Media Anime and Manga Thread MK3 - Beware Spoilers

If you're looking for fujobait series with plenty of bishounen characters you should check out legend of the galactic heroes.
I had to google some of those terms, lol. But yes, that’s what I’m looking for, my friends and I sometimes watch anime together, one of them introduced me to Free! and now I’m hooked...

Edit- Hence my avatar

Soul Fly

is a Contributor Alumnus
This one seems to have pretty much flown under the rader (atleast in this thread, aside from a couple of posts) but Banana Fish is pure AOTY material and deserves to be in your watchlist. Putting it out there.
So, I made the mistake of giving this a go, which ended up taking longer than I expected and was quite tedious. overall though, I'm pretty satisfied with the result.

game over
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World Defender
here's a fun one

let me know if you get a bingo for a special prize ;)
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A monoid in the category of endofunctors
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here's a fun one

let me know if you get a bingo for a special prize ;)
I should really get back to watching Joshiraku… fuckin' good show.

Anyway I don't have a bingo atm but a top row or second column one is defo in reach so I might just watch stuff and try to go for them bc there are a few shows there that i wanna watch anyway

Edit: I've only been able to get two 3/5s on DLE's (bottom two rows) but there's a lot of stuff on there which has been sitting in my PTW for fuckin ages lol
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Banned deucer.
been watching an asston of detective conan [see avatar] its basically the perfect time killer show. you can just toss it on whenever and watch some god damned mysteries. its like anime csi, except good.


I Like Chopin
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There's an honest to god JoJo reference in Mamma Mia 2.

EDIT: Since I'm posting anyway, BINGO RODAN (Millenium Actress, End of Eva, Sangatsu, Rec)
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unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
VIZ currently streaming JoJo's on Twitch kek
FLCL your moe bingo board needs a little more moe to go with that JPG


A monoid in the category of endofunctors
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Setting aside thoughts about design choices for a moment, I think that this is a good thing. I want to see more like this (i.e. non-sitcom/kids shows) coming out of the western 2D animation industry and hope that the launch of Ellation Studios and the Crunchyroll Originals label will mark a turning point for the industry as a whole.

With that said I do like the look of the show from a visual design standpoint; the characters designs are quirky, and as much as they are argubly run into the ground a bit I'd be lying if I denied being a sucker for medieval fantasy settings. Also calling the four main characters Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme is a nice touch that got a giggle out of me; unfortunately they don't reveal much else about it but hopefully we're going to get more info+a trailer that better represents what we'll actually be seeing closer to its release.
i dont watch much anime anymore, i used to watch lovelive a few years ago...
my fist anime, and most people would have the same, is the famous pokemon series. one of the few animes that does not sound akward when in english...


I Like Chopin
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Rurouni Kenshin was a show that I caught episodes of as a kid, but surprisingly only just sat down to watch through. I'm surprised at how remarkably similar to Trigun it is. Wandering man who refuses to kill faces off with wacky body enemies. But while Trigun came later, I also think it's a lot better in every way. Kenshin is very formulaic so far. Goon in town causes trouble. "I can't possibly beat them, that I can't". Beats them. It's nice that Sanosuke and Yahiko actually get fight relevance, but holy crap does Kaoru get treated like chopped liver. In the season 1 finale, Kenshin doesn't want her to fight... even though he brings her student! Which of these two should be the better fighter? Yahiko is like 10, so strength doesn't even come into it. Anyway, I haven't seen the Kyoto arc yet where it is said to get good, but Trigun has already ended fantastically at this point.

Hunter x Hunter is one of the most confusing shows I've ever seen, mostly because people seem to actually like it. The 2011 series is definitely better produced than most shounen anime and everything about the show is very different, but these things don't make a show good. So we left off last time with the fight with Uvogin. This is the high point of the series it seems. After such a well done segment and with half the York New story arc to go, the characters then spend 10 episodes just pissing around before an anti-climax. And that's the best arc, except for those who think Chimera Ant is best, which I heard is 60 episodes of one 5 minute battle. "It's just worldbuilding". I don't even know what a Hunter is at this point. People's ability to overrate shonen continues to astound me.

When I saw episode 1 of Revolutionary Girl Utena, I was in love with the style. Then I saw episode 2 and I was bored. Nothing interesting has happened in the plot yet. Only worth watching for the shadow girl segments.

Bingo Martin Sangatsu, Rakugo, Flip Flap, Humanity Has Declined

So I've wanted to watch Flip Flappers for a long time because Martin raved about it and it looked pretty. And I've definitely seen worse soft-core loli porn. But pretty to look at is basically all Flip Flappers amounts to, that and copious plot holes.

But I fucking hated Humanity Has Declined. I do not understand it in the slightest. It's not funny. The worldbuilding sucks. I have no clue what the story's goal is or what I'm supposed to take away. I feel like Eric Andre made this anime just so that he could show it during an interview and film his guest's confusion. I at least understand what Gintama is trying to do; I don't remotely understand why westerners like it. And at least Gintama has the good sense to know that most of its plots shouldn't be dragged out over two episodes. This leads us to The Faerie's Time Management, one of the worst two parters I've ever seen in my life.


there like moonlight
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i am also watching hunter x hunter and remain mildly interested yet unimpressed. but hey, i am only 10 episodes in. my guess is ppl are reeled in by how fucking cute gon and killua are


uses walther
is a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
It's official

Lupin III Part V AOTY
i still need to catch up. the coup arc is kidn of a slog but the arc w/ albert hits all the right notes + i liked all the self contained eps so i have high hopes. it will probably end up being my aoty too since hugtto has been dipping in quality recently.


there like moonlight
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hunterx hunter first arc is literally garbage until the scene with illumi vs killua whcih is a sudden 10/10 scene. currently in middle of zoldyck arc, which is maybe like 5-6/10 territory atm, but has lots of cool characters for sure

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