All-Time Favorite Pokemon Cards

Well, I'm fairly new to Smogon, and this is my first thread. I found it kind of hard to believe that there were no other existing threads like this, but here we go. I know Smogon is all about the competetive video game side of Pokemon, but i have a special place in my heart for the cards also. The old school Ken Sugimori, Mitsuhiro Arita illustrated cards. So I was wondering, what are some of your guys' favorite Pokemon cards of ALL TIME?!

If anyone still cares, mine are the original Neo Genesis Kingdra (who is also my favorite Pokemon), and the Neo Discovery Umbreon.

^I mean, not only did this card look incredible, but it sure as hell wasn't a terrible card either (it was actually pretty damn good). I have two of these bad boys (one English and one Japenese, both first edition) and if I could only keep one card, it would defenitely be him. The only fault with this card is that Horsea and Seadra were pretty horrid, so thais beast was hard to get in.

^This one, well, I just love this one for pure aesthetic reasons. I just love how the black on Umbreon goes with the balck on the card, and how Umbreon's yellow rings go with the yellow border. I only have on of these babies, and I think its in Japenese.

Other honorable mentions would include the original Dragonite (I have two, one Japenese & one English, the English one is first edition) and the Base Set Venusaur (which by God i wish I had).
old wigglytuff, i think it was either base set or second set, which was jungle if i can remember back that far (i think it went base, jungle, fossil, then either rocket or gymleader? that's when i stopped playing it anyways.)

Do the freakin wave.
Geodude. In the Gameboy Color Pokemon TCG game there was a glitch. I forget what it was but with perfect timing you could force to coin to land on heads. Geodude did 10 damage for every heads and you could keep on flipping the coin until you got tails. So Geodude was broken in that game.

Aesthetically? The holographic Machamp was my favorite card at the time followed by holographic Hitmonchan and holographic Alakazam. Charizard was also pretty cool back when the card had value. I think they went for $150 when they were new.
the original gyarados card was always my favorite... he was fucking badass and cause 50 damage for 3 energies (a big deal back then)
oh man i feel so much like playing the goddamn game now :'(

the first lugia card was really great too, but it was costly


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Base: Charmander
My very first Pokemon card, which a friend gave to me. It wasn't first edition, but it was no shadow. I still have it somewhere =) This was either 4th grade or early 5th grade.

Jungle: Butterfree
The first Jungle card I remember seeing. My friend had bought an expansion and got it. Beautiful artwork and I remember being so excited that more of the Pokemon were coming out. I think this was 5th grade.

Fossil: Dragonite
I just like the artwork. Was awesome to finally have a chance to collect all 150 Pokemon although I never actually did =(

After that I didn't pay much attention to the expansions. I think the next was Rocket and that's the last expansion I was into at all. Had basically lost interest by Gym Leader packs. Didn't get into it with Neo although I remember having a Typhlosion that I added to my very bad Charizard deck.

My little cousin is getting into Pokemon cards now though so I think I'm going to pass on most of my collection to him.

I never really knew how to play the game at all so I don't know if it's any good, but I just thought it was badass when I was like 7 or 8. Plus Zapdos is still one of my favourite pokemon.


Conquer your Shadow
is a Researcher Alumnus

These two were beast. They won me two tournaments with the help of

My favorite Pokemon and my favorite card ever. My Rain Dance deck won me another 3 tournaments. Sadly, all the tournaments I won weren't a big deal, so I only won like 3 boosters per win. BUT I STILL WON!

He was the first starter I picked, and the first holo i ever pulled. Also, his power kicked ass.

One of my favorite poke's, and the double poison blew my mind(I was in 4th grade and didn't play competitively.) He also worked well with my Venusaur.
Ohhh I love these memories. ^_^

My first Pokemon card was a Vaporeon (but it was fake). My favorites include Venusaur, Pikachu, Clefable, and Flareon. I remember I drew Flareon for my art class. :]

oh god yes

oh GOD yes

awwww cute

caw caw caw caw

my heart it burns

if Blastoise were my dad...things would be different

just strutting my stuff

hi it is me jumpluff


pew pew pew pew

^Well, the only thing cooler than normal Dragonite is Dark Dragonite. Just look at that pose!

^Well, it's official. Kingdra cards are epic.

^Holy shitballs, Batman! Now I want that card!

Couldn't find a better image, this card always seemed amazingly good to my brother and I for doing EIGHTY DAMAGE.

We'd found a book on competitive TCG (We were young so didn't really get it) but it said this thing was five stars, only other cards to get that were Bill, Prof Oak and Electabuzz. So we were like HELL YEAH WE HAVE A FIVE STAR CARD.
Geodude. In the Gameboy Color Pokemon TCG game there was a glitch. I forget what it was but with perfect timing you could force to coin to land on heads. Geodude did 10 damage for every heads and you could keep on flipping the coin until you got tails. So Geodude was broken in that game.
I just want to point out that your memory must be mistaken. In that game, coin flips are determined at the start of the turn, so if, for example, you fail a confusion flip and quicky reset the Game Boy, you're always going to fail that confusion flip. On the topic of that game, the Imakuni card is hilarious. I once won a match without even getting a turn thanks to that. Imakuni played a Slowpoke, confused it and it promptly owned itself. He han no benched Pokemon.

On topic:

How to use:
1. Load this bad boy up with energy while it's benched (the more Metal energy the better, to help it defend)
2. Get it in battle once you feel it's ready
3. ?????
4. Profit!

I liked the look of it so much, that I got the promo version (different art) off Ebay. Never used it yet, due to my main source of cards being theme decks, and I seem to miss all the Dark ones. Even more of a problem when you realise that theme decks are also the only real source of Energy cards. But seriously, look at what its attack DOES. And yes, I have a regular Darkrai to play this one on.

In Australia, we got some of the Team Rocket cards packaged with cheese of all things, and the rarest of those would be this. In the bottom right of the picture, the "cheese promo" Dark Charmeleon had a golden W (from the WotC logo). I have one.

Also, I can't find a picture (read: Pokebeach doesn't have a scan of it anymore), but I also have a place in my heart for Southern Islands Togepi. It may not be too great (40 HP, attack costs one colourless energy, does 10 damage and confuses enemy if you flip heads) but I seem to have pretty good luck when using it. I often flip heads to confuse, and my opponent tends to get tails when trying to attack through the confusion. It's gotten to the point that when the little guy comes out, my opponent's like "uh-oh" (I've only played Pokemon cards against two friends, both feared it). I actually used it as a good luck charm when I went to a Pokemon tournament a few year ago (had it in my pocket).

Plus, the picture's ADORABLE!

Sadly, a bit of the bsck of the card's ripped from being on a wet bit of table and picking it up.

Keep in mind I'm only a casual player, there's no tournaments where I am and I seriouly don't have too much deck building knowledge (I pretty much use theme decks, sometimes slotting other cards in)

EDIT: Also, GB Promo Meowth (came with the Game Boy TCG) STILL IN PLASTIC.


This isn't even my final form
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Oh my gosh so much nostalgia, I love you for this thread. ^^

Anyway, I LOVED my birthday Pikachu, it was just a card I had never heard of until then and it was so amazing. And I don't even like Pikachu that much. o_o

I loved the Espeon and Umbreon from the second neo set, and I mean the non-holo ones, mainly because I had those and not the rarer versions.

I think the last ones were the last I really got, from like EX dragon and sandstorm or something. Jirachi, Metagross, Roselia, Crawdaunt, Flygon, Salamence. Yeah, the leads from those decks.
since everyone's posting pics...

beedrill. now, my first deck was overgrowth (came with gyarados and beedrill), and then i bought another one like it and THEN i traded a beedrill for something. so i ahd three beedrills in my deck.

and they were beastly. my 'gimmick' was using poison attacks. i always craved the base set Nidoking because his poison could do TWICE the damage, but i never managed to get it :'(

nevertheless, i did good with beedrill, muk, venomoth, and for added power, scyther, kangaskhan (fetch ruled :D) and pinsir.

by the time we got the e-series cards (I mixed sets, lol), i got two other beastly venomous cards that made my deck even more powerful:

and my all-time favorite (which i cant believe i forgot in my first post here, memory was hazy):

read that shit! poke-power eliminates any competition the opponent might have in his hand, and attack either does: a) 40 damage b) 80 damage or c) free confusion and poison. it was fucking amazing and it won a shitload of games for me

also, i didnt really like water decks but


were badass

apparently poke-beach has a TCG simulator. i'd love to play again, would anyone like to play? we could start a thread or something. it'd be great.


This isn't even my final form
is a Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
I might someday, Doomsday, but I have to warn you: according to my friend who is going to the TCG championships things have changed a lot.

I'd let you have my nidoking but it's kind of hard to send cards through computers, lol

Hated the e-series Feraligatr though. Only because it ALWAYS beat me.
actually i'd LOVE to play with the classic sets only :D in fact, for the hell of it, i just went to my huge pokemon card case and made two decks out of nothing. great nostalgic feeling!

the e-series feraligatr was weird because its poke-power made him switch between the bench back and forth. either that, or i'm misinterpreting.
Downloaded that last night lol, made a deck around this guy:

I'm gonna make a deck using base-Team Rocket cards later if you want to play it.

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