Elizabeth Warren

    Votes: 99 18.4%
  • Julián Castro

    Votes: 16 3.0%
  • Pete Buttigieg

    Votes: 51 9.5%
  • Kirsten Gillibrand

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • John Delaney

    Votes: 9 1.7%
  • Tulsi Gabbard

    Votes: 63 11.7%
  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 338 62.9%
  • Amy Klobuchar

    Votes: 12 2.2%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 45 8.4%
  • Andrew Yang

    Votes: 112 20.9%
  • Cory Booker

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • Marianne Williamson

    Votes: 19 3.5%
  • Mike Bloomberg

    Votes: 12 2.2%

  • Total voters
what luck o the irish said

biden doesnt lie?
he literally said he was gonna cure cancer lmao. hows that for a lofty "perfect world" promise
he said he got arrested for protecting nelson mandela when that didnt even happen
he denies very clear things on his record anyone could look up in 2 seconds like his role in the iraq war vote
and thats just off the top of my head
he lies like all the time...
Did you read what MikeDawg said? It is specifically about policy. Everyone lies, you, me, anyone.

Bernie lies to convince youth he can push his communist agenda. Biden actually pushes reasonable policy that can and has passed at a much higher rate.

Yes, Biden lies, he is far from the perfect candidate. As you said yourself, he is a lot better than Trump. :/


and boom goes the brainbox
is a Community Contributor
Maybe in-between his livestreams, Captain Amendment should've been in the Senate adding amendments to the coronavirus response bills. Plenty of other Senators took that opportunity:
we're talking about the same bernie sanders here, right? the bernie sanders who held up the bill to protect unemployment benefits?


Banned deucer.

Ok, this is getting ridiculous. I don't know how someone could watch this clip and not see a narcissistic, washed-up loser deserately clawing for attention in the middle of a pandemic. It reeks of, "Fuck, I'm gonna die before 2024 so I gotta win this time or I'll die with no achievements". This is his end-life crisis. Little did he know, the longer he stays in, the more he poisons his legacy. This is a repeat of 2016, except worse, because we're in the middle of a pandemic, and he promised that he would be better this time.

Remember a month ago when he said he'd drop out right when it became clear he wasn't going to win? Funny how that changed when he wasn't in 1st place anymore. Just like how "vote blue no matter who" only applied when Bernie was the presumptive nominee. And how his pro-Iraq war, pro-Afghanistan war, pro-Syrian war, pro-military budget votes somehow don't count. And how his fervent support for the crime bill, expanding police and prisons, and cracking down on drugs somehow doesn't count. And how his repeated rejections of LGBT rights and protections somehow don't count. And how his dark money contributions somehow don't count.

As per usual, he has no actual convictions. He only puts his money where his mouth is when it's politically expedient, outright changing course when it turns out he miscalculated his self-gain. Just like his armchair supporters, he's all talk, and his record is irrefutable proof of that.

Fun fact: Biden won 83% of the counties Bernie won in 2016, and almost every county that Hillary won. If that's not an utter rejection of his candidacy, I don't know what is.

He has no good reason to be in the race right now, hence why he completely dodged Whoopi's question. Just like how he dodges every question on how he'll pay for or pass any of his plans.

I can at least take solace in the fact that I've seen plenty of Bernie supporters losing faith and, more importantly, losing favor as he continues to reveal his true colors.
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to find better ways to say what nobody says
is a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion

the truth, you know the trump surrogates itt will still blame you when Biden loses and accuse you of voting for ralph nader or whoever they grasp at while they're blaming the left for their own failures just like rightwingers have always done.
seeing the wild anti bernie reaches again makes me think maybe cong being closed was a good thing :smogthink:

but in all seriousness something I'm curious about is how covid is going to affect the elections in november.
Not only could it affect sentiment, policies, and turnout, but it could even affect the process of voting itself- aka mail-in voting being instituted.
Anyone have any thoughts on how the election will be affected by covid? Also, its rapidly changing each day so thats something to consider too.

Ok, this is getting ridiculous. I don't know how someone could watch this clip and not see a narcissistic, washed-up loser deserately clawing for attention in the middle of a pandemic. It reeks of, "Fuck, I'm gonna die before 2024 so I gotta win this time or I'll die with no achievements". This is his end-life crisis. Little did he know, the longer he stays in, the more he poisons his legacy. This is a repeat of 2016, except worse, because we're in the middle of a pandemic, and he promised that he would be better this time.

Remember a month ago when he said he'd drop out right when it became clear he wasn't going to win? Funny how that changed when he wasn't in 1st place anymore. Just like how "vote blue no matter who" only applied when Bernie was the presumptive nominee. And how his pro-Iraq war, pro-Afghanistan war, pro-Syrian war, pro-military budget votes somehow don't count. And how his fervent support for the crime bill, expanding police and prisons, and cracking down on drugs somehow doesn't count. And how his repeated rejections of LGBT rights and protections somehow don't count. And how his dark money contributions somehow don't count.

As per usual, he has no actual convictions. He only puts his money where his mouth is when it's politically expedient, outright changing course when it turns out he miscalculated his self-gain. Just like his armchair supporters, he's all talk, and his record is irrefutable proof of that.

Fun fact: Biden won 83% of the counties Bernie won in 2016, and almost every county that Hillary won. If that's not an utter rejection of his candidacy, I don't know what is.

He has no good reason to be in the race right now, hence why he completely dodged Whoopi's question. Just like how he dodges every question on how he'll pay for or pass any of his plans.

I can at least take solace in the fact that I've seen plenty of Bernie supporters losing faith and, more importantly, losing favor as he continues to reveal his true colors.
If you're so convinced Bernie is a terrible politician who is losing support, why do you care so much that he isn't dropping out?

You just come across as a bit of a desperate weirdo when you suggest he's purposely taking advantage of a pandemic when he himself is incredibly old and could die at any moment. It's so strange to subtly force people to drop out, it's like some serious dystopian shit. It's still only march, literally both trump and biden could die. It's not like him dropping out now vs later is any sort of serious issue unless you have a personal gripe with him which seems to be the case, but it doesn't actually affect the outcome of the election. I suppose we should tell Obama to use his endorsement beforee June/July too or he's a bad person?

The guy has no obligation to drop out this early, it's actually a bit undemocratic to suggest he is a bad person for not doing so.


Banned deucer.
the truth, you know the trump surrogates itt will still blame you when Biden loses and accuse you of voting for ralph nader or whoever they grasp at while they're blaming the left for their own failures just like rightwingers have always done.
Because Berniecrats have had so much success, right? Let's just ignore the fact that every candidate Bernie endorsed in 2018 lost. Let's also ignore that Bernie is currently losing in the biggest blowout since Gore, despite having the largest campaign apparatus by far.

If you think Democrats are bad at winning elections, what does that make the left? Our side lost to Joe Biden in a landslide. The idea that lefties are more electable in this country is laughable, and the data agrees with me.

What you fail to grasp is that voters choose the nominee, not the nebulous "establishment" villain you've concocted. Bernie had $400mil, 5 years, and a 1mil volunteers to make his case to voters. He utterly failed to do so.

That's not a failure of the DNC; it's the will of the people.

I'll just quote my previous comment:

"Funny how Sanders' pro-Iraq war, pro-Afghanistan war, pro-Syrian war, pro-military budget votes somehow don't count."

If you're so convinced Bernie is a terrible politician who is losing support, why do you care so much that he isn't dropping out?
He's hurting the nominee and getting people sick just to stroke his ego. It's deplorable.

Your, "Biden could die," excuse doesn't hold up. The nomination wouldn't just be handed to Bernie. If the only path to a Sanders presidency is the death of his opponent, it's time to drop out.
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bike is short for bichael
is a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributor
how privileged do u gotta be to make a bigger deal out of bernie being mean by not dropping out than biden being accused by several women of sexual misconduct including 1 count of rape? bernie bros couldnt be more freakishly cultish than the anti-bernie folks if they tried, really.

in other news warren seems to be more or less endorsing biden to no one's surprise. don't get me wrong, bernie will ultimately do so too, it's just disappointing to see that none of the bunch are even remotely willing to hold off on their cheers because of biden's problematic history with women, or any of the other many reasons why biden is kind of an awful candidate. or well, it would be disappointing if it wasn't entirely predictable
Remember a month ago when he said he'd drop out right when it became clear he wasn't going to win? Funny how that changed when he wasn't in 1st place anymore. Just like how "vote blue no matter who" only applied when Bernie was the presumptive nominee. And how his pro-Iraq war, pro-Afghanistan war, pro-Syrian war, pro-military budget votes somehow don't count. And how his fervent support for the crime bill, expanding police and prisons, and cracking down on drugs somehow doesn't count. And how his repeated rejections of LGBT rights and protections somehow don't count. And how his dark money contributions somehow don't count.
the rest of your post has been debunked fairly well, but i'd just like to highlight this. what the actual fuck?


Banned deucer.
how privileged do u gotta be to make a bigger deal out of bernie being mean by not dropping out
Not as privleged as you have to be to co-sign Donald Trump's reelection.

I think we have a different definition of "mean". I consider pointlessly enabling Trump and risking public health to be more than "mean", but that's just me.

none of the bunch are even remotely willing to hold off on their cheers because of biden's problematic history with women, or any of the other many reasons why biden is kind of an awful candidate.
Way to ignore all of the reasons why Bernie is an extremely awful candidate, including his history with women.

Try listening to one of the vast majority of women who voted for Biden. I'm sure they'll be able to clear up your confusions.

But i'd just like to highlight this. what the actual fuck?

Have fun! It's a life-changing website.
Try listening to one of the vast majority of women who voted for Biden. I'm sure they'll be able to clear up your confusions.
you could literally say this about any candidate lmao...
"so many women voted for Trump and support him, try listening to them!"

inb4 I'm accused of loving Trump for pointing out a faulty argument


bike is short for bichael
is a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributor
Not as privleged as you have to be to co-sign Donald Trump's reelection.
remind me where i did this? or do you intend to tell me that we are supposed to passively accept mediocrity and stagnation because at least he's not The Other Guy? you want a political culture in which the most powerful politicians in the country are just sorta given a pass without any real process of vetting etc?

oh also before you hurl the word "privileged" at me again can u disclose what u roughly make a year? how many people in your social circle are poor? how often do you actually listen to the underprivileged and the systemic, non-trump related struggles they face?
Way to ignore all of the reasons why Bernie is an extremely awful candidate, including his history with women.
remind me of that history real quick and point to me where he did something that is remotely comparable to being accused of sexual misconduct by nine people. can you do me a favor and substantiate your claims instead of presuming bernie's terribleness and misogyny to be self-evident?
Try listening to one of the vast majority of women who voted for Biden. I'm sure they'll be able to clear up your confusions.
thats crazy bc i see a ton of liberal women on twitter who support joe biden yet they say awfully little that makes it clear why they think he's a good candidate. they sure as hell aren't bringing up tara reade whatsoever, if they have good reasons to support biden surely they should at least be able to tell us why something like a rape allegation is no big deal?


Banned deucer.
you could literally say this about any candidate lmao...
"so many women voted for Trump and support him, try listening to them!"
Except you can't, because the "vast majority of women" didn't vote for Trump. And you certainly can't say it about Bernie, considering he's performed notably poorly with women in every single state.

I stg you're illiterate. Stop interjecting in my conversations with dumb shit.
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Luck O' the Irish

banned in dc
is a Tiering Contributor
At this point i don’t see any purpose in responding to mikedawg. He has made it overwhelmingly clear he has no intention in making any posts that aren’t in bad faith. As someone who would love more than anything to see a progressive platform in the White House, but would hold my nose and vote for Biden bc as bad of a candidate Biden is, trumps administration is much much worse, I don’t know what to say when he accuses everyone else of getting trump re-elected by liking to think things could improve. All this thread has become is progressives vs mikedawg, with occasionally deceit haha reacting to stretches of posts at a time. All I can say is that I hope Biden winning it wouldn’t pave the way for an actual, competent fascist to win in 2024 after 4 years of “return to normalcy”, but I wouldn’t put money on that

Edit: I’m honestly impressed how fast that haha react from deceit came

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