Anime Expo

Da Letter El

Officially internet famous
is a Community Leader Alumnus
I'll be there, since a group of my friends are going to drag me along. I went last year, and I had a really good time.

I'm not dressing up, though.
Hi! cyzir_visheen just IMed me to ask me to post that he attended under the handle vcr. He was doodling CAPs -- you might've seen him. :)


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is a Top Artist Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Indeed I did. I didn't even realize that smogon had an AX thread. I would've posted my table number and everything. I didn't have much pokemon stuff, I'll admit, but I did manage to make B/W starter pin designs on Friday~ I had fun though, and once my friend gets home and uploads all the photos on his blog I'll link to them! I'm definitely planning on going next year, and maybe I'll be able to meet few smogonites next time.
I would love to go. But since there's only one particular anime I like, I'd only go if they have cosplayers for that anime this year.
Oh man, I didn't know this thread existed. I go every year, but this is the first year I decided not to. Well, actually, I didn't "decide not to", it was more like my friends couldn't get time off, or were too broke, so they couldn't go, and I didn't want to go with just one of my buddies. I'm still going to comicon this year though!!!

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