Big City Mafia 2 - Three Districts - Won by Lavender Lions

I'm extremely isolated and with little information about the game but I will send a message with my thoughts to one of the greenchecks in the evening. If I'm correct after this day comes a evening back in townburg and with bluedoom and a fairy back in center city right?

Voting hh or genisu out given my limited knowledge is the correct call.

If you guys want my thoughts now just say so and I'll post them in this thread (I will only do this if either Aura guardian or pulsar say it).

a fairy

is a Tournament Directoris a Site Content Manageris a Community Leaderis a Community Contributoris a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Smogon Media Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Social Media Contributor Alumnus
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If I'm correct after this day comes a evening back in townburg and with bluedoom and a fairy back in center city right?
this sounds correct, askaninjask can you confirm? or do we need to pick locations without OC communications

truly stunned that someone accused the functional IC of being scum though

(also folks im going to end up posting my 10k in this thread so i apologize in like 3-4 posts for the random giant text post diversion)
this sounds correct, askaninjask can you confirm? or do we need to pick locations without OC communications

truly stunned that someone accused the functional IC of being scum though

(also folks im going to end up posting my 10k in this thread so i apologize in like 3-4 posts for the random giant text post diversion)
Did you mean to tag the host here? you tagged a player.

I dont know what IC means.

a fairy

is a Tournament Directoris a Site Content Manageris a Community Leaderis a Community Contributoris a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Smogon Media Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Social Media Contributor Alumnus
Community Leader
rofl sorry i was thinking about an aska host proposal thing earlier andf my brain farted. cc zorbees

ic = innocent child = a player that is host-confirmed to be town. in a non-bastard game like this, cel's flip basically IC'd AG and pulsar


this sounds correct, askaninjask can you confirm? or do we need to pick locations without OC communications

truly stunned that someone accused the functional IC of being scum though

(also folks im going to end up posting my 10k in this thread so i apologize in like 3-4 posts for the random giant text post diversion)
shit I forgot lmfao :rofl:

a fairy

is a Tournament Directoris a Site Content Manageris a Community Leaderis a Community Contributoris a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Smogon Media Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Social Media Contributor Alumnus
Community Leader

god i hope the pings all work

This is a bit of a sidetrack, and I’m not usually one for these kinds of posts. After all, I’ve had ten opportunities to and never did. I think. Maybe I did like a 2k back in 2013 or something. But if there was ever to do an xK, 10,000 feels like a decent time to do so.

To the folks who got pinged here: sorry, you can’t actually post in response to this, I will delete your posts because you will be breaking Circus Maximus rules. But you can post it on my wall, at least those I leave up for a few days before deleting.

Ten thousand times I clicked a button that shared something in my brain with the world, for those who chose to read it. If we’re honest, it’s more, deleted posts and such for sure. And it doesn’t take into account VMs, PMs, IRC and Discord and Skype messages, etc. I’ve got 40,000 messages, ish, in Smogon Discord. I’ve been in that place for maybe a year.

Ten thousand is a lot. I’m the tenth person to reach that number on the site. Ever. I couldn’t tell you how many of those messages actually changed someone’s day, gave someone a smile, made someone feel emotions, or left an impact in some manner. I don’t imagine it’s too terribly many, to be honest, but I know it’s a few.

I’ve been on this site for over a decade. I’ve forgotten too many people and projects and things to make a meaningful explanation of what I’ve accomplished and failed to accomplish on this site. I tried in Sept2023 when there was a Smogon Friendships thread in Smogoff, and I listed a few things there.

I’ve gotten pings in a few xK threads. They’re always lovely to get, though as someone who considers herself introverted or a bit antisocial I’m always surprised when I get them, even when I’m just put together as a grouping of plenty of other folks. I’m always surprised when others have received such impact from my presence that it was worth typing a few characters on their keyboard to include me in a thought.

The idea of pinging others, let alone saying anything, is daunting. I’m going to be honest: I don’t remember most people I interact with. I couldn’t name by heart all of the TDs, I couldn’t tell you who are the TFP staff I work alongside, I wouldn’t be able to tell you a full list of the folks I’ve worked alongside for Draft or Discord or Circus or what have you. I’ve got a poor memory, on top of being antisocial and transactional in my interactions means that a lot of the people I talk to I just don’t internalize, and those that I do internalize I forget. I would mention every single person I’ve ever had a conversation with if I was able.

I’m going to miss people and that’s going to feel like shit for me. I’m sorry if your name didn’t get listed, genuinely my bad. Some of the people I miss will never see it, long gone from this site, and some I miss will never see it because I had the bright idea to place it in an active Mafia game – I don’t blame anyone for not looking in it.

So, here goes nothing. This isn’t a well, I’m not gonna talk any more about myself – I specifically dodged the Well every time I came close and now it’s gone for a long time. I’ve done too much on this site to remember anything anyway. I spent some time putting names together. I’ve definitely forgotten groups or individuals. Most of these names are admittedly old names - if you ended up getting pinged by this and are confused as to who I am, you probably knew me as Lady Salamence.

I'm so glad we happened on each other again recently. You've been a lovely friend, both back then and nowadays. I can always count on you to provide a friendly conversation, and as someone who gets drained by talking to people, I always search for a bit more energy than normal to provide for you when you come knocking. I hope wherever life takes you, you can succeed, be in mons or personal life or professionally.

cb aaron judge
I should not have had the power and authority I had when I did, and I think you suffered the worst for it. I retained a negative opinion about you far beyond than anything your actions deserved, and far past reasonable timing-wise. I hope you are doing well in life, I believe we briefly touched paths in the recent (little over half decade) past, and the experience I had doing so helped me learn that holding anger is something I want to stop doing.

Don Honchkrorleone
It's strange. We both run in similar enough circles, but I think both of us are no longer who we used to be. For the better, I think, but also I sometimes see you at a distance and hope that your life is good. I think for myself, I could never rekindle our friendship while I still have memory of the past. Our old friendship gave me a lot to learn from, and while nowadays I would never repeat the steps that directed where our friendship went, I can still hope that you are well.

I don't know if I ever told you that your comments about Mindcrack when we were planning to host a Mafia game together was hugely game changing for me. I got way more into Mindcrack than I think was expected in the context, and then from that was able to attend things like Zeldathon, made some of the closest friends I'd ever had, and experienced communities and projects that I could've never dreamed of. My path in life and who I am as a person would be so totally different had you not casually mentioned a couple of those names.

I don't know that I ever apologized to you, and I should've. I've tried to look up that thread again, but I think it rightly got removed. Never got an infraction for the nonsense I pulled, don't even think I got punished. I'm sorry for taking an old Neoseeker mutual friend at face value and trying to tank your reputation back then - I'm glad to see it didn't work, and I think about my failure of responsibility in positions where what I say is trusted beyond normal words. I am so sorry, and I hope you are well.

eric the espeon
I don't think I'd be the person I am nowadays if not for you. You were, I think, everything I wanted to be, and I was none of what you were. I got to talk to you some months ago, but I've since lost you in my Discord friends list. I need to find you again, because even if our friendship is all but done and we don't have anything in common, I don't want to lose another person that was so integral to what I learnt from Smogon while also not being directly associated with any strong regrets. The PO stuff is in the Groups hide tag.

I don't even remember how we met, only that you were genuinely such a positive person and friend beyond anything I could understand. We had so little in common, from shared friends to interest in 'mons to conversational topics, but I never felt pushed away or isolated by you, you always seemed to have an open ear to a kid's nonsense. For that kid who felt socially isolated from even the people she considered her friends, you were a unique beacon in the darkness, there to no benefit of your own and all for the benefit of some foolish kid.

I think, for a while, you were my best friend. I only wish you could return to Smogon new like I managed to, experience new Smogon and its tournaments and try hosting a couple yourself. I just know you've gone through a growing and learning process like I did. I became a TD and made a badge for tour hosting. I wish you could've gotten it, but the way the policy discussions went, it didn't make sense. I succeeded, FM. I only wish you could see it. I think it'd make you happy.

I think without you, it takes me longer to realize I was transgender. I'd have figured it out eventually, but the interest you showed in me as I chatted trying to escape grief and terror of a real life tragedy helped me connect two things in my brain. If it wasn't for you, I don't know how long it'd have taken. That specific point in my life, it'd probably have taken me another year or two maybe, and that sounds like an incredibly unappetizing idea. So for all of the positives and negatives, thank you.

I hope you are well. I don't know where you are in life, but it dealt you some difficult cards when I knew you, but cards I knew you could turn into a beautiful picture with your knowledge, abilities, and attitude. You are one of the people I desperately wish I could track down, find, and talk to once more. I choose to believe that you got everything you want in life, and are living your dream nowadays. Few were as positive and uplifting as you, and you deserved the world. I hope you got it.

Glacier Knight
So much of what I said to Gem applies to you too. You were less talkative about your personal life, but I obviously have such a strong association between the two of you as we were a terrible trio back then. So many positive memories with you, ones that have become foundational to who I am as a person. I met someone else aliasing as Glacier once, and I wished so much when I asked them if they had ever been a part of a Pokemon community that it was you. No such luck. I hope you are well, wherever you are, whatever you are doing.

God, I hope you have email notifications on for pings. That would be the absolute funniest thing, I think. No, it makes no sense to ping you here. I don't care. I think it's funny. Over/under on you logging in at some point before 2030 is probably like, 35%, don't make a new account having forgotten you made this one.

I wanted to write a joke here, because I know you would laugh at it and you would know what you mean to me without me needing to spell it out. But I don't want to make any jokes throughout all of this for the folks that have changed my life through Smogon (Hew happening to have an account doesn't count). I think you took me to task for the negatives growing up and on return, and celebrated me for the positives then and now. Additionally, you definitely took yourself to task for your own negatives, and in turn I hope to celebrate your positives with you as well.

You got a message out of the blue one day from me, asking to be a mod for The Competitor. For some reason, you agreed, and let me. That was a learning experience for me, and I appreciate it so much that you did. Your infectuous positivity and fantastical stories made you more real than life, and I appreciate having been closer friends with you than most. I don't know if you'll ever see this, I don't even know if you remember Smogon positively, but for at least one person, you had a positive impact that won't be forgotten.

What's to say that wasn't said in person? You've been a great friend to me, both back then and nowadays. Our paths have diverged further than it had been before, but it meant so much to me that you reached out to me and put in the effort to meet me in person when I was in town. Talking to you about mafia and in person was like picking up from the old days, but with a decade of growth tacked on. I'm glad we crossed paths again, and that we have circles in common still.

Maybe I should've just left this in the PO section, but you were different. You cared, you were friendly despite the hostility surrounding us, and even after we stopped being in touch I have positive memories of our interactions. I don't know where you are, I remember that your situation in real life was not great during our friendship, so I hope that has improved since. I hope life is what you've wanted to be and made of it, and while I don't think you'll ever see this, I've not forgotten you.

There are two posts of yours that make me proud of myself. One is a Flying Press staff post about my behavior and contributions to The Competitor and The Smog, and the other is a Badge Nom post about why I was never considered for TD. I think about those posts a fair bit, and maybe once or twice a year, go take a look at them again. If I ever wonder about my life, where I've gone or how I've improved, I look up those posts and recognize what I used to be, and know that I am not that person anymore. Thank you for recognizing my failures of the past.

I met you in person. You were the first I did. As a trans woman who didn't even know what being trans was during an era of the internet where woman were expected to post images of themselves to prove they were woman, meeting someone in person (let alone posting an image to the Photo Album) was a huge barrier to surmount for me. Thank you for being such a good friend and so open to helping me surmount that. You knew me during that timeframe and still met up with me to say hi in person. Thank you.

Maybe a bit more of a stretch here, hi, but you gave me a community in a video game with Smogcraft and OOSOS that, and I can't super explain this, mattered more to me than I expected. Late night games of OOSOS where I wasn't expected to mic (except that one time I didn't realize I wasn't muted and accidentally laughed) and random mining expiditions on the server truly gave me something of joy that I haven't forgotten. I still think about that square "castle" on a snow biome mountain and your stunned pause seeing it.

As someone who remembers you primarily from 2010-2014, you continue to have a presence that is intimidating to me. However, your friendliness and unending well of support for others in every context has been something very calming to lean on during difficult times. You've always had an open ear and good advice, and it's crystal clear to me that you are, foundationally, a good person. You barely knew me before you were already offering to help with a major personal life problem I'm going through. I can't speak my appreciation enough.

Me modding Circus Maximus still confuses me, but I've appreciated the opportunity so much. I was certain I had hit "the limit" and wasn't going to get any new badges or mod positions ever again, and then you reached out. I'm so thrilled that Revival happened and that all of these games have happened. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to help moderate this community, every struggle about behavior issues here is drowned out by a dozen wonderful experiences with so many people who genuinely are here to have fun and be lovely people.

I think you explained to me once why you added me to your friend Discord server, but I don't remember why. I can't understate how much I appreciated it. I was barely active and felt pretty on the outside, so to be pulled into a server with a bunch of folks who I only vaguely knew of that seemed happy to have me there was a really wonderful experience. I wish I enjoyed "friend servers" more than I did, because I genuinely appreciated the opportunity to be present in your world.

I don't quite know how we met and began interacting, but you have never been someone I've dreaded see a message pop up from. Whether it's tournaments work, ROA discussions, larger Smogon theory, or just casual chats about where we're at and how we got there, conversations with you are rarely a struggle. I'm glad that you've passed some of the barriers you mentioned struggling with during some of our conversations, and I hope you've overcome the mental barriers as well.

Genuinely a lovely person, the speed in which you and I went from never interacting to sharing several social circles is a bit jarring, but I don't regret more opportunities to interact with you in a social setting. Your ability to determine the appropriate tone of response so consistently is something that I deeply envy and try to learn from, as my own ability to do so is notoriously weak. Tournament hosts are folks I hold in high respect, and you take to the work naturally. Up the kens.

When I left Smogon, I left a dream of wanting to be a TD and wanting to mod The Smog. One of those two things stopped being a thing. The Flying Press has been a beautiful spiritual successor, and the fact that you wanted me onboard the team has completed my checklist of things from a long time ago that I wish I could've accomplished. The Smog may no longer exist, but every itch I felt I wanted to scratch by helping run that project has more than enough been met because you decided to take a swing on some random retiree.

I actually have no idea how we became friends. We have little overlap in responsibilities on the site or shared circles, yet you've had no problem just chatting with me about silly things. As someone who is actively not social and not someone who struggles to hold or start conversations, you don't seem to mind that, which is appreciated silently. I've talked in other blurbs about how I dislike getting messages, but you've never messaged me with anything negative or with any expectation of long conversations.

When I came back to the site, it was never with the hope of becoming a tournament director, I never even thought I'd host tournaments, but here we are yet. I would've not considered being a TD during the old system, but the new system works really well and hosting is specifically what I enjoy, so I'm beyond thrilled that you wanted me onboard. That's not even to say your trust in me for the Tour Host badge, wanting me to be the one handling the information gathering and letting me direct and target policy discussions on it.

"i have 0 clue why ur on smogon ngl af" I think about this message at least once a week. For such a side point commentary, it's had a positive outsized effect on who I am as a person. I'd already known that I'm only here for my own joy at this point, but your message drives the point home that my own joy is my first priority, and that with no bucket list goals left to accomplish, that whenever that joy goes away, I can drop things. As an aside, without you I dunno how long it takes for me to further climb the Draft ranks, so thank you for that too.

I have a habit of thinking that others do not like me. You have a habit of not giving up on people, not letting them sit in their own misery and misconceptions. We've had more than one conversation about how others view us and how we view others, for two people who have very little to talk about other than our shared moderation position. While I don't think I quite ever internalize your recommendation to not see the shadows as trying to jump at me, I appreciate your inability to just shrug and move on.

Your pragmatic positivity and your unfailing belief in others is something that I wish I could model, if I spent significant time working on. If not for you, I probably don't have most of the things on the site I have - your good word to TFP staff, letting me host Draft's second-ever tour after taking a huge gamble on adding a random no-name to the tournament staff listing. If not for you and your ability to see good in others, I'm probably just another name on the list of folks who stepped away from Smogon and came back worse.

We don't talk much anymore, but I appreciate the friendship you showed me when I was really getting into Smogon Discord for the first time. I wish I was able to be more active or involved in the server you've invited me to, but I've long since found out that those types of spaces are incredibly socially draining for me. Seeing your stock in the Monotype community improve and increase has been so lovely to see, from someone who I remember talking to as feeling isolated and on the outside there.

You're actually the first person I've successfuly said "no" to on Smogon when offered a position. It means the world to this antisocial introvert that you thought I was the correct fit to lead a Discord server with tens of thousands of people, and it means even more that when I said no and suggested other names, you took that genuinely and went forward with those names. I think I'd still have done it if you had come back to ask again, but I think I appreciate beyond words you not coming back to me.

You scare me still, honestly. But I work on myself knowing that if you do genuinely dislike me, you do a very good job of hiding it. I wish so so much that I could feel comfortable in casual social environments and return the favor for bringing me into your friend server, but it's something that I've long since decided wasn't going to be trying to do. You've been a wonderful person to work alongside, and I hope you find joy in every step you take and find friends around every corner. Those that reject you will come to regret not having you.

My math may be off, but I think you being willing to bring me onboard for OSDT was the first trophy tournament I hosted, and I pin a lot of my current TD position to showing my ability to be at least somewhat competent in that environment. Handling activity claims/unplayed games and the replays/stats for OSDT was a wonderful first touch at both Swiss and trophy tour hosting, and while we don't really interact much outside of that context, I've only ever heard good things and the limited experience I've had has reinforced that.

I'm so sorry. I place a lot of blame on myself for what happened with Low Tier, as I was the loudest voice encouraging us to stay on the path that eventually led to what happened. I know I've apologized to you before for a number of steps in that process, but in the time since I've come to appreciate the outsized effort you were willing to put into for a tour that you weren't even originally slated to be involved in. Truly a selfless act that I will ever appreciate. I hope what little I was able to contribute helped ease things for you.

Sorry for being a stick-in-the-mud about analyses, and thank you for being so insistent on trying to see if it was at all possible. I think it's clear from an outside observer that it's worked very well. You've always had an open ear for me despite being incredibly busy both on the site and in your personal life, and very rarely do I feel like the things I bring to you are actually worth your time. But never do I feel like you've come out with the same opinion.

2011 Social Groups
I was probably unnecessarily harsh on you folk, we were all basically kids back then and the Social Groups were a unique thing that you folk took to and for whatever reason I resented. Did you know that even nowadays I associate 2011 join date people with negative emotions from those Social Groups? I hope all of you collectively are in good places now, long gone from Smogon now that the site's software doesn't support the structure. I don't have positive memories of my behavior here, but that's an important thing to remember as well.

I wish CAM succeeded. I know that a number of you had individual success in various sections of the site that you dedicated yourself to, and a handful are even still around to some extent. I do genuinely think that CAM could've been something had there been a bit more attention or time, but the present is built on the littered corpses of the past, and plenty of those corpses deserved better. I've long since forgotten what we'd done, but I have fond memories of us attempting to learn about competitive Pokemon through it.

From back then to now, CAP's always fascinated me, and I hope to become slowly more active in it. It certainly isn't what I remember it, it's grown so much in size and in process since stuff like Voodoom and Aurumoth. While much of it is a bit beyond me (stats numbers go up! is about all I can get out of some sections), getting reinvolved in some of the sections I can be involved in is something I hope to do more in the future. It's amazing to see where CAP has come from where I remember it. Here's to many more.

Circus Players
For an antisocial introvert, it's odd that I've played in every non-live mafia game in Revival. It's odder still, to me at least, that you all have welcomed someone like me into this space so freely, treating me as an equal and a peer and respecting the silly ideas I have both as a host and as a player. For someone who doesn't like socializing, playing in games here have been very fun and I appreciate the opportunity. It's nice to have people where I can play a game about lying with and not have to worry about long-term consequences.

Discord Mains
I don't talk to most of you anymore. I'm not even sure who of you remember me, or were around "long enough ago" to remember me hanging out in the mornings. Socializing is hard, and you all seem to enjoy it even while I struggle. This category is endlessly vast, but that's fine, I'm not talking to any specific person or group of personalities. I miss IRC deeply, but the community you all have created on a new platform with new tools and toys has been fascinating to see for someone deeply stuck in ways long past.

Discord Mods
I promise I'll run that tour soon, it's just right this moment things are Busy. You all have been endlessly supportive of me as I take care of things like appeals and stuff like that, and I've been shocked at the amount of positive comments and affirmations from y'all. While I wish I could be doing more, and again, I will run that tour, being someone who struggles with socialization you all have happily welcomed me onboard the mod team despite not doing much of the actual day-to-day moderating.

I wouldn't have returned to Smogon if not for y'all. I wouldn't have tried to be active on the site if not for y'all. You all play such a cool format and way to play the game that is so refreshing and enjoyable, it's one of the few times I wish I was actually good at the game - I don't even enjoy playing Pokemon! Draft has been a refreshing format, and the opportunity to help out where I can has been so lovely. So much of what I've accomplished on the site since return is a direct result of you all welcoming me in with open arms.

Fishy's Server
While I'm not a social person, I did try to interact with y'all, and even made some good friendships with folks here. While I don't think I'd be able to do it again nowadays, given that the theme of this groups section has been "actually, interacting with people sucks", I appreciated the social environment as I returned to the site and the learning I got to experience. Y'all even helped me through a couple of things I was struggling with, which I never was truly able to repay, but I often take more from others than I give.

I talked about this in Sal's shoutout, but the Minecraft community, from Smogcraft to OOSOS to just the Skype groups, was really a helpful escape and joy during the old times for me. I don't remember most of the folks from this group nowadays, but there was something nice during the old Minecraft days before Elytras and Guardians and village trading and whatever. Just logging onto the server to do some mining quietly, or staying up late playing OOSOS. An itch that hasn't been scratched in any server I've been on since.

Misc Contributors / Mentorship
So many names I considered giving individual shoutouts that I didn't. People I didn't remember where I knew them from, just that I did. People who contributed to the site for the sake of contributing to the site, for the joy of writing or drawing or creating or discussing whatever the topic of the month was, their personal pet projects, et cetra. So many nameless names that have left lasting impact on who I am as a person and the type of language of affection that I've developed. To create is to live, and so many of you lived.

Most of you didn't make the jump to Smogon, and the few that did are long gone. My first forum, wouldn't be here if not for y'all, wouldn't be running tournaments if not for the Battle Tower I ran or the tournaments subforum I tried so hard to fit into. This is one of those things that I don't know who I'd be if not for Neoseeker, but I also couldn't pinpoint what exactly changed about me as a result. I was a literal kid (for those curious, absolutely breaking COPPA on Neoseeker) and those formative experiences do so much.

My pathological liar days. Not knowing what being trans was didn't help. Sorry. I wronged plenty of folks here, and that's something that is just part of my history nowadays. I could probably find a few folks and apologize to them, some of them are still even active. But most of the folks are long gone and searching them down doesn't seem like the right course of action and not a skill I want to develop. I sometimes compare the person I was back then to who I am now as an example to myself of my worst moments versus my best.

Private IRC Channels
I don't like their grandchildren now, the "circlejerk" or "friendcords" that exist now, they aren't the place for me. But for a much younger me, desperate for validation and a place to call home, took to the few I was invited to like wildfire. Never about anything specific, these places were just a person and anyone they thought was cool, and occassionally some others that their friends vouched for. Passing the time talking in invite-only places meant so much for a bullied teenager who had nobody in real life.

When I marked this down, I didn't know if that meant present-day TDs or old school TDs. I had friends in the latter, but the former I actually interact with regularly. Old school TDs put up with so much of my terrible behavior and ideas, and modern TDs are a wonderful group of people to work with. It's hard to name specific folk outside the couple above, but between then and now I've interacted with a ton of TDs who put up with me. It's often seen as thankless work, and I can understand that perspective. Here's a thanks - thank you.

The Smog and TFP
Another "then and now" split, there isn't much overlap nowadays but being TFP staff and seeing the shoulders of giants we still stand on and knowing that I was there, at least in part, for their formation and growth, is something I appreciate and don't take for granted. My first badge came from The Smog and The Flying Press has become a loving home for me to contribute and write while being absolutely terrible at Pokemon. Few things have felt similar between then and now, but TFP was very clearly lovingly made by The Smog's staff and others.

The Treehouse
A side server on PO, always within the top 15 or so (and so, the visible front page) of servers back during the PO days. A place to hand out, relax, ocassionally watch high level games when Smogon tournament folk came over to play their games on a stable server that ran Smogon formats. A surprising amount of the staff folk there went on to do notable stuff here on Smogon, and when I see them around, I remember those old days, even if I'm not sure anyone else does. I'm not sure how many people even remember The Treehouse at all.

Tournament Hosts
I like to host tournaments, and it's so cool to see such a wide range of folks on the site hosting tours. Hosting used to be very different back in the day, and new Smogon comes with its pros and cons, but one pro is that there are many more tours, and many more tournament hosts! From the folks asking me for advice (what a strange concept to me), to the folks I host alongside, to the folks who I play in tours of, it's so lovely to see a deep range of people from all parts of the site putting their time towards making playing 'mons more than just the ladder.


is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I'm here. I'm very sad that sunny was town. Honestly, I'm very confused at the quantity of players who have turned out to be village in this game.

To summarize the main points that have happened so far, some villagers got shipped to the same location N2 based on how much the leaders (sunny, pulsar, and m2h) trusted people in their own district. I was sent by M2H, bluedoom was sent by sunny, and AF was sent by pulsar. Redless also showed up for dumb reasons, but he's proven village now anyway so whatever.

Bluedoom claimed copier, and claimed to use NE's ability to prove that the 4 of us: himself, me, AF, and Redless, were all town. Given how many other players have flipped town, I no longer believe this to be possible.

I believe at most 2 of Alice Kazumi, genisu, and HydrogenHydreigon can be mafia at this point, given my understanding of their claims and my understanding of which roles have not yet been claimed by other users. There is a role that I am absolutely confident exists on the village, and it is claimed in part by both Alice and HH. I'd be beyond shocked if they were both scum. They may well both be village.

Given that, and given that I believe the mafia had to have started with four players, BD's claim that there were no mafia in VV on n2 is no longer believable.

This logic also concludes that genisu is scum, which makes some sense, given his claim and given m2h's flip. But the most reasonable to conclusion to me right now is:

Vote bluedoom


is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
possible scumteams: BD, genisu, AF
-> BD uses his claim of "copier" to falsely clean AF

BD, genisu, Alice or HH
-> very possible as well

also fwiw I was redirected again last night, this time to Genisu. No idea why or how that occurred. I would not be opposed to a genisu vote. At this time I *would* be opposed to an Alice or HH vote, I don't think we have enough to distinguish between them right now and I think one of them MUST be town.

god i hope the pings all work

This is a bit of a sidetrack, and I’m not usually one for these kinds of posts. After all, I’ve had ten opportunities to and never did. I think. Maybe I did like a 2k back in 2013 or something. But if there was ever to do an xK, 10,000 feels like a decent time to do so.

To the folks who got pinged here: sorry, you can’t actually post in response to this, I will delete your posts because you will be breaking Circus Maximus rules. But you can post it on my wall, at least those I leave up for a few days before deleting.

Ten thousand times I clicked a button that shared something in my brain with the world, for those who chose to read it. If we’re honest, it’s more, deleted posts and such for sure. And it doesn’t take into account VMs, PMs, IRC and Discord and Skype messages, etc. I’ve got 40,000 messages, ish, in Smogon Discord. I’ve been in that place for maybe a year.

Ten thousand is a lot. I’m the tenth person to reach that number on the site. Ever. I couldn’t tell you how many of those messages actually changed someone’s day, gave someone a smile, made someone feel emotions, or left an impact in some manner. I don’t imagine it’s too terribly many, to be honest, but I know it’s a few.

I’ve been on this site for over a decade. I’ve forgotten too many people and projects and things to make a meaningful explanation of what I’ve accomplished and failed to accomplish on this site. I tried in Sept2023 when there was a Smogon Friendships thread in Smogoff, and I listed a few things there.

I’ve gotten pings in a few xK threads. They’re always lovely to get, though as someone who considers herself introverted or a bit antisocial I’m always surprised when I get them, even when I’m just put together as a grouping of plenty of other folks. I’m always surprised when others have received such impact from my presence that it was worth typing a few characters on their keyboard to include me in a thought.

The idea of pinging others, let alone saying anything, is daunting. I’m going to be honest: I don’t remember most people I interact with. I couldn’t name by heart all of the TDs, I couldn’t tell you who are the TFP staff I work alongside, I wouldn’t be able to tell you a full list of the folks I’ve worked alongside for Draft or Discord or Circus or what have you. I’ve got a poor memory, on top of being antisocial and transactional in my interactions means that a lot of the people I talk to I just don’t internalize, and those that I do internalize I forget. I would mention every single person I’ve ever had a conversation with if I was able.

I’m going to miss people and that’s going to feel like shit for me. I’m sorry if your name didn’t get listed, genuinely my bad. Some of the people I miss will never see it, long gone from this site, and some I miss will never see it because I had the bright idea to place it in an active Mafia game – I don’t blame anyone for not looking in it.

So, here goes nothing. This isn’t a well, I’m not gonna talk any more about myself – I specifically dodged the Well every time I came close and now it’s gone for a long time. I’ve done too much on this site to remember anything anyway. I spent some time putting names together. I’ve definitely forgotten groups or individuals. Most of these names are admittedly old names - if you ended up getting pinged by this and are confused as to who I am, you probably knew me as Lady Salamence.

I'm so glad we happened on each other again recently. You've been a lovely friend, both back then and nowadays. I can always count on you to provide a friendly conversation, and as someone who gets drained by talking to people, I always search for a bit more energy than normal to provide for you when you come knocking. I hope wherever life takes you, you can succeed, be in mons or personal life or professionally.

cb aaron judge
I should not have had the power and authority I had when I did, and I think you suffered the worst for it. I retained a negative opinion about you far beyond than anything your actions deserved, and far past reasonable timing-wise. I hope you are doing well in life, I believe we briefly touched paths in the recent (little over half decade) past, and the experience I had doing so helped me learn that holding anger is something I want to stop doing.

Don Honchkrorleone
It's strange. We both run in similar enough circles, but I think both of us are no longer who we used to be. For the better, I think, but also I sometimes see you at a distance and hope that your life is good. I think for myself, I could never rekindle our friendship while I still have memory of the past. Our old friendship gave me a lot to learn from, and while nowadays I would never repeat the steps that directed where our friendship went, I can still hope that you are well.

I don't know if I ever told you that your comments about Mindcrack when we were planning to host a Mafia game together was hugely game changing for me. I got way more into Mindcrack than I think was expected in the context, and then from that was able to attend things like Zeldathon, made some of the closest friends I'd ever had, and experienced communities and projects that I could've never dreamed of. My path in life and who I am as a person would be so totally different had you not casually mentioned a couple of those names.

I don't know that I ever apologized to you, and I should've. I've tried to look up that thread again, but I think it rightly got removed. Never got an infraction for the nonsense I pulled, don't even think I got punished. I'm sorry for taking an old Neoseeker mutual friend at face value and trying to tank your reputation back then - I'm glad to see it didn't work, and I think about my failure of responsibility in positions where what I say is trusted beyond normal words. I am so sorry, and I hope you are well.

eric the espeon
I don't think I'd be the person I am nowadays if not for you. You were, I think, everything I wanted to be, and I was none of what you were. I got to talk to you some months ago, but I've since lost you in my Discord friends list. I need to find you again, because even if our friendship is all but done and we don't have anything in common, I don't want to lose another person that was so integral to what I learnt from Smogon while also not being directly associated with any strong regrets. The PO stuff is in the Groups hide tag.

I don't even remember how we met, only that you were genuinely such a positive person and friend beyond anything I could understand. We had so little in common, from shared friends to interest in 'mons to conversational topics, but I never felt pushed away or isolated by you, you always seemed to have an open ear to a kid's nonsense. For that kid who felt socially isolated from even the people she considered her friends, you were a unique beacon in the darkness, there to no benefit of your own and all for the benefit of some foolish kid.

I think, for a while, you were my best friend. I only wish you could return to Smogon new like I managed to, experience new Smogon and its tournaments and try hosting a couple yourself. I just know you've gone through a growing and learning process like I did. I became a TD and made a badge for tour hosting. I wish you could've gotten it, but the way the policy discussions went, it didn't make sense. I succeeded, FM. I only wish you could see it. I think it'd make you happy.

I think without you, it takes me longer to realize I was transgender. I'd have figured it out eventually, but the interest you showed in me as I chatted trying to escape grief and terror of a real life tragedy helped me connect two things in my brain. If it wasn't for you, I don't know how long it'd have taken. That specific point in my life, it'd probably have taken me another year or two maybe, and that sounds like an incredibly unappetizing idea. So for all of the positives and negatives, thank you.

I hope you are well. I don't know where you are in life, but it dealt you some difficult cards when I knew you, but cards I knew you could turn into a beautiful picture with your knowledge, abilities, and attitude. You are one of the people I desperately wish I could track down, find, and talk to once more. I choose to believe that you got everything you want in life, and are living your dream nowadays. Few were as positive and uplifting as you, and you deserved the world. I hope you got it.

Glacier Knight
So much of what I said to Gem applies to you too. You were less talkative about your personal life, but I obviously have such a strong association between the two of you as we were a terrible trio back then. So many positive memories with you, ones that have become foundational to who I am as a person. I met someone else aliasing as Glacier once, and I wished so much when I asked them if they had ever been a part of a Pokemon community that it was you. No such luck. I hope you are well, wherever you are, whatever you are doing.

God, I hope you have email notifications on for pings. That would be the absolute funniest thing, I think. No, it makes no sense to ping you here. I don't care. I think it's funny. Over/under on you logging in at some point before 2030 is probably like, 35%, don't make a new account having forgotten you made this one.

I wanted to write a joke here, because I know you would laugh at it and you would know what you mean to me without me needing to spell it out. But I don't want to make any jokes throughout all of this for the folks that have changed my life through Smogon (Hew happening to have an account doesn't count). I think you took me to task for the negatives growing up and on return, and celebrated me for the positives then and now. Additionally, you definitely took yourself to task for your own negatives, and in turn I hope to celebrate your positives with you as well.

You got a message out of the blue one day from me, asking to be a mod for The Competitor. For some reason, you agreed, and let me. That was a learning experience for me, and I appreciate it so much that you did. Your infectuous positivity and fantastical stories made you more real than life, and I appreciate having been closer friends with you than most. I don't know if you'll ever see this, I don't even know if you remember Smogon positively, but for at least one person, you had a positive impact that won't be forgotten.

What's to say that wasn't said in person? You've been a great friend to me, both back then and nowadays. Our paths have diverged further than it had been before, but it meant so much to me that you reached out to me and put in the effort to meet me in person when I was in town. Talking to you about mafia and in person was like picking up from the old days, but with a decade of growth tacked on. I'm glad we crossed paths again, and that we have circles in common still.

Maybe I should've just left this in the PO section, but you were different. You cared, you were friendly despite the hostility surrounding us, and even after we stopped being in touch I have positive memories of our interactions. I don't know where you are, I remember that your situation in real life was not great during our friendship, so I hope that has improved since. I hope life is what you've wanted to be and made of it, and while I don't think you'll ever see this, I've not forgotten you.

There are two posts of yours that make me proud of myself. One is a Flying Press staff post about my behavior and contributions to The Competitor and The Smog, and the other is a Badge Nom post about why I was never considered for TD. I think about those posts a fair bit, and maybe once or twice a year, go take a look at them again. If I ever wonder about my life, where I've gone or how I've improved, I look up those posts and recognize what I used to be, and know that I am not that person anymore. Thank you for recognizing my failures of the past.

I met you in person. You were the first I did. As a trans woman who didn't even know what being trans was during an era of the internet where woman were expected to post images of themselves to prove they were woman, meeting someone in person (let alone posting an image to the Photo Album) was a huge barrier to surmount for me. Thank you for being such a good friend and so open to helping me surmount that. You knew me during that timeframe and still met up with me to say hi in person. Thank you.

Maybe a bit more of a stretch here, hi, but you gave me a community in a video game with Smogcraft and OOSOS that, and I can't super explain this, mattered more to me than I expected. Late night games of OOSOS where I wasn't expected to mic (except that one time I didn't realize I wasn't muted and accidentally laughed) and random mining expiditions on the server truly gave me something of joy that I haven't forgotten. I still think about that square "castle" on a snow biome mountain and your stunned pause seeing it.

As someone who remembers you primarily from 2010-2014, you continue to have a presence that is intimidating to me. However, your friendliness and unending well of support for others in every context has been something very calming to lean on during difficult times. You've always had an open ear and good advice, and it's crystal clear to me that you are, foundationally, a good person. You barely knew me before you were already offering to help with a major personal life problem I'm going through. I can't speak my appreciation enough.

Me modding Circus Maximus still confuses me, but I've appreciated the opportunity so much. I was certain I had hit "the limit" and wasn't going to get any new badges or mod positions ever again, and then you reached out. I'm so thrilled that Revival happened and that all of these games have happened. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to help moderate this community, every struggle about behavior issues here is drowned out by a dozen wonderful experiences with so many people who genuinely are here to have fun and be lovely people.

I think you explained to me once why you added me to your friend Discord server, but I don't remember why. I can't understate how much I appreciated it. I was barely active and felt pretty on the outside, so to be pulled into a server with a bunch of folks who I only vaguely knew of that seemed happy to have me there was a really wonderful experience. I wish I enjoyed "friend servers" more than I did, because I genuinely appreciated the opportunity to be present in your world.

I don't quite know how we met and began interacting, but you have never been someone I've dreaded see a message pop up from. Whether it's tournaments work, ROA discussions, larger Smogon theory, or just casual chats about where we're at and how we got there, conversations with you are rarely a struggle. I'm glad that you've passed some of the barriers you mentioned struggling with during some of our conversations, and I hope you've overcome the mental barriers as well.

Genuinely a lovely person, the speed in which you and I went from never interacting to sharing several social circles is a bit jarring, but I don't regret more opportunities to interact with you in a social setting. Your ability to determine the appropriate tone of response so consistently is something that I deeply envy and try to learn from, as my own ability to do so is notoriously weak. Tournament hosts are folks I hold in high respect, and you take to the work naturally. Up the kens.

When I left Smogon, I left a dream of wanting to be a TD and wanting to mod The Smog. One of those two things stopped being a thing. The Flying Press has been a beautiful spiritual successor, and the fact that you wanted me onboard the team has completed my checklist of things from a long time ago that I wish I could've accomplished. The Smog may no longer exist, but every itch I felt I wanted to scratch by helping run that project has more than enough been met because you decided to take a swing on some random retiree.

I actually have no idea how we became friends. We have little overlap in responsibilities on the site or shared circles, yet you've had no problem just chatting with me about silly things. As someone who is actively not social and not someone who struggles to hold or start conversations, you don't seem to mind that, which is appreciated silently. I've talked in other blurbs about how I dislike getting messages, but you've never messaged me with anything negative or with any expectation of long conversations.

When I came back to the site, it was never with the hope of becoming a tournament director, I never even thought I'd host tournaments, but here we are yet. I would've not considered being a TD during the old system, but the new system works really well and hosting is specifically what I enjoy, so I'm beyond thrilled that you wanted me onboard. That's not even to say your trust in me for the Tour Host badge, wanting me to be the one handling the information gathering and letting me direct and target policy discussions on it.

"i have 0 clue why ur on smogon ngl af" I think about this message at least once a week. For such a side point commentary, it's had a positive outsized effect on who I am as a person. I'd already known that I'm only here for my own joy at this point, but your message drives the point home that my own joy is my first priority, and that with no bucket list goals left to accomplish, that whenever that joy goes away, I can drop things. As an aside, without you I dunno how long it takes for me to further climb the Draft ranks, so thank you for that too.

I have a habit of thinking that others do not like me. You have a habit of not giving up on people, not letting them sit in their own misery and misconceptions. We've had more than one conversation about how others view us and how we view others, for two people who have very little to talk about other than our shared moderation position. While I don't think I quite ever internalize your recommendation to not see the shadows as trying to jump at me, I appreciate your inability to just shrug and move on.

Your pragmatic positivity and your unfailing belief in others is something that I wish I could model, if I spent significant time working on. If not for you, I probably don't have most of the things on the site I have - your good word to TFP staff, letting me host Draft's second-ever tour after taking a huge gamble on adding a random no-name to the tournament staff listing. If not for you and your ability to see good in others, I'm probably just another name on the list of folks who stepped away from Smogon and came back worse.

We don't talk much anymore, but I appreciate the friendship you showed me when I was really getting into Smogon Discord for the first time. I wish I was able to be more active or involved in the server you've invited me to, but I've long since found out that those types of spaces are incredibly socially draining for me. Seeing your stock in the Monotype community improve and increase has been so lovely to see, from someone who I remember talking to as feeling isolated and on the outside there.

You're actually the first person I've successfuly said "no" to on Smogon when offered a position. It means the world to this antisocial introvert that you thought I was the correct fit to lead a Discord server with tens of thousands of people, and it means even more that when I said no and suggested other names, you took that genuinely and went forward with those names. I think I'd still have done it if you had come back to ask again, but I think I appreciate beyond words you not coming back to me.

You scare me still, honestly. But I work on myself knowing that if you do genuinely dislike me, you do a very good job of hiding it. I wish so so much that I could feel comfortable in casual social environments and return the favor for bringing me into your friend server, but it's something that I've long since decided wasn't going to be trying to do. You've been a wonderful person to work alongside, and I hope you find joy in every step you take and find friends around every corner. Those that reject you will come to regret not having you.

My math may be off, but I think you being willing to bring me onboard for OSDT was the first trophy tournament I hosted, and I pin a lot of my current TD position to showing my ability to be at least somewhat competent in that environment. Handling activity claims/unplayed games and the replays/stats for OSDT was a wonderful first touch at both Swiss and trophy tour hosting, and while we don't really interact much outside of that context, I've only ever heard good things and the limited experience I've had has reinforced that.

I'm so sorry. I place a lot of blame on myself for what happened with Low Tier, as I was the loudest voice encouraging us to stay on the path that eventually led to what happened. I know I've apologized to you before for a number of steps in that process, but in the time since I've come to appreciate the outsized effort you were willing to put into for a tour that you weren't even originally slated to be involved in. Truly a selfless act that I will ever appreciate. I hope what little I was able to contribute helped ease things for you.

Sorry for being a stick-in-the-mud about analyses, and thank you for being so insistent on trying to see if it was at all possible. I think it's clear from an outside observer that it's worked very well. You've always had an open ear for me despite being incredibly busy both on the site and in your personal life, and very rarely do I feel like the things I bring to you are actually worth your time. But never do I feel like you've come out with the same opinion.

2011 Social Groups
I was probably unnecessarily harsh on you folk, we were all basically kids back then and the Social Groups were a unique thing that you folk took to and for whatever reason I resented. Did you know that even nowadays I associate 2011 join date people with negative emotions from those Social Groups? I hope all of you collectively are in good places now, long gone from Smogon now that the site's software doesn't support the structure. I don't have positive memories of my behavior here, but that's an important thing to remember as well.

I wish CAM succeeded. I know that a number of you had individual success in various sections of the site that you dedicated yourself to, and a handful are even still around to some extent. I do genuinely think that CAM could've been something had there been a bit more attention or time, but the present is built on the littered corpses of the past, and plenty of those corpses deserved better. I've long since forgotten what we'd done, but I have fond memories of us attempting to learn about competitive Pokemon through it.

From back then to now, CAP's always fascinated me, and I hope to become slowly more active in it. It certainly isn't what I remember it, it's grown so much in size and in process since stuff like Voodoom and Aurumoth. While much of it is a bit beyond me (stats numbers go up! is about all I can get out of some sections), getting reinvolved in some of the sections I can be involved in is something I hope to do more in the future. It's amazing to see where CAP has come from where I remember it. Here's to many more.

Circus Players
For an antisocial introvert, it's odd that I've played in every non-live mafia game in Revival. It's odder still, to me at least, that you all have welcomed someone like me into this space so freely, treating me as an equal and a peer and respecting the silly ideas I have both as a host and as a player. For someone who doesn't like socializing, playing in games here have been very fun and I appreciate the opportunity. It's nice to have people where I can play a game about lying with and not have to worry about long-term consequences.

Discord Mains
I don't talk to most of you anymore. I'm not even sure who of you remember me, or were around "long enough ago" to remember me hanging out in the mornings. Socializing is hard, and you all seem to enjoy it even while I struggle. This category is endlessly vast, but that's fine, I'm not talking to any specific person or group of personalities. I miss IRC deeply, but the community you all have created on a new platform with new tools and toys has been fascinating to see for someone deeply stuck in ways long past.

Discord Mods
I promise I'll run that tour soon, it's just right this moment things are Busy. You all have been endlessly supportive of me as I take care of things like appeals and stuff like that, and I've been shocked at the amount of positive comments and affirmations from y'all. While I wish I could be doing more, and again, I will run that tour, being someone who struggles with socialization you all have happily welcomed me onboard the mod team despite not doing much of the actual day-to-day moderating.

I wouldn't have returned to Smogon if not for y'all. I wouldn't have tried to be active on the site if not for y'all. You all play such a cool format and way to play the game that is so refreshing and enjoyable, it's one of the few times I wish I was actually good at the game - I don't even enjoy playing Pokemon! Draft has been a refreshing format, and the opportunity to help out where I can has been so lovely. So much of what I've accomplished on the site since return is a direct result of you all welcoming me in with open arms.

Fishy's Server
While I'm not a social person, I did try to interact with y'all, and even made some good friendships with folks here. While I don't think I'd be able to do it again nowadays, given that the theme of this groups section has been "actually, interacting with people sucks", I appreciated the social environment as I returned to the site and the learning I got to experience. Y'all even helped me through a couple of things I was struggling with, which I never was truly able to repay, but I often take more from others than I give.

I talked about this in Sal's shoutout, but the Minecraft community, from Smogcraft to OOSOS to just the Skype groups, was really a helpful escape and joy during the old times for me. I don't remember most of the folks from this group nowadays, but there was something nice during the old Minecraft days before Elytras and Guardians and village trading and whatever. Just logging onto the server to do some mining quietly, or staying up late playing OOSOS. An itch that hasn't been scratched in any server I've been on since.

Misc Contributors / Mentorship
So many names I considered giving individual shoutouts that I didn't. People I didn't remember where I knew them from, just that I did. People who contributed to the site for the sake of contributing to the site, for the joy of writing or drawing or creating or discussing whatever the topic of the month was, their personal pet projects, et cetra. So many nameless names that have left lasting impact on who I am as a person and the type of language of affection that I've developed. To create is to live, and so many of you lived.

Most of you didn't make the jump to Smogon, and the few that did are long gone. My first forum, wouldn't be here if not for y'all, wouldn't be running tournaments if not for the Battle Tower I ran or the tournaments subforum I tried so hard to fit into. This is one of those things that I don't know who I'd be if not for Neoseeker, but I also couldn't pinpoint what exactly changed about me as a result. I was a literal kid (for those curious, absolutely breaking COPPA on Neoseeker) and those formative experiences do so much.

My pathological liar days. Not knowing what being trans was didn't help. Sorry. I wronged plenty of folks here, and that's something that is just part of my history nowadays. I could probably find a few folks and apologize to them, some of them are still even active. But most of the folks are long gone and searching them down doesn't seem like the right course of action and not a skill I want to develop. I sometimes compare the person I was back then to who I am now as an example to myself of my worst moments versus my best.

Private IRC Channels
I don't like their grandchildren now, the "circlejerk" or "friendcords" that exist now, they aren't the place for me. But for a much younger me, desperate for validation and a place to call home, took to the few I was invited to like wildfire. Never about anything specific, these places were just a person and anyone they thought was cool, and occassionally some others that their friends vouched for. Passing the time talking in invite-only places meant so much for a bullied teenager who had nobody in real life.

When I marked this down, I didn't know if that meant present-day TDs or old school TDs. I had friends in the latter, but the former I actually interact with regularly. Old school TDs put up with so much of my terrible behavior and ideas, and modern TDs are a wonderful group of people to work with. It's hard to name specific folk outside the couple above, but between then and now I've interacted with a ton of TDs who put up with me. It's often seen as thankless work, and I can understand that perspective. Here's a thanks - thank you.

The Smog and TFP
Another "then and now" split, there isn't much overlap nowadays but being TFP staff and seeing the shoulders of giants we still stand on and knowing that I was there, at least in part, for their formation and growth, is something I appreciate and don't take for granted. My first badge came from The Smog and The Flying Press has become a loving home for me to contribute and write while being absolutely terrible at Pokemon. Few things have felt similar between then and now, but TFP was very clearly lovingly made by The Smog's staff and others.

The Treehouse
A side server on PO, always within the top 15 or so (and so, the visible front page) of servers back during the PO days. A place to hand out, relax, ocassionally watch high level games when Smogon tournament folk came over to play their games on a stable server that ran Smogon formats. A surprising amount of the staff folk there went on to do notable stuff here on Smogon, and when I see them around, I remember those old days, even if I'm not sure anyone else does. I'm not sure how many people even remember The Treehouse at all.

Tournament Hosts
I like to host tournaments, and it's so cool to see such a wide range of folks on the site hosting tours. Hosting used to be very different back in the day, and new Smogon comes with its pros and cons, but one pro is that there are many more tours, and many more tournament hosts! From the folks asking me for advice (what a strange concept to me), to the folks I host alongside, to the folks who I play in tours of, it's so lovely to see a deep range of people from all parts of the site putting their time towards making playing 'mons more than just the ladder.
(I have host permission to post this btw)
Congratulations again on 10,000 posts a fairy !!! Here's to many more Circus games together :blobwizard:
I'm here. I'm very sad that sunny was town. Honestly, I'm very confused at the quantity of players who have turned out to be village in this game.

To summarize the main points that have happened so far, some villagers got shipped to the same location N2 based on how much the leaders (sunny, pulsar, and m2h) trusted people in their own district. I was sent by M2H, bluedoom was sent by sunny, and AF was sent by pulsar. Redless also showed up for dumb reasons, but he's proven village now anyway so whatever.

Bluedoom claimed copier, and claimed to use NE's ability to prove that the 4 of us: himself, me, AF, and Redless, were all town. Given how many other players have flipped town, I no longer believe this to be possible.

I believe at most 2 of Alice Kazumi, genisu, and HydrogenHydreigon can be mafia at this point, given my understanding of their claims and my understanding of which roles have not yet been claimed by other users. There is a role that I am absolutely confident exists on the village, and it is claimed in part by both Alice and HH. I'd be beyond shocked if they were both scum. They may well both be village.

Given that, and given that I believe the mafia had to have started with four players, BD's claim that there were no mafia in VV on n2 is no longer believable.

This logic also concludes that genisu is scum, which makes some sense, given his claim and given m2h's flip. But the most reasonable to conclusion to me right now is:

Vote bluedoom
Thanks for doing this analysis. I actually hadn’t even thought about the fact that we’ve burned up our poe and no longer have enough people where that result makes sense anymore. I thought bluedoom seemed scummy but your reasoning makes sense

*paranoia begin* of course the alternatives are

bluedoom is town and AF and aska are scum buddies (surely it’s unlikely??)


Aska is bussing for towncred as mafia have realized they are running into two many clears

I don’t have time to think it through but I will say I believe both of these scenarios are fairly unlikely and even more so given who has posted in this thread so far. *end paranoia*
Are we just randing districts tonight

We are in the stage where we are running out of bodies so perhaps we just need to hope for the best?? Otherwise if someone could create a plan on where to send people. I think a 3-3-3 split is good. We really just need minimum 1 person in all to force an election

Wow thats an awful thought that we basically just need to get lucky to get a vote off
Are we just randing districts tonight

We are in the stage where we are running out of bodies so perhaps we just need to hope for the best?? Otherwise if someone could create a plan on where to send people. I think a 3-3-3 split is good. We really just need minimum 1 person in all to force an election

Wow thats an awful thought that we basically just need to get lucky to get a vote off
I'll choose central
I will give some of my thoughts here because I don't like many things in thread.

My initial thought when seeing the district distribution this cycle is that it makes bluedoom and a fairy look townier. If they are both scum what the hell was town doing last evening when choosing districts?

If I understood correctly sunny could decide player districts beforehand right? The number of players that were relocated exceeds the number of uses sunny could do even with my fragmented information. Some of them were extremely scummy like this cycle aura guardian being relocated to pulsar districts when they are both greenchecks. It also makes sense because while mafia endgame is stronger by nature in this setup town had pulsar's, sunny's and blazade's role to counter it, its probably overkill from a a setup perspective and if town played it correctly (we didn't) it would be extremely town favoured.

My role is worse than you think and it only has a single restriction. Celever in cycle 3 told me than the other player that has my role is more restricted than mine so I guess HH has a second ability? If this is untrue correct me please.

Mafia second kill this cycle was activated by empty district? That is another mafia ability for endgame I guess if true.

Given how endgame plays here there and the number of mislynches 3 mafia players is more probable than 5. I agree with askaninjask in that the number is probably 4 anyways.

I will wait for the host to see if I can post an image with the reasoning of me wanting to vote either genisu or hh.

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