Best Movie of 2009?


Banned deucer.
Avatar was actually listed by a few people? Really? I mean, yes, the CGI was good, and the battle scene at the end was really entertaining. This does not make up for the shitburger dialogue and the predictable story. I mean seriously, I should not be able to figure out the ending 1/3 of the way in.

Up in the Air and Up for greatest movies this year.
To each his own, my friend
Am I the only person who hated Avatar? Seriously, that move was just some pretty shit.
Just saw avatar and I have to agree with this statement. It was basically The Lion King meets Spore meets Indians meets The Smurfs wrapped in eye-candy. I was honestly captivated by the visuals for a good portion of the film (I'm a sucker for giant C.G.I. animals), but good god everything else stunk. The characters were all horrible overused clichés spouting predictable dialog. It reminded me a lot of Transformers 2, but Avatar at least kept me occupied with the visuals and effects.
i dunno why people think this was a shitty year for movies, i thought it was excellent. my top ten:

1. Inglourious Basterds
2. (500) Days of Summer
3. District 9
4. Avatar
5. Up in the Air
6. Up
7. Precious
8. Nine
9. Where the Wild Things Are
10. Sherlock Holmes


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Yea i agree, Coraline was visually appealing but......
I've honestly never sat in a movie and gone "WOW, What great effects!". Ever. Do people actually do that? I just... watch it. And if the effects look dumb or unpolished enough to distract me from the movie, then they do, but otherwise I couldn't care less.


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there are films visually beautiful enough to warrant such a reaction. i don't think cgi would do it though, it's way too sterile.
Yea I agree with G80 visuals can be a great tool (they are called motion pictures after all), but not CGI really. I find myself more impressed visually with films like The Fountain and Punch Drunk Love than Avatar, Transformers, or GI Joe.


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I just got back from Sherlock Holmes and I must say it was a completely uninteresting movie. Good dialog, good soundtrack, beautiful ending credits sequence, interesting flashback method, but wholly uninteresting plot that didn't engage me at all. Avatar had a cliche plot, but this one just wasn't even serviceable. I couldn't care less about what was going on and that's really bad for a mystery.
I've honestly never sat in a movie and gone "WOW, What great effects!". Ever. Do people actually do that? I just... watch it. And if the effects look dumb or unpolished enough to distract me from the movie, then they do, but otherwise I couldn't care less.
Yes. I have seen a movie and been completely amazed by the visuals. Same with some video games. Part of it might have to being a Media Arts student and thinking about how it's being done, but I also love seeing this entirely vibrant and interesting world and being completely immersed in it. Avatar created a beautiful landscape and presented it in a way that made the viewer think of it as a real place. The story was standard, cliche fare and the dialog was serviceable at best, but I can see people being completely drawn into the world and much of that has to do with the care put into the environment both visually and conceptually.

Just saw avatar and I have to agree with this statement. It was basically The Lion King meets Spore meets Indians meets The Smurfs wrapped in eye-candy. I was honestly captivated by the visuals for a good portion of the film (I'm a sucker for giant C.G.I. animals), but good god everything else stunk. The characters were all horrible overused clichés spouting predictable dialog. It reminded me a lot of Transformers 2, but Avatar at least kept me occupied with the visuals and effects.
Dances with Wolves.


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On my God how did I forged 500 Days of Summer. That was an amazing movie. Also Where the Wild Things Are was also really good. It turned my favourite childhood book into a pretty fantastic movie. Not to mention I liked the ending where

the main Wild Thing rips off the chickens arm, quickly responding with "That was my favourite arm"
American Pie: Book of Love =D
It's not the best movie but imo it's pretty good, it sort of takes up back to the first American pie and I liked that.

I plan on going to see Avatar soon, it sounds and looks amazing.
Other Films I really enjoyed were Transformers 2 XD, although the fight between Optimus Prime and the Fallen was really lame. It lasted 2 minutes? I wish they extended that fight but otherwise a very good movie =D
American Pie: Book of Love =D
It's not the best movie but imo it's pretty good, it sort of takes up back to the first American pie and I liked that.

I plan on going to see Avatar soon, it sounds and looks amazing.
Avatar is the best movie of this year imo, even better if you watch it in 3-D. It really is amazing. Sherlock Holmes was good too. But the worst movie of the year was probably 2012
Transformers 2 was one of the best movies I've seen. Harry Potter 6 was also great, however for people who have read the book, it is more of a dissapointment. If it keeps up, HP might as well get directed by Stephanie Meyer. Speaking of the teenage fangirl hero, Twilight New Moon wasn't that bad, but it wasn't that good either. 9 was fucking loud as hell and predictable and I slept through the Watchmen. I am looking forward to Sherlock Holmes though, as anyone who can steal a hat in midfight is pretty much the most awesome thing I have ever seen.

Which reminds me, I need to get out more. T_T
Watchmen is one of my all time favorites, so I pick it. Also Inglourious Basterds; great characters, ok story and badass quotes, I don't need more.

Avatar was a good film but it's very recent, that might be 'affecting' the votes somehow, because there were a couple of good movies in the middle of the year and people are lazy to recall them (e.g: Me).
yea, despite the fact that alotta people hated transformers (understandable though), i actually liked it.

i should see watchmen sometime
Inglorious Basterds - Best Movie this year imo.
Slumdog Millionare - an excellent indie film in more than one sense and I'm still pissed off that Jonas Brothers: The 3D Experience outsold at the box offices.

Milk - Sean Connery please blow me
Precious - pretty good a bit too touchy feely
Avatar - yes it looked excellent the plot wasnt the greatest no it is not reminiscent of star wars movies but still very good.
Valkyrie - good movie plain and simple, the acting was well done although "wtf british accent in germany"
Defiance - despite what my holocaust survivor grandpa thinks (he walked out of the movie saying it was "child's play") this movie was well done. daniel craig performs well in spite of the recent bond movies (more goldeneye please).
Quantum of Solace - . this sums up my feelings.
Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince - this would probably be in suck my balls but im so partial to the actual books so...
suck my balls
Blind Side - I hate football movies and i hate cliche feel good movies. and sandra bullock was lackluster imo despite what people say.
Bruno - stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.
17 Again - Dragged to this shitpile with friends and I could hardly look
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - There wasnt a thing about this movie that was good (except Megan Fox's body and some of the special effects)

too bored to do more
i though bruno was funnier than borat does that make me a bad person?

also i just saw avatar and taking of pelham 123 and i thought the latter was superior even though both had pretty cliché plots
My favorites for the year were Inglourious Basterds and Taken.

I did see Avatar twice, but only because I thought the 3D scenes of the forest were *amazing*. It really gave you a sense of flying in some scenes (especially in 1570 IMAX @_@;..) But the story/characters were kinda dry/cliched imho..

I went into 2012 and Transformers 2 already with the mindset that it was going to be absolutely terrible, and it was. The only thing that made those bearable for me was good company.
(If anyone remembers Seinfeld, "I can't go into a bad movie by myself. What, am I going to make sarcastic remarks to strangers?")
I have to say that Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen is the Best Film of the year followed VERY closely by Avatar. Of Course I am very biased towards this decision being a lifelong Transformers Fan and Optimus Prime being tied for my Top Childhood hero (the other Being Tommy the Green/White/Red Zeo/ Red Turbo/ Black Brachio Ranger)
I always felt I had to be high to thoroughly enjoy Coraline, but it was a beautiful movie.

My favorite was Zombieland. I expected one of those shitty C class movies that tried too hard to make you laugh with the overused zombie genre. Much to my surprise, it was a solid movie.

Meanwhile, Transformers was a huge letdown. And the only thing New Moon has going for it was the audience didn't laugh their asses off at the utter horribleness like at its prequel.
I dunno. It would have to be between The Hangover and The Hurt Locker.

The Hangover was the first movie to actually make me laugh out loud in years (save for Zombieland, which is also a hilarious film). The acting was superb. The story was so ridiculous that it was funny. It was just an all-out hilarious movie (and the fact that it lost to The Proposal at last night's People's Choice Awards is also ridiculous).

The Hurt Locker, on the other hand, would probably beat it out for me. It was a rigid movie that truly outclasses so many movies that came out this year and yet got practically no coverage because of it's touchy subject.

And, please, Transformers? I'd rather hit my head against a wall than say it was anywhere near good.
I have to say that Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen is the Best Film of the year followed VERY closely by Avatar. Of Course I am very biased towards this decision being a lifelong Transformers Fan and Optimus Prime being tied for my Top Childhood hero (the other Being Tommy the Green/White/Red Zeo/ Red Turbo/ Black Brachio Ranger)
lol. just lol.

this year was pretty shitty for movies. i think if you combined the movies for 2008 and 2009 maybe 7 or 8 of the ten best picture noms would be from 2008


I think that this was a poor year for movies. Very few really good movies. I also feel that Avatar was very overated. I don't care if you spend three hundred million dollars on a movie that doesn't mkae it good. Also the sherlock holmes movie was very inaccurate and "Hollywoodized" I am a fan of Arthur Conan Doyles work and that movie would not have gotten his approval. As for the best movie it was probably Twilight... just kidding. It really was not a good year in movies.
I always felt I had to be high to thoroughly enjoy Coraline, but it was a beautiful movie.
I really enjoyed Coraline. A friend recomend it while we were smoking and it was crazy. I think being high helped getting more engrossed in the movie but it was a good movie none the less. I just remember feeling that i felt there was a few themes in the movie that i thought were very strong for kids, but being stoned at the time i don't remember parts of the movie.

My favorite was Zombieland. I expected one of those shitty C class movies that tried too hard to make you laugh with the overused zombie genre. Much to my surprise, it was a solid movie. .
Zombieland was without a doubt my biggest surprise of the year. Just like you i was not expecting much but i did want to see it. I thought it was a much better Zombie parady then Shaun of The Dead, which i think was over hyped but that is a different discussion. The Camio was amazing, so funny. The movie i felt was a kind of movie that anyone could enjoy and this is a quality you don't see in many movies.

Inglorious Bastards was hillarious. Too bad that WWII didn't end this way.

Blindside was really good. I am a huge football fan and i foudn it really touching. Of course there was alot of hollywood touch to the story but it was enjoyable never dragged on.

Up in the Air, I will be honest i wasn't too impressed with it. Yes, it was a very good movie and george clooney did a great job, but it was just so depressing. It was good but in my opinion over hyped.

One movie i just watched on the plane the other day, The informant with Matt Damon, i found it really funny. I like the dry humor used throughout the movie and Matt Damon does a great job.

Still haven't seen Avatar.

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