AC/DC - Highway to Hell

AC/DC - Highway to Hell (1979)

Genre - Hard Rock

Highway to Hell was the sixth studio album by the Australian Hard Rock band AC/DC. The album was released on July 27, 1979. Highway to Hell would be the last AC/DC album to feature Bon Scott on lead vocals.

Highway to Hell - A great way to open up the album. Highway to Hell is one of the better tracks on the album. The main guitar riff for this song is legendary, it was written by Malcolm Young. It has been said this song was about the band's first tour in the United States. 9.5/10

Girls Got Rhythm -
Catchy song here Girls Got Rhythm! I really don't know what else to say about this song expect that it is pretty damn cool. 9/10

Walk All Over You -
This song starts off strong and ends amazing. The tempo changes in the song are pretty sweet and make it a hit. Angus' lead guitar playing and Malcolm's rhythm guitar riffing here are pretty damn awesome. The solo for this song is kick ass too. Walk All Over You is probably the best track on Highway to Hell. 10/10

Touch Too Much -
More awesome riffs to put it simple enough. Once again the dual guitar of the Young brothers are put to work here. It seems like I touch DON DON DON DON Touch Too Much! I love the playing during the chorus. This song also has another great solo. 9.5/10

Beating Around the Bush -
Well now this is the part of the album where I feel things just sort of went down. The shredding in this song is insane that it is almost metal like. That same shredding leads into the main riff and the drumming. The ending for this song is my favorite about Beating Around the Bush. 8/10

Shot Down in Flames -
Shot Down in Flames starts off with a slow and soft riff intro. Angus soloing on this song is incredible for a lack of a better word, although I still prefer the first four tracks. Shot Down in Flames is a fan favorite and it is not hard to see why. 8.5/10

Get It Hot -
I am sure I can speak for every AC/DC fan that this is their least favorite track on the album. Get It Hot is total filler, it is just a break from the main stuff of what's been going on. Not to say this song is bad but it doesn't compare to the rest of the stuff on the album. 6/10

If You Want Blood (You've Got It) -
A cool song but it might get boring after a while. The chorus for this song is just addicting and will get stuck in your head. If you want blood! YOU'VE GOT IT! The riffs for this song are simple and some might say a little bland. This is a step up from what came before. 7.5/10

Love Hungry Man -
More filler ah damn it. Like that of Get it Hot, Love Hungry Man is a rather weak track. Not a bad song but not the standards we expect. 6/10

Night Prowler -
Highway to Hell is an album that started out strong and now finishes off great. Night Prowler is a bluesy like song that drags on for a while. AC/DC is probably the only band who can do the same chord progression and I will not get tired of it. Night Prowler is a freaking great song. 10/10

Overall -
Highway to Hell would end up being AC/DC's last album with Bon Scott, who died by drinking himself to death partying. AC/DC went on with new singer Brian Johnson to have a very successful music career. Overall Highway to Hell is AC/DC's best album in my opinion with Bon Scott. It would be nice to see what would AC/DC be like if Bon Scott did not die.
Night Prowler is such a great song, it kind of reminds me of The Jack off their first album, just going on for a while while Angus noodles on the guitar

this is a great album, but I do like High Voltage more

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