Apprentice Program: Round Sixty Four

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Username: Luprexus
Age: 13
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Diablo
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT 6; 1:00-6:00
What tier do you want to learn?: BW2 OU and BW2 UU
Tell us a little about yourself: I just got into VG no more than a few days ago. I'm willing to learn all the basics and I'm patient enough to take the time to learn everything. I'm also willing to grow more as a competitive battler and be willing to contribute back to Smogon someday.
Why I have Less than 25 Posts: I'm still fairly new to competitive VG and if I try posting in one of the discussions available, chances are I'm going to screw up so until I've proven myself to be a little more knowledgeable about competitive VG, I won't be posting a whole lot. However, I will do my best and reach more than 25 posts by the time this round's tutoring is over.
Username: Elephant
Age: 16
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: PS name is Sekou, PO is Westbrook
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT -5 usually available during afternoons and night time.
What tier do you want to learn?: BW2 OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I started playing competitively last year, after an about 6 month hiatus i came back to BW OU. I really would like to get better in BW2 OU, especially in the teambuilding aspect. I am eager to get started!

Expert Physics agreed to tutor me this round.
Username: Nopie
Age: 22
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: bagleopard
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT, usually anywhere between 3:00 PM and 1:00 AM
What tier do you want to learn?: BW2 OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I just recently rediscovered competitive Pokemon battling and I'd like to get better. I know some basic things from when I last played (DPPt era), but I seem to lack a thorough understanding of the game which is what I'd like guidance with.


Never practice; Always perform.
Username: TPO3
Age: 18
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Teapot or One Approved
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT -6, Late Nights work best, after 6 or 7 PM.
What tier do you want to learn?: BW2 OU
Tell us a little about yourself: Been playing since DPP, but haven't ever been really successful in OU. I've been able to do great in UU play, but I've never been able to do that great in OU. I've been finding it difficult with the power creep to build successful teams and to play whatever teams I can build with skill. You should also know that I leave for Canada on Sunday and will have no internet until the 12th.
Username: SatiSuicune
Age: 15
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: SatiSuicune, Sati
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: EST -5 something around after 10 AM through midnight I'll be available.
What tier do you want to learn?: BW LC
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm an average teenager who plays a couple sports and some instruments. I have played piano (which I am the best at) for about eight years, I've played violin for 4 years, I have played tennis for 4 years, and I've played basketball for a year or so.
Rayjay agreed to tutor me.
Username: Sephiroth_Masamune
Age: 24
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Sephiroth_Masamune
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: EST 6p.m. - 1 a.m. most days
What tier do you want to learn?: BW OU/BW2 OU mainly, but any tier truly.
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm a 24 year old father of a 2 year old boy. I've been playing Pokemon since the release in the United States. I've never truly played competitively. I would like to improve on any area I can. I've always tried to make teams in-game to use against my friends but they always fall off the grid and I never get the chance to battle much. Also, very recently, became a mod on the Pojo forums for the Pokemon section. I am trying to improve that area to be more competitive friendly, although I'm not sure how well that may go.
Under 25 posts explanation: I wish to become more involved with the Smogon community. I want to increase my knowledge of the Metagame to be able to pass along information to those less informed. Participating in discussion with a better understanding of the current metagame and attempting to establish alternate teams which could affect or change the metagame for the better.

I was passed over during rounds 60 and 62, and was too late getting to sign-ups for round 61.
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username:Eliteknight/The Riddler
Your timezone and usual hours of availability:gmt -7 (pacific if wrong) im usually on from 8-9am /9-12pm and weekends im able to be on alot more
What tier do you want to learn?:B2W2 OU
Tell us a little about yourself:IM 16 years old workign 40 hours a week all summer and i need to get back into pokemon

Under 25 posts explanation: Ive been playing comp since january and ive gotton onto smogon so i could get better i know several members from comp including Dragonuser, Emrald goblin, Lucs99, Lizardman and Skynet
Skynet told me he would tutor me
Username: Executive Proton
Age: 19
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Executive Proton
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT -5 Available from 1:00pm-12:00am
What tier do you want to learn?: B2W2 OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm a college student mayoring in computer science. I can be a good person to be friends with =). I would like to better myself in competitive battling. I am good but not great.

Under 25 post explanation: I truthfully usually lurk the forums and don't post much. I really would like to be more active on the community so this tutor program can help me be better and not make "noob" comments.
Username: Pokemazter
Age: 16
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Pokemazter / Afterburners
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT -6h, available usually from 4pm my time until midnight my time.
What tier do you want to learn?: BW2 Ubers or BW2 OU, either or
Tell us a little about yourself: I've recently just finished my senior year English summer course, giving myself extra time next semester to actually do homework. I'm a 16 year old kid living in western Canada avoiding the heat that we've experienced in bursts. I began playing competitively a few months before the transition from DPP to BW1, and haven't looked back really. I've played every tier and/or metagame besides VGC and NU, and am currently involved in a small handful of tournaments and am currently writing some things for Smogon, and have been looking to expand my shallow knowledge of the new metagame so that I may implement the new metagame into what I write. In the past rounds of B101 I have signed up for and recieved a tutor, my tutor has either ignored me or done very little to help me.

Stone Cold agreed to tutor me a while back via a Serebii chatroom we were both at, but may have forgotten. If that's the case, no big deal. Not too picky on who I get for a tutor.

Username: The Apple Fish
Age: 16
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: The Apple Fish
Your timezone and usual hours of availability:Pacific Time (-8), and available pretty much any time.
What tier do you want to learn?: BW OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm relatively new to the competitive battling scene, but I've managed to pick up on a lot of stuff quickly. That being said, I feel like there's a lot more I could learn before I have what it takes to be competitive in full-scale tournaments.

Under 25 posts reason: I don't spend much time on forums, so that's why my posts are low. However, I'd like to become more involved in the Smogon community, and learning with one of your tutors would help expand my knowledge and comprehension of competitive pokemon, and help me become a more active member on smogon.


Banned deucer.
Username: Theebay707
Age: 18
Pokemon Online: Theebay
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT – 7. Available around 4pm-9pm on weekdays, and weekends vary. But usually I’m on all day on the weekends
What tier do you want to learn?: BW2 OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I’ve been playing pokemon for about a year now, High School Graduate, and I have free premium porn accounts (you can ask lizardman :]])
Username: Wolvren
Age: 16
Pokemon Online : WolvrenX
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: +4 GMT , 5pm to 6 am ( Because of summer vacation )
What tier do you want to learn?: BW OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I am a 16-year-old trainer from the UAE ( Google it ) .. I started playing Pokemon when I was 7 . I really want to learn about Pokemon Competitive Battling to become a good player , I learn fast and I can apply what I learned if I want to :)
Username: Mala
Age: 21
Pokemon Online/Showdown Username: Mala
Timezone and Hours of Availability: Eastern Standard Time. I am usually available 4PM - 11 PM EST
What tier do you want to learn: BW2 OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm a college student who has been playing casually for a while (since just before platinum came out). Recently I've really been trying to improve my understanding of OU play but I think I am lacking in a lot of fundamentals. I'm very into teambuilding and I feel that my poor battling skill often holds me back since am unsure whether the team isn't working or my battling mistakes are to blame.

Why I have under 25 posts: I've been a longtime lurker on the OU and RMT forums but I generally don't feel confident enough in my knowledge to add to discussions. I'm hoping that with a better understanding of how to battle I'll be able to contribute to theorymon discussions and team ratings better.


Username:White symphoni
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username:[RS]White symphoni,Rain Lust
Your timezone and usual hours of availability:GMT+6.I'm available around 5 pm to 7 pm and 11pm to 1am
What tier do you want to learn?:Standard OU
Tell us a little about yourself:I was tutored last round so I learned quite a bit.But i still need to improve.I've been playing competitive pokemon for a few months.Also,I would like to be more involved with the community.
I will send tutor evaluations soon
Delko agreed to Tutor me this round.
Age: 22
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: SickSevenOne
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT +10 5pm till whenever
What tier do you want to learn?: BW OU, BW2 OU. Any advice/tips that would improve my game (i.e. prediction, team building, metagame analysis, and how to analyze plays) during and after the tutor session.
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm currently serving in the U.S. ARMY and I enjoy anything competitive that involves a decent amount of strategy. I'm easy to work with and a very fast learner.
Why I have less than 25 posts: The only time I post something is when I have something to say that no other user has said in the RMT threads. But when I do post, it usually is the best thought I have.

BKC agreed to tutor me.


BKC said:
sure dude, no problem. just mention in your signup post that i agreed to it
Well, it's not like I have anything to lose by applying.

Username: Xei Win Toh
Age: 23
Pokemon Showdown Username: Xei
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT+1, afternoons/evenings mostly
What tier do you want to learn?: There are two ways of approaching it; either the tier with what I guess is the most options (BW2 OU) or the one with the least (BW2 NU); though technically, I suppose skills that can be applied to any tier (prediction, teambuilding, metagame analysis) are what I want to learn.
Tell us a little about yourself: Well, I'm a guy who's currently between jobs, and I'm a gamer who enjoys everything from Magic: the Gathering to fighting games to stuff like Guild Wars (eagerly anticipating the sequel), and apparently this now. I usually enjoy a more controllish playstyle, but I'm not sure how to apply that to Pokémon. If I had to pick a single favorite 'mon, it'd be Cradily.

Why I have less than 25 posts: Because I have been shy about getting into the game and community without knowing anything really; feels like I've been lurking since forever. This seems like the perfect way in to things. I'm sure you won't regret giving me a chance.

I was skipped in round 61 (didn't apply for 62 or 63)
Username: Morpheus / dadoux
Age: 17
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Pokemon online : Morpheus.
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT+2
What tier do you want to learn?: BW OU / DPP OU ( an offensive approach of playing )
Tell us a little about yourself: French dude, playing strategy since late 2008, I lost my motivation in mmh... 2009 and i'm kinda bad now, I still know the metagame a bit but I won't go far with only theorymon. I'm a based offensive player, stallteam is boring to play for me.
If it's possible I dont want to be tutored by a French guy, i know them all and I need some fresh meat you know
Username: Lobomuzenza
Age: 20
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Monster on PS
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT+2, everyday after 6PM
What tier do you want to learn?: BW2 OU
Tell us a little about yourself: University student, aspiring engineer, trying to learn programming and pokémon battling. Somehow my skills go down to 5% of its original value if I battle in any other tier than LC. If I get a tutor this round, I would like to set a way of setting up tutoring sessions (I would like my tutor to go "OK we meet up 6PM tomorrow don't be late or else" kind of shit the best but... time will tell). I hate stall.

Why I have less than 25 posts: I don't know, I just don't feel like posting from time to time. I'm a noob so I try to refrain from posting bullshit as much as I can (sometimes I can't help though). I don't want to be throwing my non-existing knowledge about pokémon around so I lurk around more than posting.

Also I was skipped once, I don't remember which round it is. Has been that long since the last time I applied.


Banned deucer.
Username : Asek
Age: 15
PO / PS! Username: Asek
Timezone: GMT+10, available 4:30PM-11:30PM most nights
What tier do I want to learn?: BW2 OU
Tell us a little bit about yourself: When not found here on the forums, I am outside hanging around with friends. I enjoy Surfing and is looking forward to becoming a better battler on Smogon! Looking for a tutor who can put up with my time zone.
Was Skipped over in round 63 because my timezone sucks
Username: Regret
Age: 14
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Regret, RG2
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: EST; 9 AM - midnight
What tier do you want to learn?: BW2 OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I am a huge lurker. Pokemon is just a hobby of mine, but I still play it a good amount as it's one of the few videogames I'm interested in right now. I have a good amount of other trivial hobbies though.
I have less than 25 posts. :( - I don't believe that posts = activity. To be honest, there are some people on this website who only post for tournaments and are still active. I'm waiting until I become a better battler before I start posting on this website more and begin to contribute.
Delko agreed to tutor me.
Username : Skwayz
Age: 15
PO / PS! Username: Skwayz
Timezone: GMT+1, available 13:30PM-11:15PM
What tier do I want to learn?: BW2 OU
Tell us a little bit about yourself: French student, playing for like 6 months, hanging with friends most of the time when I don't play pokemon. Not a bad player; want to improve my skills on competitive battling and on team building. I specially enjoy the mind game, that's the only reason why I play pokemon.

Why I have less than 25 posts: Mostly because I've created an account for this round.

I really want to improve my skill as a competitive battler, I'm a fast-learner and enjoy all kind of gameplay.
Username: Santuga
Age: 16
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Premonition (PO and PS)
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT, unavailable at Tuesdays and Thursdays
What tier do you want to learn?: BW2 UU
Tell us a little about yourself: UU has always been my favourite tier and I consider myself a decent player. I mainly want to improve my teambuilding skills. I am a nice person who likes to learn and play Pokemon

My tutor resigned on me on round 61, I was skipped one round (I think 62) and was promised a tutor in the next round I applied to


is a Team Rater Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Three-Time Past SPL Champion
World Defender
Username: FLCL
Age: 16
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: FLCL, Fooly Cooly, Furi Kuri
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT-7 (PST); available 15:00, to 21:00 during weekdays.
What tier do you want to learn?: BW2 RU
Tell us a little about yourself: I am an avid NU battler who is a member of the NU senate and QC team. I have been trying to get into the RU tier for quite a while now, but I haven't been able to translate my efforts into success.

Zebraiken has agreed to tutor me
Username: Rupe
Age: 14
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Rupe
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: (GMT) between 12AM - 12PM( 6AM-6PM EST)
What tier do you want to learn?:BW2 OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm a boy from England, almost 15, like to spend time with my friends and family in my spare time, as well as playing football(soccer ? ) and logging onto Pokemon online. I need a little teambuilding help as well as advice on how to improve my game competitively.

Why I have under 25 posts:
I made this account for the soul reason of signing up to this, as I've heard a lot of good things about B101 and I'm convinced it can make me a much better battler and player.

Despite only creating my account now, I have been a long time lurker of the smogon forums, and I finally feel like contributing to this community more.

I wish to request a tutor that likes to teach, and that will be active enough to tutor me.

Username: xXGengarXx
Age: 19
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: R2Zero
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT-8 (US PST). It's summer, so all day.
What tier do you want to learn?: BW2 OU
Tell us a little about yourself: Been playing Pokemon since the original R/B/G releases. I've been doing some competitive battling since the netbattle days although I usually took large hiatuses in between and fell behind each time a new meta came out. I was mostly a Smogon lurker since the beginning,and still sort of am even though I actually made an account almost a few years back. Most of my posts were from OU RMTs I tried during the DPPt meta.

I know I signed up for one of these things a year or two back, but I don't recall getting a tutor at that time
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