a story a day

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i'm going to try to write a story / poem / whatever a day so i can become a better writer. please critique! also please give me topics to write about if you have any! or provide tips in general c:

Run away on the night before your high school graduation. Running away at your lowest is commonplace; running away at your peak is the most beautiful insanity.

Go to bed at 8:00 sharp. Your parents will ask you if you're feeling okay; respond by saying that you're nervous for graduation. This is the last time you will speak to them.

As you lie in bed, you will think about whether you're doing the smart thing, consider all the possible things that could go wrong as a runaway, wonder whether you're throwing away all that you have worked to achieve over the eighteen short years of your life. Do not try to silence this voice – you must listen to every word. This is your first test. You must realize all the consequences of your actions. Your running away should not be an act of ignorance but rather an act of idealism. Accept all the consequences of your actions, and realize that the life of runaway is preferable to the life of security.

It is 12:00 and time to leave. As you try to leave your bed, your mattress will seem a bit softer, the air a bit colder, the sheets a bit warmer. Ignore the voice that says that you can leave in five minutes. If you listen to it now, you will listen to it in five minutes.

You will want to prepare for your journey. Do not. To do so is a compromise of your ideals and the ideals of society. There is no glory found in compromises.

Do not rush to leave the house. Walk slowly and deliberately; you now fully control your life. Time is a construct of society. If you live as a pure ideal, time will have no effect.

As you reach the door, say farewell to everything. Open the door and leave.

inspired by http://thoughtcatalog.com/2012/how-to-run-away-from-everything/
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